"Only individuals who are full of themselves can love" Nietzsche. What is love? Only a feeling? Or something more? Is love only a result of, purely evolution? A need to reproduce trying to keep a species alive? Something Spiritual? May not have the true answer, but "Where there was nothing, it became true"
"So... Do you feel better?"
Sato looks down, at the waiting woman, her face hiding concern, she places her hands on Sato's shoulders.
"Do you feel the need to call an ambulance?"
"No I'm fine, it's just..."
"I don't like the way you are looking at me"
"Need time alone? I can back anoth-"
"No, it's not that... It's... Couldn't you not worry about me? I'm fine"
Kizuna shuts down for a time, she understands the situation differently, her little experience says that Sato won't say anything else if she doesn't open up, and if Sato doesn't throw her words out, she will drown in her own mind.
"Yes I can, but I chose to worry about you, a fellow human being, we are in the 21st century, the time of pain and suffering should have died long ago"
"But I'm not suffering, I'm good don't you see it!"
Kizuna knows people can't be convinced by words, so she chooses to act, she takes the cup from Kizuna's hands and forces a hug, Sato tries to complain, but receives a quick answer.
"I see that you aren't suffering, but I feel as you do, you are sorrowing because of the others, making everyone concerned and suffer with you, a cycle of pain, relax a little and let go away, let this cycle of hate go and create one of kindness and wisdom"
Kizuna stands to risk more, she gets closer to Akira's ear, taking the opportunity of her paralyzed state to add more.
"We are not bound by a rule, after all, we are humans, we can't do anything about your past, but we can mold a future, I have no idea of what you had to endure, but it's fine, it's impossible to please everyone"
Akira tries to process, but she stays still, not saying anything, the words Kizuna says seem right, but she can't truly comprehend them like they were only noises and not music.
"You are spacing out, Akira, stay with me"
"No, I wasn't, I just can't understand you"
"You are not well, take my hand I lead you to your bedroom, sleep a little may help you, unless you are hungry or thirsty, do you want more water?"
"I'm fine, leave me alone"
"Only after you lay down, then I will go"
After that, Akira doesn't know what happened, she feels the comfort of her bed, and the coldness of her body, until she eventually awakes with a headache, she looks around and sees that already is dark.
~ Saturday 7:00 PM ~
She feels weaker but manages to sit, when she was to stand up, she notices a letter on the floor, a simple piece of paper with some not-well-done words, but comprehensive enough.
"So Akira, if you are reading this I'm probably at home, it's 4 PM now, you didn't look in danger so I decided to let you rest with more privacy, I left the Ice cream in your fridge, I thought you would wake up hungry so I made something for you eat as well, it's simple, I know, you will know, I'm not the best at cooking, since I enjoy eating out."
"No need to think about me, feel ashamed and all, really, you are a tough girl, it's ok, you are human, it's normal to get tired, seriously, don't idealize the dead Japanese worker, they will forget about him a week later, I hope you are doing well, I was to let my phone number here, but my smartphone just decided to not live today, that's why I took so long to come back, I will appear again tomorrow"
"Oh, I also did some chores for you, I would like to ask first, since it's your place, but I decided to take the freedom this time, don't bother yourself with these things, really, take a good night off rest, well, that's it, my final message for you, sleep tight!"
After this, some well-done drawings of hearts can be seen, and a seal of a purple kiss, aside from a small note.
"Ps: No need to be embarrassed, you can throw this out, I wanted to mark a kiss on a paper, never did that, I feel a little cringe"
~ Sunday 10:00 ~
"Knock knock"
A neutral voice says on the door, Akira knows who is it, but the possibility of not being, already starts her.
"Common, knock knock"
"W-Who is there?"
"Daigo, Kizuna, at your service"
"At your service"
Akira opens the door, and nothing different from the usual can be seen, only the more lively person who exists there.
"So, did you sleep well?"
Kizuna walks into the place, looking for anything unusual, to her eyes, everything is in order, the same way she let before go.
"Yes, thanks for the food from yesterday"
"I will be straight to the point"
Kizuna's voice carries seriousness, as she looks at the fridge, again startling Akira's poor mind.
"Can I take one of the ice creams I gave to you?"
"... Why are you doing that?"
"No much reason, I just wanted to see something"
Kizuna analyzes her clothes, hair, and skin, but everything seems in order, she can't help but to feel something is wrong.
"... Why are you looking at me like that, Kizu- I mean, Daigo"
Kizuna takes a time to answer, she gives a silly smile at first before walking outside the kitchen to the living room again.
"Daigo, Kizuna, I didn't reveal my surname until now, noticed?"
"It's a simple test, I wanted to know if you feel close enough to speak with me by my name, plus, I wanted to seem a little mysterious this time, but no playing around, we have serious things to discuss"
"Serious... Things?"
"Yep, you have burnout, don't you? You've been numb, locked in your mind, tired of being tired"
"... What? No, I don't... Have this problem"
"Look, I don't know, but people always says it's hard, you really need to open yourself, or these words you have in your mind, you probably have it, will pierce you from inside"
"I don't have these words... I... You can't understand me"
When it's time to take action, Kizuna's posture changes, from the usual flexible and leaf one to a more correct one, back straight, eye to eye, and a sharp smile, simple and clear voice of a determined person.
"Indeed, the only person who can understand is you, and no one else, I'm probably not doing a good procedure, but we need to work with this, I want to be your friend"
"What are you saying?"
"I want to be your friend, pal, buddy, companion, but you don't trust me, you can count on me, I will do everything in my power to help you"
"Look... I'm not doing so well... Can you please leave me alone"
"Sato, it's the third time you are doing this, I know I'm a pain to deal with, but let's not avoid this time, I've been trying to distract you from problems, but that's not working"
"Why are you doing this?"
"Sato, that's not the first time I've said, do we need a reason to help the others?"
"What do you want?"
"I want to listen to you, I talk so much that I barely hear your voice, I want to hear what you think, what you feel, what you want"
"I... I don't want to talk about this"
"And you don't want to listen as well, do you remember what I told you yesterday?"
Daigo's voice changes from playful to annoyed, dark expression, she looks down, closes her smile, and stop looking at Sato's eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"After you wake up, what I told you when I hugged you, do you remember?"
"Do you remember the message I wrote for you before I go?"
"When I visited you in your new apartment, what day was it? Can you remember?"
"It was..."
"Sato, what day is today?"
"Sunday, it's Sunday, do you see now?"
"Hey, are you ok, Kizun- Daigo?"
"Hm? Yeah I'm perfectly fine, but it seems I'm the one who wants to stay alone now, I will be back"
Kizuna starts to walk aiming the door, she makes sure to not make eyes contact and force her usual quiet steps to make noise.
"Wait Kizuna!"
"Wait for the time continues? I was trolling, just seeing if you actually care for me, I know, it's not cool, and surprisingly worked, but I want you to wake up, are you awake now?"
"I... I am, I feel awake now"
"That's good, how many cups of coffee do you usually drink?"
"I... Only drink one or two"
"Ok, lots of coffee to make them"
"Keep you aware, I think we have a long talk ahead"
And you as well my fellow reader, take a pause, drink water, if you were reading from the beginning, which I think it's impressive because this novel doesn't seem good to me, almost trashy, you probably stopped paying attention, don't rush, take your peace, help the people near you, how are they feeling? Did you stop to hear yourself?