
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Next step.

Zain proposed the idea of creating a kroken monster subdomain. Luther also volunteered to have a rhino warrior subdomain by capturing the rhino warrior monsters that lived nearby.

Making these monsters settle inside the domain would definitely fortify the nature domain, where all kinds of monsters thrived.

Viru started pondering on how he could efficiently structure the first level of his dungeon so that it would feel significantly difficult for the intruders to defeat and cross it successfully.

'Zain, do you think it would be easy to capture your entire village and make them comply with my conditions?' Questioned Viru.

'It's not impossible, Viru sama. It's a relatively small village and 70 percent of the kroken monsters do not possess half the intelligence that I had before becoming a part of your dungeon. The rest of them are relatively intelligent and powerful, but they are still not as powerful as the current me. We can defeat them with little effort. We should only be careful about the village chief.' Zain explained the state of his previous village.

'Okay then, what are we waiting for? Let's march there right now.' Said Viru.

'Viru sama, as Zain said, I believe that it is not necessary to involve our entire group in this matter. I suggest that we let the subordinates train for atleast a week more in the forest. This will give enough time for the first level to develop itself so that we don't have to worry much. The current situation of the level would turn troublesome if left unattended.' Navia put forth her suggestion, proving her valuable skills as an administrator.

'You're indeed correct Navia. It would be an absolute exaggeration to go all in. We should also remain here to protect the dungeon.' Concluded Viru.

'Okay then, Pyra, Zain, Rosev, and Luro, you will head to the Kroken monster village led by Zain in a week's time. Train as a group or individually if you want. I want this task accomplished with minimal harm done to my future subordinates in the Kroken village.'

I'll take Luther, Rex, and Karina to the Rhino Warrior village.'

'Try not to kill as much as you can when you are there. I won't question your choices even if you couldn't, but try to be reasonable.' Ordered Viru.

'Viru sama, the main hall village needs some immediate measures too. Even though I have unlocked the builder class, I need more knowledge of modern construction techniques that are being used in other kingdoms and empires. When I was a kid, I've seen more sturdy concrete buildings in our town. I solemnly believe that I can learn and construct them if I have access to such knowledge through books or mentors. Viru sama, I implore you to consider seeking such knowledge to make our village progress rapidly.'

Said Marve with enthusiasm and sparkle for innovation in his eyes.

'That would also be the same case for everyone here, Viru Sama. The soldiers and guards would greatly benefit from having a place to learn and practice their skills and improve their strength.'

Said Navia agreeing to what Marve mentioned.

'So what we lack is training and experience in utility and combat skills. I can agree that we don't have much revolutionary techniques. Our current situation is pretty close to the Stone Age.' Added Viru.

'Viru sama, as I mentioned earlier we can try to enter the nearby kingdoms and see what we can learn from them. But I also think that it is important to fortify our defenses before we step into further exploration of the kingdoms and empires.' Said Luro, having worldly knowledge as a former noble child in a faraway demihuman Kingdom.

'I too agree. First, we improve our dungeon's defense so that we don't have to entirely depend on the Dragon, Cylia. After that, we can start planning a visit to a nearby kingdom' Said Viru.

As the briefing was completed, both parties left to proceed with their tasks and training.

A week passed by, the first level was left to flourish into a full-grown forest. The monsters and beasts inside the domain also seemed pretty formidable. Any ordinary intruder would have a hard time just getting through the forest. The mother grayon and the cubs grew even stronger under the dungeon's influence.

Finally, the guardian, the forest walker established its rule over the entire first-level nature domain. It could sense anything that's happening precisely inside a vast area around it. The range didn't cover the entire nature domain but it was still a huge area. Enemies entering this area would lose their way, as the forest Walker would confuse their senses and lead them to terrifying monsters.

After a week of intense training, all of Viru's subordinates had taught themselves about their attributes and class systems. They could now efficiently use them and strategically plan according to the enemy they were about to face. They've developed new skills and formations that would prove valuable during a battle.

Viru himself had mastered his own power which allows him to use all the skills and racial abilities of his subordinates and guardians. He even managed to master two of the star dragon's skills. They aren't as powerful as the dragon's, but still formidable enough to easily defeat monsters that are as strong as him.

Viru was very satisfied with his team's improvement. They were all outstanding individuals with rare talents. Their levels also raised quite a lot. The task of subduing the villages didn't seem impossible anymore.

The group agreed to proceed with their plans as discussed a week ago. They bid each other good luck and ventured into the forest in two different directions.

The dungeon was left to the forest walker and various other monsters in the nature domain to guard.

Luro was made in charge of the party headed to the Kroken monster village. Leadership qualities seemed to be very natural to him. This was because his role as a lich required him to have impeccable leadership qualities to command his undead. He has been through more battles than any other subordinates of Viru.

Pyra, even though on par with Luro in strength and combat abilities, didn't have much interest in being a leader. She's the true embodiment of free spirit with formidable bravery. Her brawler class aided her to be flexible with her close-range attacks. Even long-range fighters would have a hard time with Pyra due to her astonishing agility. The tougher the battle, the more spirited Pyra became.

Viru wanted Pyra to have more experience without him by her side. She needed more real-life battle experience and had to improve upon her skills. As Viru's intentions willed, Pyra's evolution seemed to be heading into a more humanoid version. In her brawler form, she looked like an early teenager with bird features on her face.

In the future, she would have more balance of humanoid and monstrous features making her a formidable brawler. Pyra seemed to have the ability to revert back to her bird form whenever it was convenient for her. In her battle form, she has enough dexterity in her wing-attached fists to deliver devastating blows.

Having Zain, who is a formidable shield would enhance the party's performance. Zain already learned how to manipulate the soil and use it to his advantage. His mud attribute has increased his defense by a noticeable amount. With him covering the allies, Pyra, Luro and Rosev can focus more on attack.

Rosev with his newfound archery skills has proved incredibly valuable to the group, he has done exceptionally well in capturing monsters to guard the nature domain.

Even though the task ahead was a difficult one to complete. Viru had his utmost trust in this party to subdue the kroken monster village. These four can overpower the high-level monsters in the Korken monster village including the powerful village chief. It depended on their coordination and tactical skills. It also hugely depended on Luro's leadership qualities to exert the maximum potential of the party.

This would evidently serve as a valuable experience for the group in the future. As the statements mentioned by Luro, Navia, Cylia, and others, Revara housed several powerful creatures and kingdoms that Viru had no possibility of defeating.

He had to take such risks for the bigger picture.