
History to come

Marcus had come to realize Anthony had changed. His best friend cares for people he loves. He remember the time they fought and won each battle. The first battle they did together. They almost didn't make it. They were expecting a low level damon became a high level one.

They carried each other back home. Their parents almost die of fright. After that they always end up with high level damon. Every assignment was supposed to be base on their level of skills.

They are were the two best fighters at high level damon. Now he fight alone. Never to pick another partner. He tried one or two but they all seem to back out after one assignment.

He didn't care. It was the council decision. He would like to have Anthony back but the council made sure that the Anthony and Victoria would never be welcome back. Those two have a good life together. Why ruin it for him. Marcus didn't want to have to tell his father and the council off. He walked towards the council center field hall.

The hall was place in a forest of trees. The trees were special. They were made from the dreams of angels. The legend has it. That mankind was first place in this forest than remove from it. In the middle of the forest the council put it's hall. A semicircle stone table sits eight council members. Each one come from the most powerful person that started the dream world. That is what they says.

Today Marcus came to the hall. The council was arguing among them self. This was nothing new. All the council member are presented. This all make things harder on him.

"I say that you are making excuses for that son of your. He should married that way we can rest assured that your line will continue. High councillor."

"He is right. It high time your son settle down and forget about that so called friend."

Marcus stop at the edge of the field to hear more. It seem that the argument was about him.

"That I can not say. My son is passed the time of marriage. He's mentioned that there have been high power damons appearing more recede."

"High councillor, that has not been determined. As for the marriage on your son. We can not wait any longer on this. Your son has to..."

"Has to what? Councillor Malcom." Marcus walked up to the stone table and stop two feet away. Councillor Malcolm dress in his green robe with the stroll of gold leaves. To he right was councillor Rosalind and her red robe with the gold stroll leaves. The blue robe with stroll gold leaves was councillor Kazumi. His father was wearing his white with stroll gold work.

To the left you have councillor Mandela and his black robes with the gold work. The councillor Jarvis with the yellow robes. The last councillor Remus was with gray robes. Each one has the gold leaves stroll in their clothes. To make them stand out among the people.

Marcus didn't care or didn't agree with them. He had to work with them.

"Son what bring you to the council? "

"Well I was just wondering what the argument was a bout, but let me guess. Marriage? I have more important things to do than being married. I came today for two important things. One is that we have two dream makers and the second is that they are not low level ones. Both are first class level. The destiny stone will not be any use to them they need the the started the training now. I would like to borrow one of the dream lamp."

"And what makes you think this council will let you have a dream lamp." Councillor Malcolm was getting on his last nerves. He think that he run the council members. Marcus force a smile but there was no laughter in them.

"Think it you that won't let me have one." Marcus turn to his father. Nod once and turn out the hall.

"First Councillor, your son is out of hand. This is why his need a wife."

"Malcom! This is out of YOUR Hands. He has a point. What his said make more sense. Right now that is more important is the two new members that will join us." Councillor Rosalind is the voice of reasoned. What she said everybody listen. She got up and walked after the young man. Councillor Rosalind took a long time to find Marcus. He outside the treasure room.

"Marcus." He didn't turn around. He kept on looking. Marcus didn't care if the council agree with him. He intended to take the lamp.

"Marcus take the lamp but on one condition." He didn't like the sound of that.

"What condition?" She smiled at him.

"That you will go out with me on one date and that you will not find a way out of it." He pressed him fingers to his forehead. This woman was to much. Always looking for a new young men to please her.

"I will tell you that I have found someone. And she may one day be my wife." He had hope this will kept her and the council off his back.

"Well this is a change. I guess I'll have to tried a different way to get you." She to move to get her arms around him. He move to fast for her. He was in the treasure room before she had a second chance to tried again. In the treasure room, there were five separate rooms. The room he was looking for was off to the left and he needing more than just the lamp. The first thing he got was the lamp.

In the whole five thousand years there were only ten lamp that existence. Even if he took one there were still nine that can be used. The dream lamp helps the dream makers, dream walkers and dream warriors prepare for the future. All the knowledge of the dream world contain in one lamp. This will help a great deal. Not only with the girls but to find the true in the change with the dream world.

He turn to the left room. On the shelf to the far end of the room were the dream lamps. Each lamp were shape in a light green sphere with three leaf golden vines on it. The sphere sat on a pillow of purple velvet. Walking up to the last one sphere. He reached out and grab it. Looking at it was a history to come and change with the two girls. With that he put it in his bag. Next he walk to the next room and this room he had to get a sword. Not just any sword. This once belong to Anthony. Anthony's sword was put here by him.

Anthony never named the sword. The sword blade made from the wind and ice. The one and only of its kind. The magic strenght the blade to its pure white shine. The hilt and scabbard both had white with silver scroll work. It's beauty is deadly to its enemies.

Now that he had both items that he needed. He took a few more items that he might needed. He walked out if the treasure room and back to his friend Anthony.

Sorry that I have not written for the past two weeks. Life as it's up and down that to can't wait.

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