
My Dragon and My Demon System: The Reincarnated God

"Once afraid of the dark, now I dance with its mysteries." ------------ In a realm where vengeance meets.destiny,Arion emerges from the Land of the dead, a soul reborn from tragedy(died as a child and reborn as a young man). His family was slaughtered, being victim of demonic possession, while he, untouched by darkness, was also condemned. As a formidable mountain god, his sole purpose is revenge upon Golangane's four sect leaders who executed merciless orders. Yet, an encounter with Heka, the leader of one of these sects, unexpectedly entwines their fates. Arion's relentless pursuit of justice becomes complicated when he bonds with Liora, Heka's enchanting daughter. Love collides with vengeance, challenging Arion's quest. Will he avenge his family or succumb to the allure of romance? Unearthing secrets, his relentless pursuit uncovers a path to reshape destiny. Will he find solace in revenge or let love redefine his rebirth's purpose? Discover the captivating world of Arion's choices in this gripping tale of revenge, romance and destiny. Volume 001 — Becoming the strongest mage. Status — Completed. Volume 002 — Demon System Activated. Status — Ongoing...... ------- This is my WSA entry. Please give me full support. Power stones are deeply appreciated, as well as Golden tickets! 2 golden tickets= mass release of 2 chapters. 10 golden tickets= 6 chapters in the following two days Top 100 golden ranking= 4 chapters in the following four days. Any gift results in additional 1 chapter on the day it's sent. ------+ I hope you enjoy the novel @kutley

Kutley · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Rising to Level Three from the Stables

Back to Golangane, Arion reunited with Stephen, Liora, and Master Chen at the mountain as, Rowan, the dragon retreated into the dark cave.

Liora's eyes sparkled with amazement upon seeing Arion, overjoyed he was alive.

She rushed to him, her smile infectious, and this time, he welcomed her embrace, their silent understanding evident.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Arion tended to Stephen's previously incurable leg injury with a simple spell, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

They marveled at his magical prowess, equating it to the fabled Phoenix Powder. Stephen's leg was miraculously restored to normal.

Meanwhile, Master Chen had recently went to Stephen's house to check on Arion, only to hear that he went to the deadly space.

So together, the three worked together to bring him back from the spiritual domain.

Master Chen, observing Arion's powers, leaned in and asked, "I heard you lost your powers. Does it feel good to have them back?"

Arion's smile masked his disappointment in Master Chen. He pretended like everything was alright when responding, "Yes, I feel so delighted."

He had always thought of him as a caring mentor, unaware of the innocent he had killed.

But now was not the time to discuss this. He had plans for his life and a burning desire to uncover the truth about his parents. Revenge for their fate was his unwavering goal.

"Liora, let's return to town!" Arion's voice boomed with determination, and Liora's grin mirrored his resolve.

Arion bid farewell to Stephen.

As he and Liora began to disappear into the faint ray of sunset, Arion thought, while his face burned with determination,

"I have to stay alive to prevent the bad guys from stealing from Zeraphar anymore. To do that, I must retrieve from my enemy the only thing that can kill me."

Liora's face was filled with emotion as she jumped before Arion. She smiled brightly, and he managed to return a smile.

"My parents had real body, they had red blood and could feel emotions! But, all of this ceased when they were enchanted by the unknown devil— they became virtual, had no blood anymore since they became shadows, and the most painful part was that they killed emotionlessly!"

"If it would take me another ten thousand years to cultivate in order to capture the culprit, I am ready!"he exploded. "I don't hope for that though. Because I am taking that bastard down in less than one month!"

Yet, beneath his determination, Arion's face bore the marks of his tumultuous life.

He had endured countless trials, narrowly escaping death's clutches each time.

A sigh escaped him as he gazed at the shining sun, its beauty striking him for the first time.

At the imperial palace, Darian and Caelum stood before the emperor, who sat regally on his silver-coated throne. Valerian, the prince, occupied a lower seat before his father, while Caelum's father, the leader of Songwan, stood beneath the high steps.

"Your majesty," Caelum and Darian bowed in unison.

Caelum turned to his father and greeted, "Greetings, father."

His father's surprise was evident as he inquired about Merrick and Liora. Darian reluctantly informed him that both had been out of contact for days.

The emperor, his voice grave, addressed them, "Golangane is the supreme magical realm, responsible for maintaining balance across realms to safeguard the world. It's been too long since we assessed the demon realm's power balance, and I have a foreboding about it. Hence, I've decided to send you on a mission to perform checks and maintain balance there."

"As your majesty wishes," Caelum and Darian nodded in agreement.

Valerian spoke up, voicing concern. "Father, it might not be safe for just the two of them. I propose that I accompany them to ensure their safety."

The emperor sighed and consented, "Very well, the three of you shall embark on this mission together. Return safely."

Five hours later, Arion and Liora arrived at the Heka sect. A guard hurriedly entered, piquing Liora's curiosity.

Suddenly, Lysander emerged with two disciples in tow. Liora's heart raced; her father must have learned of their actions as they passed through the entrance door.

"Father," Liora began, but Lysander's stern look silenced her.

"Liora, go to your room," he ordered.

Unease filled her as she reluctantly complied, casting a worried glance at Arion.

Lysander maintained his piercing gaze on Arion, a strange tension hanging in the air. Arion was bewildered by this unexpected reaction.

"Heka sect is no place for whims. You can't come and go as you please; we have protocols. Decide if you want to stay or go," Lysander's voice held a finality that weighed heavily on Arion.

But Arion was silent which prompted Lysander to unleash a yellowish rope that bound Arion tightly, restricting his movements. It forced him down to his knees.

"I will honorably throw you out if you want to leave. Make a choice quickly," said Lysander in a harsh tone.

However, Arion didn't attempt to break free from the bindings. He remained silent, taken aback by the harsh reaction. He couldn't fathom why he was being treated this way, but he suspected that his unstable presence at the sect might be the root of the issue.

Finally, he spoke softly, "I want to stay."

Lysander continued, "Staying won't be easy anymore. You must complete a quest to remain."

"What's the quest?"

"You must ascend the rock tower and retrieve the golden sword at its peak and an ancestral stone that has rested there for thousands of years. This quest will earn you the rank of a Level Three Disciple."

Murmur rose within tne sect.

No one had ever made it to the top of the tower and attempting it meant death. This was because the tower was sealed long time ago by Master Jang, the royal astronomer.

"Don't you think the leader had a grudge with the guy in the past and is taking revenge now? Come on...connect today's dot with that of the guy's first day in this sect!"

"Well, you can't know for certain. Could it be that leader wants to make the greatest disciple out of the powerful-guy-in-stables?"

"Nay, he obviously hates him!"

Arion questioned Lysander, "Don't I start from Level One?"

"Levels one and two are for novices. The best face the challenges of level three. Beware, the higher you climb, the greater the danger. Once you start, there's no turning back except through the 'death door.' The choice is yours."

"I accept," Arion declared, but a condition weighed on his mind. "Just promise not to reject me after I bring back the sword and stone."

Lysander released the magical rope binding Arion. "There's one condition: you must complete this quest alone. Violate this rule, and you'll be disqualified, expelled from Heka sect forever!"

Arion sensed Lysander's true intent but couldn't fathom why he was being pushed away.

Regardless, he steeled himself for the challenge.

"I'll bring back the objects and become a Level Three Disciple."

Rising to Level Three from the Stables!

What Arion didn't realize was that the rock tower's quest was a test not only of strength but also of character.

Later in the evening, Lysander sat in his chamber's balcony. He then thought,

"I wish Arion regains back his memory when he grabs his father's golden sword at the apex of the tower. This is all I can do to make up a little."


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