
The Day i always waited for and the choices i made

My name was Nathan a perfectly normal American name. In high school i even new 2 Nates, 1 Ethan, and another 3 Nathans but we never particularly interacted. But moving on i was a...average person i guess i was above average in intelligence, average physical ability, a little short and over weight, my personality had nothing to speak of, i helped people when i could but i didn't go far out of my way i liked being around people but I wasn't very good at interacting with people due to being very inquisitive and annoying them. I had common sense something i felt alot of pride in everytime i saw the latest protest about not being able to live off minimum wage or people eating Tide pods. My Father loved me a great deal and would even willing give up lunch for a week to get me something if i asked so i didn't ask for alot of thing usually the latest game or some new clothes after wearing my current ones apart.

Now then to my story i having graduated highschool without my drivers license(not my fault i never got my required 60 hour in) sat at home most of the day doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and helping when asked. When not doing those i sat around the house alone reading or playing games until one day on novelupdates.com i came across webnovels and found my new favorite internet site. I had read reincarnation/transmigration novels before and was a big fan of them i even would randomly have wild delusions of what i would wish for or do. One day after catching up with my favorite stories i heard a voice"Child, Do you wish to pursue your dreams?" and my only thought was that i was finally going crazy or some being had answered my prayers. I said "yes!" immediately because if it was real my dreams would come true and if it was fake it would just be me talking to myself.

...I won that bet!

When i said "yes!" nothing happened but when i blinked i was suddenly in another place. It looked like one of those super expensive retreat into the woods log cabins. I had always wanted to see one in real life so i thought that was neat but other than the fact that i couldn't see anything through the windows i had no real thoughts on the matter. As i was looking around i saw a note on the table with my name on it so i walked over to it and started to read it.

"Greetings Nathan ***** i am a God one of many but a God nonetheless and you like many before you and many after you were selected by us to travel the worlds of imagination. You being a person that truly wanted to go to different worlds were pretty high on our list for A.wanting to go, B.having common sense, C.having no real attachment to things. Now some basic things to cover 1. i am not there at the moment as i had some work to finish first so i sent you on ahead while i finish up. 2.i will ask you various things when i get there such as do you want to keep your appearance, What you plan to do,etc. so i would like you to think about these things before i get there. I have left a computer on in the study room on the second floor that has internet access to the time you were summoned

p.s. A copy of your was left in your place to live out your life according to your original fate so don't worry about your family"

....so... i guess i look around a bit then go look at the computer. It was a nice place their was the whole homey cabin feel with a fire place and natural rock walls look. it seems my tastes were taken in account as the furnishings were relatively sparce with only two recliners and a table in the 'living' room. the kitchen had an isle with double sink and a large double door fridge. It had everything i could need water, Sweet tea, and Pizza Rolls. the bathroom was opposite the kitchen with a walk in shower and all the standard amenities. There was a flight of stairs that lead up to a loft with a bedroom and study. The bedroom was a bedroom nothing really special while the study was a simple room with a desk, chair, computer, and a couple empty bookshelves. finding nothing of particular interest and having just been reading about what other people did when they got their wishes granted i decided to go back downstairs, get a drink and wait.

I lost track of time trying to perfect my requests and before i knew it there was an unlocking sound and the front door opened to allow... a gentleman? in he was wearing a top hat and even had a monocle on. He was tall at least 6'5 maybe more i was never good at judging heights, but he took his hat off and put it on a hat hook that just appeared while i got up to get him some water to try and set a good impression. After returning from the kitchen with the water he was sitting in the second recliner relaxing it looked like. He thanked me for the water and after sitting up he started " Ok we will probably never meet again but till then you may call my Somniabunt or Somni if you prefer.now then first things first we have three options. Option one you begin your travel to become a god as well with minimum wishes, Option 2 you volunteer to entertain the gods with more free time than other in exchange for more wishes and an increase in sudden and unexpected situations, Option 3 you volunteer to be a Champion which in exchange for belonging to a singular God or group of gods depending you get very specific abilities and trials from your sponsor or finally Option 4 you work as an Executor who for the most part wonders aimlessly doing whatever they want till they are called it judge something." Somniabunt said.

"I am interested in the Executor option what is that all about" asked Nathan. "An Executor is usually called upon when extenuating circumstances occur, some examples would range from a child was chosen to be a traveler for whatever reason so you will be charged with watching over said child till it's old enough to fend for itself or another example would be when two Champions are going to have a formal Challenge and will be required to referee and prevent any fatal blows. Naturally in exchange for the duties involved they are highly compensated because of the 'unique' personalities lots of world travelers have. However be aware that when doing your job you will leave your Multiverse and go to the Multiverse of the party you will be overseeing so you may see copies of people you know or even revisit worlds you have been to before and they will have no idea who you are." said Somniabunt. "any questions so far?""no""good, so do you choose to be an Executor?"asked Somniabunt."yes" i answered

"Ok then as you chose Executor you get a grand total of ten wishes what do you want"asked Somniabunt." I just want to ask but the appearance thing in the note is free right,"yes" cool well my first wish is that i want to be split in two people with my mind in control of both."okay? but that counts as two" then for the appearance i want mine to be Allen D. Walker from D.Gray-man after Noahization with the Tan skin but i want him to be about the same height as you, while the other me i want to look like Tier Harribel from Bleach except can you close her hollow hole and make the mask removable"i asked. "sure but the hole and mask are what make her hollow so removing them would mean she's or you are not hollow anymore so that would be a third wish" said Somniabunt."That's fine, now I want Super Regeneration like regrow internal organs or a severed limb in seconds level for both of us, Eternal Youth so we can't die of natural causes as i figure actual Immortality is off the table, OH! all the natural abilities our chosen forms should posses like me with Crown Clown and Harribel with her hollow powers."I said.

"Okay so far you have wished for

1.a Split body with you looking like a tall, tan, Allen Walker and your split looking like Tier Harribel

2. To be connected mentally

3.for Tier to no longer be hollow

4.Super regeneration so you can regrow limbs and organs

5.Eternal youth

and 6. to have Allen Walker and Tier Harribel's actual abilities

i got that right?" asked Somniabunt "because wish 6 would count as two"

"That's fine so before i finish is there any starter packs or basic tools i'm given" i ask. "Yeah your given basic dimensional travel magic, an Infinite Inventory, some money,food,water and the clothes you take with you when you leave have Self-repair and self-cleaning. you wouldn't believe how many other-worlds believe they can just show up and get a house and everything like it fell from the sky" said Somniabunt exasperatedly."well can you changed Harribels outfit to black with silver accents and more coverage are on the sides and midrift?"i ask."sure that's free"

"cool so my last three wishes are to be able to generate the local currency of whatever place i'm in, then i want Pure Devil bloodline From DxD for the wings Great magic power and Enhanced physical ability, yeah i know i could get better or worse but that is he one i wanted and we want the ability to be 'One with All' as we don't want to be cast out or identified as a hostile existence in whatever world we go to,... that should be it right?"i ask "Yeah that is all your wishes and while you didn't get everything you set yourself up rather well, you get access to everything once you travel to your first world.So where do you want to go"he asks.

..."I choose"

first chapter and i wasn't sure how long to make it

and i don't know where to take it so suggestions are welcome it doesn't have to be mainstream or harem like you could recommend school fight anime but i would need a few days to research it

Orcanamancreators' thoughts