
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Fierce Combat

Su Hao finally understood why the killer, clearly with his chest already slashed open, could still be alive and kicking. It was Jin Datong's blood energy rune. Judging by its effect, it must be a "healing" rune.

He hadn't expected this "healing" rune to be so powerful.

At this moment, Su Hao pondered a question.

Should he continue to fight?

From their previous exchange, he had confidence in killing the opponent, but it would take time to create an opportunity for a fatal strike.

After all, merely injuring him was useless since the opponent had such a crazy healing ability.

Moreover, they were now in the enemy's stronghold, and it was hard to say if anyone would come to Jin Datong's aid.

Compared to Jin Datong, he, this masked short man, seemed more suspicious. If the guards arrived, they would certainly attack him first.

"Retreat! But not now." Su Hao glanced at the unconscious little girl, Xiao Mei, and immediately made a decision. Since he had achieved his goal, there was no need to fight to the death.

However, leaving just like that would likely mean the little girl would be silenced.

Su Hao lifted his broad long blade, swung it casually a couple of times, making a "woosh woosh" sound in the air.

The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. This blade was now his.

The weight and length were just right, very handy, and the blade was very strong. He could slash freely without worrying about it breaking.

Su Hao took a deep breath and suddenly burst forth, charging at Jin Datong, slashing diagonally down from the upper left with both hands.

"Leaping Slash!"

Blood energy surged forth, carrying great force.

Jin Datong raised his fist to block.


Jin Datong felt a powerful force hit him, causing him to uncontrollably retreat several steps, leaving deep footprints on the floor.

"Thud thud thud!"

Su Hao did not take the opportunity to attack but suddenly turned and ran to the little girl, lifted her onto his shoulder, slashed open a window, and jumped out, escaping.

Jin Datong realized what happened and roared angrily, "You little thief, don't think you can escape!"

He immediately took off after him, each step creating a deep pit in the floor.

The lightweight Xiao Mei on his shoulder did not slow Su Hao down, but Jin Datong's strides were not much slower either, and for a moment, Su Hao could not shake him off.

Su Hao's eyes gradually turned cold. Since the opponent was determined to pursue him, he would find a way to kill him directly and eliminate the threat forever.

After all, he had already beheaded the killer, Jin Datong's brother, which meant a death feud. It was now a matter of life and death.

Su Hao made up his mind and changed direction, heading straight out of the city.

In the city, he couldn't fight freely. He worried about collateral damage and the opponent having reinforcements. Outside the city, it would be different; he could fight as he wished.

Passing through a dense thicket, Su Hao lifted his hand and tossed the little girl into the bushes, where she rolled out of sight.

Then he changed direction again, heading straight for the city wall.

A forty-meter-high city wall was no obstacle for Su Hao. Choosing a spot without guards, he jumped up twenty meters high, pushed off the wall, and ascended again, swiftly flipping over the wall.

Jin Datong followed closely, not letting Su Hao out of his sight.

His anger had gradually cooled, but that did not mean he would not avenge his brother. His determination was unwavering; no matter where the opponent fled, he would catch up and kill him.

Among grandmaster martial artists, he had never feared anyone. He had a strong belief that he would not be defeated by any grandmaster.

However, anger would not help him win; only calm thinking could.

He knew the short man ahead was not easy to deal with; his blood energy strength far exceeded his own, requiring careful handling.

Moreover, although the stab wound from the long blade had healed, the internal injuries could not recover quickly.

It seemed that the advantage lay with the opponent, but...

Jin Datong clenched his fist tightly, "I can counter-kill him!"


Su Hao reached an open area and stopped to wait for Jin Datong.

An open area was advantageous for Su Hao, who was skilled in speed and movement. He could fight freely without worrying about obstacles.

The night was filled with the sound of insects and an intermittent cool breeze.

Most of the large silver moon was hidden behind thin clouds, casting a faint silver light.

The two stood facing each other. In the moonlight, only their outlines could be vaguely seen, one burly and one short.

Suddenly, they both moved simultaneously, charging at each other, raising blades and fists.

"Ding ding ding~"

The sound of the fist and long blade clashing echoed far and wide, silencing the surrounding insects.

Su Hao and Jin Datong exchanged dozens of blows in a short time, with neither gaining the upper hand.

Although Su Hao was very fast and could fight freely, Jin Datong equally exploited his own advantages of open and forceful strikes.

"Clang!" Su Hao's long blade clashed with Jin Datong's fist, sparking a shower of sparks. Both exerted force and then separated, facing each other again.

Su Hao observed his opponent, looking for weaknesses and openings.

His short-range agility and stronger blood energy gave him an edge in direct confrontation, but Jin Datong had the advantage of size and weight, and his fists were very agile, making it hard for Su Hao to find a one-hit-kill opportunity. Moreover, Jin Datong was not afraid of getting injured, with a combat style that traded injuries for kills.

Therefore, Su Hao's key to victory lay in creating an opportunity for a decisive strike through clever tactics.

Jin Datong was also looking for Su Hao's weaknesses, contemplating how to lure him into making a mistake.

Jin Datong said, "Shorty, you're the most troublesome opponent I've ever met. But unfortunately for you, tonight you will die here. I'll smash your body to bits with one punch."

Verbal attacks were useless against Su Hao, and he had no intention of responding.

He feared speaking might give away his identity.

While contemplating, Su Hao prepared runes, one for 'Bright Light' and one for 'Barrier.'

'Bright Light' could surprise the opponent, but he guessed the opponent was already prepared for it, making it less effective. 'Barrier' could save his life at a critical moment or be used to trade blows.

He moved slowly from side to side, seemingly looking for an attack angle.

When the runes were ready, Su Hao moved.

Almost simultaneously, Jin Datong launched his attack on Su Hao.

Su Hao's slash was a powerful strike, forcing Jin Datong to step back twice, and he immediately jumped away from his original position.

Changing angles, he took a few steps and launched another attack.

After several such exchanges, Su Hao smirked as the battleground layout was completed.

Su Hao suddenly stopped, his peripheral vision sweeping over the surroundings, taking in the environment, holding his blade with both hands, and taking a deep breath.


Rocks flew from under his feet as Su Hao shot out like a cannonball.

"Leaping Slash!"

A powerful slash came down with great force.

Jin Datong raised his left hand to block, shouting as his fist met the blade, deflecting it slightly. The blade scraped along his arm, sparking all the way, and his other fist followed through.

Su Hao's pupils contracted, facing this punch, his hair stood on end. This unexpected deflection was beyond his expectations. He immediately let go of the blade with his left hand, switching to a one-handed grip.

"Barrier!" "Bright Light!"

The 'Barrier' and 'Bright Light' runes activated simultaneously. At the same time, his right hand adjusted the blade's angle, letting it slide down.



Su Hao was punched squarely in the chest, flying backward. Although the 'Barrier' absorbed most of the force, the shock still left his chest feeling heavy, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Jin Datong's left arm was severed at the root, falling to the ground.

One punch for an arm.

Neither man uttered a sound despite the severe injuries.

Su Hao jumped up, clutching his chest, staggering and feigning severe injury. Meanwhile, he began to draw a second 'Barrier' rune.

Jin Datong's punch had hit the 'Barrier,' but Su Hao wasn't sure if he knew this, so he put on an act, hoping to gain an advantage if Jin Datong thought he was gravely injured.

'Barrier' and 'Bright Light' were used simultaneously to obscure the rune's activation flash.

"Barrier?" Jin Datong glanced at his severed arm, blood gushing out, then frowned at Su Hao's performance, feeling uncertain.

He knew the sensation of hitting a 'Barrier' from many encounters, but the opponent seemed gravely injured.

Jin Datong kicked his severed arm, catching it with his right hand and reattaching it.


In a short time, the arm reattached. However, while the flesh was connected, the bones remained broken, rendering the left hand useless, hanging limply at his side.

Seeing his opponent hesitate, Su Hao knew Jin Datong wouldn't be easily fooled.

But it didn't matter. Initially, Jin Datong had pursued him relentlessly, so if he fled, Jin Datong would chase.

So, Su Hao clutched his chest, staggered away, feigning a drastic reduction

in speed.

Jin Datong roared, "You think you can run, bastard!"

He immediately pursued, quickly closing the distance between them. His massive body bore down on Su Hao, his right fist swinging with immense power.

Su Hao turned his head, his exposed eyes calm and cold.

At that moment, their eyes met, and each saw the other as a dead man.

Su Hao adjusted his grip on his long blade and took a deep breath, focusing his blood energy. As Jin Datong's fist came crashing down, Su Hao executed a perfect sidestep, narrowly avoiding the punch. The ground where he had stood exploded from the impact.

"Leaping Slash!"

With Jin Datong momentarily off balance, Su Hao's blade flashed through the air, aiming for his opponent's neck. Jin Datong twisted his body just in time, raising his right arm to block the strike. The blade bit deep into his forearm, causing blood to spurt out, but the arm held.

Su Hao did not let up. He spun on his heel, bringing the blade around for another strike. Jin Datong, recovering quickly, threw a powerful kick at Su Hao's midsection. Su Hao barely managed to deflect it with his blade, the force of the impact sending him skidding backward.

"Persistent bastard," Jin Datong growled, his eyes burning with hatred.

Su Hao knew he couldn't match Jin Datong's raw power in a prolonged fight. He had to end it quickly. He mentally reviewed his options, considering the environment and his remaining runes.

"Barrier," he whispered, activating another protective shield around himself. He needed to create a decisive opening.

Jin Datong charged again, his movements slightly hampered by his injured arm but no less deadly. Su Hao met him head-on, their attacks clashing with a thunderous roar.

The force of their blows shook the ground, and sparks flew as blade met fist. Su Hao's speed allowed him to land several quick strikes, but Jin Datong's resilience and brute strength kept him in the fight.

Suddenly, Su Hao feigned a stumble, lowering his guard slightly. Jin Datong saw the opening and lunged, his fist aimed straight for Su Hao's heart. In that split second, Su Hao's eyes flashed with determination. 

"Flash rune," he activated the bright light rune, blinding Jin Datong momentarily. 

Jin Datong staggered, his momentum halted by the sudden flash. Seizing the opportunity, Su Hao sidestepped and swung his blade with all his strength, targeting Jin Datong's neck.


The blade sliced through flesh and bone, decapitating Jin Datong in a single, clean stroke. The grandmaster's head fell to the ground, eyes still wide with shock, his body crumpling soon after.

Su Hao stood there, panting, blood dripping from his wounds. He looked down at Jin Datong's lifeless body, a sense of grim satisfaction washing over him.

"It's finally over," he muttered to himself, wiping the blood off his blade.

He turned and made his way back to the bushes where he had hidden Xiao Mei. The little girl was unconscious but unharmed. Su Hao lifted her gently and began the journey back to safety.

As he moved through the night, Su Hao knew this was just one battle in a much larger war. But for now, they were safe, and that was enough.

In the moonlight, Su Hao's silhouette disappeared into the distance, carrying hope and the promise of a future free from the shadows of their past.

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