

Nurse Belle works to save lives while Ceres assassinates people. In an extraordinary twist of fate, these two souls now occupy the same body. If that wasn't bad enough, Ceres found out that the person she killed became Belle's colleague in this life. Worse, she still loves him. However, Belle wants no part in letting this man into her heart for the second time. Her body -her decision! And that's NO TO DR. ELIEZER RIVERA. Unfortunately for her, Ceres has a lot of ways to throw her plan in disarray. * *Excerpt* He was the gentlest doctor I know. He took care of me and did his best to help me regain my memories; those that include my fondest encounters with him and the worst. His gentle smile was the one that captured my heart. Yes, he was the gentlest doctor. He should be. That was what I thought! So, why am I locked between this damn wall and his arms?! What is he planning to do?! Why is he looking at me as if he wants to devour me?! (Ceres, help me.) Belle called forth to the woman hiding in her subconsciousness. Her heart wasn’t prepared for this. And her eyes! Oh, her eyes couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “Doc?” She called out this distant word which she stopped doing several months ago. Eli never lost his composure even to the woman that he once loved – Jillyanna Madrid. Yet, when he learned that some evil guy was checking out his patient, who was also his junior at work, he flared out. His annoyance got the best of him and brought them to where they are now. He just wanted to see if that man had successfully lured her out. He didn’t mean for this to happen. He could see confusion in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to call him, he couldn’t move his eyes away from her parted lips. When she swallowed dryly, he trailed down to the sight of her throat and found her chest moving up and down. He felt hot like molten lava was doused on him. “What is so good about that guy?” Eli asked before he could stop himself. Whenever he thought that she likes that person, something stirred deep inside his heart and irked him so much. He wanted to tear himself apart and see what was wrong inside him. “Someone out there must be better than him. Look for someone else.” “Well, there will always be someone better at something. Prince was kind enough to - “ The world stopped and her vision was covered in darkness. She could not see his expression and she was having difficulty in breathing. Her lungs hurt. For a moment, she felt weak and stopped breathing as she closed her eyes and brought Ceres to deal with this. “You are not allowed to talk about any other man with me. Hearing their names annoys me. You can only look at me and smile at me.” And he locked their lips once again. The taste of her was addicting and he just wanted to suck the nectar out of her mouth. [What the heck are you doing?!] Ceres questioned mentally the moment she felt those lips on hers. She wasn’t informed that she’d be dealing with this. [Belle, I will make you pay for this trick!] (As if you don't like his kisses!) ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend discord: Oning #3030 ***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

_frieyaVida · Urban
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259 Chs


Although she said that she will be taking a rest in her room, in truth she only went there and stayed for a few minutes before leaving the room again. She walked around the hot spring resort, taking note of all of the places where she could go in and go out without anyone noticing her. She also asked some of the staff if they knew the place that she was looking for.

"It's a little bit far from here. If you walk, you can get there in about thirty minutes," the staff said while pointing her finger at the map that Belle was holding. "Did you notice the fork in the road before getting here, there should be one before you get to this resort."

"Yeah, I did."

"The other direction would lead you to Arayat Village. It may be far from the city but this village almost got everything. Most of the time, we get supplies from them as well."

"What about this small forest that surrounds you and separates you from them? Does anyone own it?"

"Uhh, I am not sure about that. I never asked anyone about the forest."

Belle smiled and nodded her head in understanding. "Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it."

"No problem, ma'am. If there's nothing else, I'll return to work now."

The woman walked away and went back to her work while Belle started devising her plan. With Eli and Neon in the picture, she has to be careful since they might notice something odd about her. She can't afford to make Eli suspicious of her.

When evening came, the three of them had dinner together and a few minutes before coming over, Ceres took over Belle's body and decided to be naughty. (I'm warning you, girl. Don't do something immoral.)

[You promised that I can do whatever I want as long as I won't be touchy-feely with him. Don't go back on your words.]

(I am not. I am just reminding you.)

Ceres only grinned and did not respond to her words anymore.

Wearing a black yukata, Ceres made sure that it was properly tied around the waist but was still enough to showcase her chest. She has no qualms about doing so. When Belle noticed this, she was awed at this woman's shamelessness, and not just that, she was quite shocked that she was actually gifted with her chest. It wasn't that big and too small either. She thinks it was just the perfect size.

[You'll know it's the perfect size if it fits in his hands.]

(What the hell are you thinking?!)

Ceres giggled as she made her way to the kitchen and found Neon with Eli there. The two men, a small one and a big one, must have been talking about something funny because Neon laughed. The sound of his laughter stunned Belle for a moment before a smile slowly form on her lips.

[We have to protect that laughter and smile.]

(I know.)

"Hi, guys," she greeted them and sat on the cushion next to Neon. "Did you check the onsen already?"

"We did," Eli answered softly. "How about you?"

"I looked around earlier and the place seemed nice."

Eli looked away with the tips of his ears turning red. "Let's start ordering now," he said and a knock on the door timely came. Apparently, the staff was just waiting outside for the masters of the room to order what they like for dinner. "Neon, you can choose whatever you like to eat."

"What about me Eli?" Eli's attention instantly shifted to Belle but he, then looked away as if looking at her was a sinful thing to do. His face was now turning a little red as well. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just felt a little stuffy here."

The staff who waited for them to order was a little bothered by their words. She wasn't feeling hot at all and the room temperature was naturally set to 22 degrees Celsius due to the location of the area. It doesn't get hot in there.

Ceres shamelessly sat there with her yukata exposing a lot of her skin. Neon was already ordering the food he likes to try, not bothered with the world of the adults. Only Eli couldn't seem to move on from what he saw. It was lingering in his head.

"I'd like to have your best full-course meal here."

"Then, I'll just share with your food," Ceres said almost instantly. "I don't eat much for dinner since I'll be soaking in the bath. I'll have my fill in the morning."

"O-okay. I wasn't really asking for an explanation."

"I just wanted to."

Neon looked at the two of them with a frown. He was observing their faces carefully wanting to figure out if these two adults with him were fighting or not. He couldn't seem to fathom them and his sister's expression seemed off. It felt like she was teasing Eli all this time.


"Hn?" he responded without even looking at her. He was busy looking everywhere else but her.

Ceres cocked her head to the side and wondered by Eli wasn't looking at her. She has done her best to make her fall in love with her but he isn't even showing any interest.

(For god's sake, Ceres! I told you he's in love with Jillyanna Madrid!)

[That woman is married. He can't love someone who won't ever be his for the rest of his life.]

(Of course, he could. Besides, why are you trying to make him fall in love with me? I don't need that damn kind of relationship with him!)

Belle pulled the collar of her yukata together and secured herself from anyone prying eyes. Since she got her body back, she instantly became a proper lady. Ceres couldn't do anything about it anymore. She failed to seduce him.

(Don't ever bother doing it again. You will be wasting your time with him.)

[Without any conclusive evidence, I will continue to believe that Eli and General Joaquin are the same people.]

Belle sighed audibly and this caught Eli and Neon's attention. They were both looking at her with questioning gazes but she only smiled at them with no words to say.

Eli stared at Belle for a long time, not even bothering to hide his curious expression. He didn't know how to say it or if he should tell his opinion to Belle; that he thinks she has a split personality disorder. One moment, she was demure, proper, and gentle then, she would turn all haughty with confidence and would oftentimes tease him. He had been thinking about this thing for a little while now.

[Nah! That can't be the case. Maybe she's just someone who suppresses her real character to fit into society.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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