
My Dragon System

Sen, the last and most powerful dragon left roaming the skies causing chaos and destruction across the land. When all hope is lost the human race call upon their last hope, a powerful witch. Unable to destroy the dragon the witch uses the last of her power to cast a spell. Sen has not been defeated but has now been reborn as a human. How will Sen live his life now as a human who he once despised and saw as weak? Completed Novel The first book in the Trilogy SYSTEM series Read My Vampire System next! P.A.T.R.E.O.N JKSmanga for more content and support. https://www.patreon.com/JKSManga Discord link https://discord.gg/huTJG43 Post art work and more+

JKSManga · Fantasy
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533 Chs


The big question on everyone's mind, including himself, was why Harry? Out of everyone there, there were more people that the Shadow could have tried to attack. Van for one who the Shadow was after before and held the crystal was only a few feet away from him. 

Then there was also Bliss, the divine being herself. The only thing Harry could think of was that perhaps these two people weren't an option. The beast would have been killed in attempting to take them on, but then the original question came back. Why him?

This question would just have to stay in the back of his mind as they continued their journey.

The next day the army awoke and started the travels as planned. They marched and trenched through the shadow continent, still not seeing much of anything, or signs of life. Suddenly the land, as well as the weather, took a sudden turn. 

"Snow?" Martha said.