

Nurse Belle works to save lives while Ceres assassinates people. In an extraordinary twist of fate, these two souls now occupy the same body. If that wasn't bad enough, Ceres found out that the person she killed became Belle's colleague in this life. Worse, she still loves him. However, Belle wants no part in letting this man into her heart for the second time. Her body -her decision! And that's NO TO DR. ELIEZER RIVERA. Unfortunately for her, Ceres has a lot of ways to throw her plan in disarray. * *Excerpt* He was the gentlest doctor I know. He took care of me and did his best to help me regain my memories; those that include my fondest encounters with him and the worst. His gentle smile was the one that captured my heart. Yes, he was the gentlest doctor. He should be. That was what I thought! So, why am I locked between this damn wall and his arms?! What is he planning to do?! Why is he looking at me as if he wants to devour me?! (Ceres, help me.) Belle called forth to the woman hiding in her subconsciousness. Her heart wasn’t prepared for this. And her eyes! Oh, her eyes couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “Doc?” She called out this distant word which she stopped doing several months ago. Eli never lost his composure even to the woman that he once loved – Jillyanna Madrid. Yet, when he learned that some evil guy was checking out his patient, who was also his junior at work, he flared out. His annoyance got the best of him and brought them to where they are now. He just wanted to see if that man had successfully lured her out. He didn’t mean for this to happen. He could see confusion in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to call him, he couldn’t move his eyes away from her parted lips. When she swallowed dryly, he trailed down to the sight of her throat and found her chest moving up and down. He felt hot like molten lava was doused on him. “What is so good about that guy?” Eli asked before he could stop himself. Whenever he thought that she likes that person, something stirred deep inside his heart and irked him so much. He wanted to tear himself apart and see what was wrong inside him. “Someone out there must be better than him. Look for someone else.” “Well, there will always be someone better at something. Prince was kind enough to - “ The world stopped and her vision was covered in darkness. She could not see his expression and she was having difficulty in breathing. Her lungs hurt. For a moment, she felt weak and stopped breathing as she closed her eyes and brought Ceres to deal with this. “You are not allowed to talk about any other man with me. Hearing their names annoys me. You can only look at me and smile at me.” And he locked their lips once again. The taste of her was addicting and he just wanted to suck the nectar out of her mouth. [What the heck are you doing?!] Ceres questioned mentally the moment she felt those lips on hers. She wasn’t informed that she’d be dealing with this. [Belle, I will make you pay for this trick!] (As if you don't like his kisses!) ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend discord: Oning #3030 ***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

_frieyaVida · Urban
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259 Chs

[Bonus chapter] TO THE HOTSPRING

On their way to City D where the nearest hot spring could be found, Belle was silent the whole time. She didn't have anything to talk about with Eli and he seemed like he didn't want to talk to her either. His attention was on the road and the little kid sitting at the back.

"Neon, I placed some fruits and sandwiches inside your lunchbox since it will take us a little longer to get there. You can eat some if you feel hungry. We'll buy some takeouts on our way there."

"Thank you, Eli. I'll keep that in mind. I am not hungry at the moment," Neon responded before shifting his gaze to his sister. "What about you, Belle? You didn't join us for breakfast earlier. Are you hungry? I can give you some."

Belle finally showed a change in expression as she turned to look at her brother and smiled faintly at him. "Thanks for asking, buddy. I'm quite full right now."

"Eli made tuna sandwiches for you, though. You like them, right?"

[You are so boring!] Ceres exclaimed deep inside Belle's mind and took over Belle's body. She immediately smiled and stretched out her hands to the little guy sitting behind her. "I'll that offer. I'm hungry after hearing about tuna sandwiches."

"I knew it!" Neon cheerfully said in retort while taking out the sandwiches from his bag. "I told Eli that you like it and he made a lot for you."

Ceres turned the man beside her and raised the sandwich as if she was making a toast. "Thanks, Eli. Tuna sandwiches are my happy pill. Of course, that is apart from my little brother."

Eli just smiled without saying anything. It felt like he was suddenly talking to someone else. The gloomy Belle was gone and was replaced with this cheerful woman who loves to talk about other things.

"Oh! Look at that! There's a temple on the way to City D. Shall we visit that place on our way home?" This question wasn't only meant for Eli and Neon but for Belle as well who wanted to talk to a monk because of their current situation. "It would be great if we could pray for my recovery. I need to pray for more money so I can save, too. It's not always good to be a freeloader."

Eli's expression changed but it was so subtle that Ceres didn't notice. "Let's visit that place if we have more time on our way home."

"Really?! Thanks, Eli. You really don't go back on your words."

Eli kept himself silent all the way until they reached City D. Ceres didn't bother him to talk and just chatted with Neon. As soon as they reached the place, she observed the surroundings and took note of the places where she could hide once she goes off at night. After all, her priority was to find her godmother and deal with her.

"Good afternoon," Ceres greeted when she saw the staff walking to them.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Do you have reservations?"

"Yes, we do." It was Eli who answered the question and showed the electronic booking confirmation to the staff. The woman guided them inside the inn and brought them to the reception area. Eli signed some papers there for liability coverage just in case they damage some things or whatnot. "There should be two rooms."

"Yes, sir." The woman handed out two card keys and Eli gave the other one to Belle.

"Eli, how much is the night here? I don't - "

"You don't have to pay me. Take this as my treat. Stop thinking about repaying me."

Belle scratched the side of her face as she nodded her head but deep inside her mind, she was already noting this event down as something she needed to repay in the future. She might not be able to pay him in cash but she can also bring him on another trip that he could enjoy.

"Let's get inside our room. We can take a rest first before taking a dip in the hot spring."

Surprisingly, Belle took her body back and held her brother's hand as she asked, "Neon, do you want to bathe together? It's been a while since we last bathed together. I saw a sign of a mixed bath. We can go there."

"Really?! Yay! I can bath with Belle again."

"No, can't do!" Eli exclaimed before he could process her thoughts and stop his mouth from yelling. Both Neon and Belle looked at him in surprise. It was the first time that he yelled at both of them. Well, she was used to him yelling at her but she never saw him yell at Neon before.

"What's wrong with you? It's a normal thing between me and Neon. I have bathed with him for several years already."

Eli blushed and he was lost for words. He felt his throat has gone dry just thinking about Belle getting naked with another man even if that man was considered a little kid at this moment. His heart couldn't allow such a thing to happen and he didn't know why.

"Neon is growing. Soon he will reach puberty stage. As a woman, you should know how crucial that stage is for kids. Don't just spoil him because he is your brother."

"Ooohhh," Belle just nodded her head in agreement before shifting her gaze to Neon. "I get it. Then, shall we bath together?"

As if Eli's body was doused in fire, his temperature increased and he felt like he was burning. His face was so hot to his touch and his heart was beating like a drum. He was even worried that she would hear it. [This damn woman! It's no joking matter! How could she ask me that question?!]

While pondering over this matter, Belle already left with Neon to find their room on the third floor of the inn.

[hahahahahaha. Where did you learn that?] Ceres asked while laughing so hard at the back of Belle's mind. [I can't believe you would pull that teasing stunt with Eli. His face was indescribable.]

(I learned it from a certain someone whose shamelessness knows no bound.)

[You mean me?]

(Who else then?)

[Well, I am very proud of it. Oh, Eli. I want to tease him again. Hey, let me borrow your body for a while."


[Just a little while. I will just prank him. Just this once.]

(You're crazy.) Belle retorted but still allowed Ceres to use her body anyway. She knows what the woman was up to and she could only wait and see how things would turn. At least, she was getting back at him for the thing he did in the past.

[This isn't counted as revenge, right?]

(Teasing is not a form of revenge.)

[And what if he falls for you because we keep on teasing him?]

(That's not gonna happen. I know how much he loves Jillyanna Madrigal. There's no way he would fall for someone else. Can you stop daydreaming?)

Dejectedly, Ceres pressed her card key on the door lock and went inside. She can't believe that Eli would fall in love with a beast in sheep's clothing.

(Jillyanna is a good woman. Stop judging her.)

[I know a beast when I see one. Don't belittle my sense of danger.]


Ceres just pouted before jumping onto the bed and staring at the ceiling. [Let's think of a plan before teasing Eli. Our purpose for coming over isn't to enjoy the hot spring but to seek revenge for your brother.]

(I know.) Belle said but a few seconds later, she wanted to whack Ceres on the head. They just talked about their plan for revenge but Ceres was thinking of what she should wear to tease Eli tonight. This foreign soul was driving her mad! (Don't you dare wear something like that!) She yelled mentally when she caught sight of Ceres' ideas. She wanted to wear a yukata with nothing underneath. (That's - oh my god! I just want to die.)