

Morpheus walked out of the dream lamp. It was time to return to the world he left behind. He called on his brothers for they to will have to come back. For they must come together again.

"I called on you. My brothers to come before me. I seek your counsel. I seek your knowledge. I seek your powers. For the world need us once more." His power called out to the dream world and beyond. To the void of the outer edge of dreams. Were his brothers sleep. It's time for the world to know the ones that save it. His brothers stirred.

Ikeloes walked in between the world of dreams and the reality. He was the first to arrive. Just the same as today his brother knew he never slept in the deep sleep. On the very edge of sleep he work in the shadow of dreams. Giving men the dreams of hope and dismay. This man before him turned the shadows around him. Bending them to the suit he wish to be in. He may appears to look like a model men of today on the outside but he manners of an older time comes out. He stands to his older brother and nods. His wavelength blonde hair and blue eyes will stop a heart. Now that he think about it his brother never had a problem getting women in his bed.

Phantasos came in rubbing his eyes. Yawning and stretching the long sleep away. This man was more than a young boy. No one will look in his golden eyes and see a boy but a man. Wisdom etch in his eyes. Young he may look, he was more than at. Jeans and a blue T-shirt, a look of a rebellious teenager. His brown hair came to his shoulders. He blinked and the biggest smile came to him. He ran to Morpheus threw his arms around him. Morpheus caught the full weight of his little brother. Falling on his back he tried to push his little brother off. Ikeloes grip the back of Phantasos shirt and pulled hard.

Morpheus sat up and glared at Phantasos. In all the century he had forgotten Phantasos loves throw his self on him. The peace of not having that was a blessing. Phantasos looked sheepishly. Ikeloes kept a firm grip on Phantasos, just in case he tried it again. Morpheus ego had turned for the worst. Getting up off the floor. He ass and back side was in pain.

"Of all the things to do. You had to throw your whole weight on me." Phantasos cast him a puppy look. He was about to cry. Morpheus sighed. Went will his brother never learn. Ikeloes chuckle. Morpheus turn in his directions. Ikeloes just smile. Between the brothers Ikeloes was the mediator. This time he was not helping. And to make matters worst he find that Phobetor is in a human body. That poor human, he had to put him to sleep.

"We have bigger problems and it concerns our brother. The one 'we' put to sleep." Phantasos pick him self up so quickly. He was a shadow to Ikeloes. Grim face and sadden to hear the news. The three brothers look to each other, and think of a solution to stop Phobetor.

"Morpheus." Ikeloes was twin to Phobetor and he's keeper. "I am sorry. I should have been watching him better." Morpheus wave him off. He knew that Phobetor would founded away around his twin brother.

"Do not trouble your self. I knew that one day he would return. It was just a matter of time. I hope that we have done all we can do. Just hope and pray that he does not find the Shadow of Infinite."

"Where is it? Can we get it before he does?" Phantasos looks more puppy like now. So excited to be off and explore the world.

"Don't trouble yourself right now. I've hidden it in a well off place. The one the can get it is the Dream Makers." Both brothers nodded. "Now we have to set the plan in motion and make sure we can keep Phobetor busy. With the help of our dream warriors and the dream makers. We can put our brother back to sleep for good. The key is to make sure that hope will not fail in the next few months." Phantasos, Ikeloes and Morpheus set off to the human realm. To the change the dream of mankind.

They walked in the house of the Silverthorns. A scream of a woman. Than footsteps of running feet through the house can be heard. All three brothers hands can up to defend them self against a sword in their wake. One of the dream warriors dress in black. His brown eyes are glaring at them. He will protect his family against anybody. Anthony Silverthorn push his wife behind him. He heard his daughter running toward him. All of them convert in the living room. Lily heart stopped. For she saw three men each one different in looks. One of them she knew.

"Morpheus?" The three brothers turn toward her. Two of them looked toward Morpheus. He put down his hands and walked her way.

"My lady Lily, How are you this morning? Sorry you for the reaction that we gave you. But we have important matter to discuss with you and Rosemary." He looked around to see if Rosemary was in the room too. A question look come to him.

"She not here right now. If we wait she will come." Anthony on the other hand was reluctant to lower his sword, until his wife elbow his in the ribs. Then his put his' sword away. Victoria came out from behind Anthony to greet their new guest. With each name given, the looks that Anthony and Victoria gave were shock and disbelief. The Three Dream Gods in their living room. Anthony and Victoria didn't know how to act. Lily on the other hand jump up to greet all of the them.

I am so very, very sorry in come out. I will work on bring more chapters out. This coming week.

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