
New family members

Rosemary ran out the door all the way to the one place she felt safe. The park. There was one place at the park that she hide from other. The one place that no one knows. She found it playing as a child. She walked down in to the deep trees. The park was more of a forest than a park. Over a thousand trees cover the land. Easy to get lose if you choose to. The path cut around the park.

Half through the park she turn off in to the trees. Toward the little brook that runs the side of the path. She looked for the largest tree. The oak tree looked to be over 150 years old. The base of the tree a big boulder sat. The boulder had a carving in it center. The carving of clouds. She wondered if it had to do with the dream world. If it did than that will mean. Her thoughts leave so much to grow. This will be her place forever. Until one of the dream warriors or another dream maker comes.

She cast a simple spell to keep people out, not even the dream warriors can come in. Her little haven will stay her's. She worked to hard for this to be taken away. She reach out to the rock. It glowed bright white. She had to close her eyes. Once the light was gone there still a small hole. She got on her hands and knees crawl in. She crawled all the way back in until the light outside was gone. She put her one hand up and a single light appear. She was good. Making fire light she not good at.

She haven't had food and water. She hope it did. She looked around her sleeping bag was here but no food or water. It been along time about two years since she put anything in here. Since she needed time to put her thoughts together. The sleeping bag will come in handy but no food. She didn't thing this through. Come to the night she will stay but in the morning she will have to go back.

Marcus ran after her. He stop a few feet away from her. She stop in front of a stone. From the looks of the stone had a spell on it. If he remember thus was one of the dream space for the dream makers. These dream spaces were made for them. Once they entered there is no way to get in. He will have to wait for how long was another matter.

Anthony came to see Marcus was sitting on a large stone. He walked over to Marcus. Standing by to see the forest was quiet.

"So are you going to wait for her?" Marcus was silent. Anthony stay silent knowing that Marcus will stay and wait for her.

"So how are you feeling about all this?" Marcus was still silent. Anthony sigh. "Well, I for one will not stay and wait. I have others to watch for but if you need to talk to some one. Just let me know." Anthony turn to talk away.

"Anthony?" He stop walking and turn to his long time friend. For just a moment it almost seem like he wasn't going to say anything. The brightest light from the sun going down. Darkness was starting to fall on the forest. Anthony turn to his friend. "Thank you for what you done for her. I will never have meet her if it wasn't for you and your wife."

Anthony smile at his long time friend. Walking back to the house Anthony thought that Marcus can't handle Rosemary. So before he left Anthony there he watch him. His sat on that rock watching the forest his sight was more on an old oak tree.

Rosemary on the other hand couldn't think of why she ran. For one she ran from her uncle, two she didn't know how to talk to him. She just needed time to think then she will go back. A hour or two she will go back. Until than she will wait a little while. She spread out the sleeping bed and lay down. With all of the necessary run and learn to be a dream maker, things got a whole lot bigger. She try as she might sleep would not come. One hour later she finely succumb to sleep.

Outside Marcus fatigue was catching up with him. Two nights and a day of not sleeping will do that. But he could not leave her here alone. Family was everything to him. If he had known, he would watch her in his brother's place as her father. He had heard about her mother then her grandparents. If his brother was here, he would took her back to the dream world. Her life would have been better. But he can't change the past any more than he can change her future. He to wanted to take her back to his home, but he didn't think that will do. For one his father will try to get her married and two he will use her to keep his "throne".

Rosemry woke up with a start. She forgot where she was. Looking around and remembering how she got there. She got up and rolled the sleeping bag up. Place it back on its the rock shelf. She crawled out of the cave to find the morning has come to the forest. She walked to the brook to wash up.

"Morning my little niece. I hope you slept well." She stop washing her face. She didn't even hear him come behind her. She turn her head. He stand six feet away for her. Just like the time she first saw him at her school. The same black clothes and a sword on his waist. His black cloak was draped over his arm. She stood up to face him. Fidgeting with her fingers. No words would come out. He came over to her and place his cloak on her shoulders.

"The mornings here are a bit cold. But you get use to it. Come with me. We will go back and get some thing to eat and when you are ready to talk. We will talk." Looking into his eyes there was a gentleness there that she has not seen before. She also notices he has dark circles under his eyes. She nodded to he. Together they walked out of the forest. Down the path they when. She tried to say something but she couldn't. Marcus didn't know what to say. He thought it would be easy to talk to her. He had so many things to say.

"I understand that you been staying in the Silverthorn's household. So I would think that you like to stay there until we leave to the dream world. I would like to give you the chance to know me first before you get you know the rest of the family." He sounded like he force him self to say this. He peak her interests in getting to know him. She never really wanted to know her father's family, but now that her uncle was here. Maybe things have change for the better. For the better part of the walk back to the house. They stay quiet.

Lily was waiting outside on the porch. Her wild brown hair was in a messy bun. Her matter of her dressing in blue jeans and a green T-shirt. Gave her the sense of beauty. Today the look of sadness was in her eyes. Rosemary walked right by without looking at her. Lily tried to stop her but her hand came up short in touching her. She have to wait until Rosemary wanted to talk to her.

They sat in silent. The air was thick with melancholy. Every body wanted to say something but no one did. Rosemary didn't want to talk. So she sat there playing with her food. Not saying one word she got up with her plate. Move to the kitchen. Everybody stop eating and watch her go. What can one say to someone with so many things on their shoulder.

I am really sorry for not updating fast. I have lots of work and trying to finish the lots projects before the holidays come.

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