
Attack on Titans!!!

"hmmm..... i don't actually know i am not a very...leadery? person..can i spin a wheel or something?" i asked. "Sure, you want mainstream only worlds or for me to throw in weird side ones like horror and school fight worlds?" he asked."hmmm mainstream you can't really go wrong but everyone goes there so surprise me"i said. Suddenly a giant wheel appeared.It knid of reminded me of Wheel of Fortune with most of the slots covered but some revealed, like One Piece,ATG,DxD,etc. all mainstreams so i was curious about the ones that were covered.

"Do you want to spin the wheel or should I"he asked.I indicated for him to so he stepped up and spun, it went around twice then started slowing down quickly,getting slower and slower before stopping on a covered slot."And the winner is...*drum roll* ATTACK ON TITAN!!!" he shouted.I was just ignoring his sudden bout of game show host while thinking, {Crap, i only watched season 1 and half of season 2 of the anime, so i'm going in blind on what to do... maybe make Erin less of an A-hole, leave Levi alone he was kind of fun, OHH I can try and fix the martial arts girl who turns into a Titan with diamond powers.....I don't really got anything else i can think of...oh well i will just think on the fly}"Okay God i'm ready to go and thanks for everything"i said."don't mention it we're immortal ancient existences we have to come up with new things to do every now and then"he said as everything started to fade to black.


*Sudden Pain* "OW!! what was that for"Allen asked Tier."because you were probably just going to lay there till something happened sooo, I happened"Tier responded."Haaa, well fine so quick stock take how is everything working?"i asked Tier."We have connected thoughts but,hmm not feeling anything really weird bout suddenly becoming a chick except that i suddenly grew a foot taller and my boobs make me lean forward,still can't shoot any death beams or flash step(i know hollows don't use flash step but how many normal viewers of Bleach remembered the name of the Arrancar equivalent) AH! but totally figured out how to retract my wings and on how to use some magic, not really attack magic but we watched enough anime to try basic 'use your imagination' casting and it worked so..i think we're good"Tier explained.

"Cool sooo do you know where we are or what time?"Allen asked."well we are other-world exploring so we probably got sent to like right before Wall....it's a nuns name i know it, hmmm ah-ha Maria that's it Wall Maria"Tier answered."Ah when Erin gets Batmanned but well giant monster version, hmmm should we stop it or something?"i ask Tier."Well we both know we don't care but it would be interesting to see what comes of it as we're not here to gather companions, we're not going to be here to see the long term ramifications of our actions and only the Special titans might be able to hurt us"Tier answered."So yeah we're here to watch, muck around a bit to see what happens and otherwise be that mysterious shadow that you see for three seasons then is forgotten about"I said

"Well lets go check out the village i want to see a scary young Mikasa cause i don't get why people run in anime worlds like is there some extra Law, like The Law of Angry Women, in anime worlds?"Allen said as he figured out how to use his wings from Tiers' example."There might be like for example in Hentai worlds you have 20x the chance to show your panties, or in a zombie world nobody has ever heard of them and it takes like half the world dieing before people aim for the head"Tier responded taking off as well."OH, or like in fighting shows were the characters start throwing fireballs or summoning dragons with a high kick(Street Fighter reference) and normal people see this and just go about their day like everyone can shatter buildings with yoga i mean come-on"Allen said exasperatedly.

"Mah it's fine if we ever go to one of those worlds we will try and see if like Gravity is different or something you never know there really could be more Laws that only affect certain things like in horror films,games,anime the characters never just call the cops or get in the car and leave noo they split up and go into the basement or attic or soundproofed shed in the back that has a sign that reads SERIAL KILLER WITH A CHAINSAW INSIDE and are SURPRISED when there really is"ranted Tier."Yeah i suppose but if I ever do i think we should go to the Resident Evil films, animated and live action cause while i only liked the first live-action film I REALLY liked the animated one"Allen said.Tier just sighed and said "Dude, i know we were the same person not twenty minutes ago, while the connected thoughts thing will need some getting used to, we still know basically the same things, i still love Chicken,All fruit,Tea in most of it's flavors and am still unsure of my sexual preference because i am attracted to female bodies but i have for example wished for a female body soo i'm not sure"

"Yeah we're dropping this conversation and OH look Wall Maria"Allen interjected."You think we will be spotted or anything cause i haven't figured out mind-wipe magic or invisibility magic" Tier asked. "I don't think we will cause if i remember correctly you needed magic power to see Devils unless they wanted you to so we should be fine on this world but we should probably figure those out before we move on"Allen stated"OHhh and look here comes little angry Mikasa angry ninja running behind Aren, Oh soo those black lines and stuff were real...neat, but uhm.. the "OOH! you touched my tal lalas" kid the one that gets memed as He-man i always thought that they exaggerated it a bit but he does give you a "notice me senpai" kind of feel....oh well what do you think we should do"Allen asked Tier."i don't know but we realistically have all the time in the world to just sit here and watch how things happen till we want to do something,don't know like cut the fingers off the titan about to eat Eran's mother when he can't see so he still i somewhat motivated.....maybe, hmm should we i mean we aren't really invested in this world but it would be fun to just randomly poke things and see what Fate does with it"said Tier

What do you guys think i should do?

Orcanamancreators' thoughts