
The King of Nightmares

The damon of daydream barely escape the dream warriors. He had hope that he can take some of the girl essence of life. With her life he can release The King of nightmares, Phobetor.

In the darkest of night below the deepest of nightmares Phobetor rest in a coffin of stone. Place there by his brother. To sleep for all eternal, never to be woken. If he did the world will place in the eternal night and never ending nightmares.

Whose of light have put them down. A never ending battle in the world of dreams. Always in a dead lock. After the battle between brothers, Morpheus the dream god place sole responsibility to a bunch of men. With the help of mankind peace came to the world of dreams.

The damons gather around the coffin in hopes in using the life essence to resurrection Phobetor. Over hundreds of life essences that demons have collected. The damons rocked back and forth. The life essences flowed around the coffin. The glow of the life essences sink in the coffin. The damons waited and waited. Nothing happen.

All the damons howled to the wind. If only they had the girl. If only she wasn't protected. Perhaps her life force can awaken the King. The daydream damon can think of something else all is lost.

He gather some damons he thinks that can help get the girl. He told the damons about the girl and that she might be the one to turn the tides. To tried and gather more life essence. At least to get the King up.

Each damon agree to this and set out to gather life essence. He continue to think. History in the making. If only their king wake up and takes back the world once more. Those dream makers and dream warriors will pay. Yes, they will pay. The world will once again be their.

Phobetor subconscious came awake. How long was he asleep? He could not move his body. He can't even open his eyes. He can hear movement around him. He's damon are giving him life essence that is how his subconscious is awake. He need more to wake fully.

If his brother did not use the last move. He would not be were he is right now. How did his brother get the human involve? If it wasn't for their help. He would be ruling the world right now. And his damons would not hunted down. Oh how he hated his brother siding with humans. They are beneath him. They are food for him and his damons.

His hated boiled in his blood. He will make they pay a hundred times over. He had plans for the humans. In slavery all mankind to his bidding. They will dance to his tune. They will beg for him. He will have so much fun. But first he will have to brake free of the enchanted.

"My king just wait. We will get more life essences for you. I have tried to get a dream maker for you. I have found one but she is being watched. Oh I had hoped she was alone." Phobetor did not know what he was talking about. What is a dream maker? Phobetor reach is mind out to the damon. He found that damon was a day walker. This is good for him.

"My day walker," The damon looked around to find the voice. To find no one with him.

"Who there?"

"I have slept for so long. Tell me what you know." The damon talk to the voice. Telling him everything about the world as he knew.

"So I have slept for ten thousand years. And now here I am. I may be able to rise again and take back what was mine. These humans that walk the dream world. Have changed my domain. Find me a human body. One that will able me to walk among them. A dream walker as you called them. Go my young day walker." The day walker he was now called. Smiled to him self.

"My King, can any human body work for you?"

"Oh I think that will be for the best. I wish to learn of this new world first. Than we will find one that will help me walk among my enemies."

"Do you wish for a male or a female?" Phobetor had to think a little on this.

"This dream walker you speak of. Is she young?"

"Yes My King."

"Than find me one that is close to her. I might able to get what I need of her myself."

"I will go there my self and fetch you one. For I have been there and seen them."

"Than go. For I will walk again and see for myself what my brother has done." The day walker left to do his task. Phobetor waited. He can use the mind transfer on the body. He will be weak. Humans are weak and helpless. He had his damons to protect him.

He can't wait to walk in the sun. The more he receive life essences. The more he can wake his mind. Once he fell asleep only to wake up to more essences flowing in his body. The day walker came back with a male human in tow.

"Please let me go. Don't hurt me."

"Little human your life belong to us now. So prepare yourself. For my king has plans for you." The young man was being held by his collar. The school uniform once was clean now is dirty. His brown hair made him looked like he row out of bed. The boy sobbed. Phobetor had a chance to use the mind transfer. The boy stop crying. His eyes went wide and his body shook. The pain flow thru him. He couldn't scream. His mind flow into the coffin. The body drop to the floor. Phobetor mind flowed out of his body into the boy's body. Phobetor breath in air. How sweet to be free. He open his eyes. The differences between the two is the eyes. The boy's were brown while his is blue. He will have to charge the color of his eyes. The damons all bow to him.

"My King welcome back." Phobetor looked at all of the damons. Each one black is midnight. Their bodies shine a grossly black. Their hair white as snow. There was no different to between them. He knew the difference between them. Each one has a different a personality. The one that address him was the day walker. He will be the one that will stay by his side. He will test his power on him. Reaching out to the day walker. The power flow around him. Reaching the day walker's heart with his powers. He placed a bit of himself there. He knew he was weak right now and can only use a little of his power. In time he will awake fully once he get the a Dream stone. For now he can wait and work on the girl.

He turn to the coffin. In his mind he reach out to the boy. He took the information from him. His name. Where he live. Who were his friends. And who were his parents. He took it all in. Now he will not stand out. Rosemary. What a sweet name. Come tomorrow you will be mine.

Phobetor (Time is on my side. I will rule the world again.)

Morpheus (I think not my brother. For this time you will face great defeat.)

Phobetor (O please. Your little dream warriors can not stop me.)

Morpheus (We will see.)

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