
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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138 Chs


The evening sun gradually faded.

Su Hao walked on the way back to the academy with a joyful expression on his face.

Suddenly, a familiar sense of blood energy appeared at the edge of the radar, eerie and dispersed.

"A killer?" Su Hao widened his eyes, instantly circulating his blood energy, expanding the radar's sensing range.

Yes, it was that familiar feeling.

Su Hao was surprised that the other party was not dead. Not only did they survive, but despite being seriously injured, they still dared to come out. He felt a bit of admiration for them.

A fierce person indeed!

To be precise, it wasn't the killer himself, but the person controlled by the killer.

Moreover, Su Hao not only sensed the strange blood energy of the controlled person but also detected a familiar blood energy on the controlled person.

"Xiao Mei?" The image of Xiao Mei sitting by the window appeared in Su Hao's mind.

Su Hao instantly felt a headache. This timid little girl didn't stay hidden in the academy and got caught. If he hadn't encountered her tonight, this future scholar might have perished like this.

Su Hao couldn't help scratching his head and said helplessly, "Turns out, I'm not the only unlucky one. Others also encounter deadly accidents in their childhood."

Su Hao wasn't in a hurry. Since he encountered this, the killer's journey would end here.

During the previous battle, he had already figured out the killer's background. Tonight, he didn't plan to give the killer any chance of survival.

Such a heartless person, if allowed to continue living, who knows what might happen in the future? It might bring him regret. After all, there are few people he cares about in this world, but there are still some.

He first covered his face, turned on the radar, and trailed behind the controlled person from a distance.

After the previous incident, the other party had clearly learned a lesson. This time, they didn't head straight to their lair but carefully avoided the crowd, taking several turns before finally reaching their destination.

Su Hao sensed the killer's main body once again.

"Isn't this the residential area for the high-ranking officials of Rising Clouds Town?" Su Hao confirmed repeatedly that this was indeed the official residential area of Rising Clouds Town.

Su Hao thought of Jin Datong, who had previously saved the killer. Could this be related to Jin Datong?

Su Hao circled around the mansion where the killer was staying, and when he came to the front gate, he saw a plaque with the words "Jin Residence" written on it.

"It is indeed related to Jin Datong." Su Hao frowned and expanded his perception. Jin Datong was not nearby.

Apart from the killer, there were no other grandmasters in the Jin Residence.

Su Hao didn't hesitate any longer. He drew out his long knife, scaled the wall, and headed straight for the killer. He feared that if he was late, the little girl would be gone.

He moved straight ahead, leaping over obstacles, and soon arrived in front of a luxurious house.

In Su Hao's perception, the killer, the controlled person, and Xiao Mei were all inside.

Without pausing, he took a few steps forward, and the knife in his hand flashed.


The door split in two, falling into the room.

Su Hao rushed in.

Their eyes met.

The killer immediately shrieked, "It's you! The dwarf!"

The voice was filled with endless anger, but more so with fear of Su Hao.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes, said nothing, and with blood energy surging under his feet, he dashed towards the killer.

As he approached, he swung his long knife.

The killer raised his knife to block.


The two knives collided. The killer's pupils shrank. The force from the knife was not too heavy but too light.

"Shadow Step!"

Su Hao's ghostly figure spun low, appearing behind the killer.

"Ghost Stab!"

The tip of the long knife thrust upwards.

Fear filled the killer's eyes,

They immediately used their lifesaving skill. "Barrier!"

Just like last time, a faint red light shimmered over their body.

The knife aimed at the killer's head indeed couldn't penetrate. At this moment, the killer's counterattack arrived, and Su Hao jumped back.

Then something unexpected happened to Su Hao.

He heard the killer tearfully shouting towards the sky, with a voice surpassing the high pitch of "Tibetan Plateau": "Big-bro-save-me-"

The voice broke through the room, ripping a hole in the silent sky.

Su Hao almost cursed. This guy couldn't win but could still call for help, too much!

He immediately swung his knife forward.

"Shadow Step!"

Su Hao once again sidestepped and slashed.

The killer thought Su Hao was feinting and was prepared to counterattack, no matter what, they had to hold on until their big brother arrived to save them.

However, they miscalculated. Su Hao's strike was powerful, slashing them into the wall.

It seemed that the old wound hadn't healed, and blood spurted from their mouth.

At this moment, a powerful blood energy entered Su Hao's sensing range, rapidly approaching.

It was Jin Datong.

Jin Datong was the killer's big brother!

Su Hao expressionlessly charged towards the killer, giving them no time to breathe.

The tip of his knife aimed at the killer's face.

The killer stared straight at Su Hao's knife tip, desperately blocking with their wide, long knife.

At this moment, Su Hao's left hand suddenly opened.

"Bright Flash!"

A bright light burst from his palm, blinding the killer. They screamed in pain, covering their eyes with one hand and instinctively dodging Su Hao's thrust towards their head.

However, it ended there.

Su Hao's long knife by the killer's ear turned and swung.


With a dull yet crisp sound, a head rolled, blood splattering all over the wall.

Su Hao kicked, and the killer's treasured knife flew into his hand. He swung it a few times, feeling its weight.


The wall beside him exploded, and a figure rushed in with debris, instantly locking onto the beheaded killer. The newcomer was Jin Datong.

"Desert!!!" Jin Datong roared in grief.

His eyes bulged, blood vessels in the whites of his eyes, his gaze fierce. His face was full of ferocity.

"It's you! Again, you! Bastard!! You bastard!!!"

Jin Datong's furious eyes locked onto Su Hao.

Standing two meters tall, Jin Datong's muscles swelled, tightening his previously loose clothes, resembling a small giant.

With a shake of his hands, a pair of steel gauntlets instantly covered his fists.

Jin Datong's massive figure brought immense pressure to Su Hao, who was just over 1.5 meters tall.

"Die!" Jin Datong's huge body pounced like a tiger, aiming a punch at Su Hao's head.

He intended to smash Su Hao into the ground.

Su Hao agilely leaped, avoiding the blow. Though he didn't know if he could block it, he didn't want to try. Jin Datong's pressure was too overwhelming, not just his size but his aura as well.

"Boom!" Rubble flew.

Jin Datong's punch struck the ground, shaking the entire room, dust falling from the ceiling.

Since Su Hao beheaded the killer, his left hand had already started drawing the "Bright Flash" rune, which was now completed.

He pretended to run, and as Jin Datong chased, he quietly opened his palm.

"Bright Flash!"

Caught off guard, Jin Datong was blinded by Su Hao.

Su Hao seized the opportunity, hurling his ordinary long knife towards Jin Datong.


The long knife penetrated Jin Datong's chest, the tip emerging from his back. At the crucial moment, he dodged his heart's vital point.

Jin Datong's physical strength was extraordinary, but Su Hao's power combined with a massive amount of blood energy was even stronger!

Su Hao didn't stop, bursting forward, holding the killer's wide long knife, and slashing.

Jin Datong, wounded by the long knife, grunted, tears flowing as he forced his eyes open, raising a fist to block Su Hao's long knife.


Jin Datong pressed forward.

"Bone Break!"

His other fist aimed straight at Su Hao's face.

Su Hao leaned back, avoiding the punch, kicking the knife embedded in Jin Datong's body.


The blade sunk in completely. Jin Datong, in pain, staggered back two steps, and Su Hao retreated using the force.

Jin Datong, with tears streaming, his eyes burning with rage, glared at Su Hao, no longer rushing to attack.

He seemed to realize that although Su Hao was short, he wasn't easy to deal with. One mistake, and he might fall here too.

Su Hao panted heavily, needing more oxygen after the intense short-term battle.

Jin Datong also breathed heavily.

He glanced at the knife embedded in his chest, the wound bleeding profusely due to the intense movement. Then he grabbed the knife handle and slowly pulled it out.

Su Hao felt the pain just watching.

Jin Datong casually threw the extracted long knife on the ground.


Jin Datong clenched his fists, veins bulging on his forehead.


Then Su Hao saw an unbelievable scene.

Jin Datong's chest wound visibly stopped bleeding and healed, leaving only a shallow scar!

Su Hao cursed inwardly, "What the heck! He can heal too!"

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