
My Disciple Are All Idiot Players

After being isekai'd for four years, He Yi Ming has finally become a Sect Master, activated the Strongest Sect System, and started to receive daily login rewards! What the system is summoning the souls of people from my original world and giving them a body to become the sect disciple! The atmosphere of the whole sect suddenly changed! Dark Soul Players: Although the starter town monsters one-shot us, but as long as we roll skillfully, it's easy to beat without taking a single damage! Chuunibyou Players: If you don't even have a single power seal within your body what even is the point of life!? Come and take my crash course on how to seal power within your body! Tower Defense Players: The swarm of monsters is coming! Protect the Sect Master! Everyone gets in formation, the archer tower, frost tower, and the flying sword formation are all locked and loaded, if we let even one loose then we're all eating shit! ............ Raw Novel Source-https://b.faloo.com/853689.html Cover Art Source-https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0l8O6

Ayanami_Matou · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 70: The Unstoppable Players


Where is your pride?

Where is your I'm not moved by money?

How could you toss away both of them? How shameless!

(The other players in their mind: Although to be honest, I would have done the same!)



Without any hesitation, World Number One Ice Mage and Stardust instantly agreed!

Thus the three of them quickly went offline.

After a few moments.

The three of them got back online again!

"This one is yours and this one is yours!" Beef Noodle was super excited at this moment and handed the two Poison Serpent Spear to World Number One Ice Mage and Stardust respectively.

"Hahaha, I finally obtain a god-tier equipment!" Stardust was overjoyed!

Now that he had the Poison Serpent Spear, the combat prowess of the Stardust Crusader has more than doubled!

"Hmm, if I condense the power of the Frost Spell onto this spear....would it increase its power?" World Number One Ice Mage was also equally as excited, itching to give the Poison Serpent Spear a taste, both literally and metaphorically.

However, remembering the Poison Serpent Spear is highly poisonous, he refrained himself from acting on his impulse.

After all, World Number One Ice Mage doesn't want to become like the meme where after he says the line "My spear you see...is coated in poison!" and then promptly licking it, sending himself to heaven...

(TN: This meme is a reference to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQTn1QxCZ2s)

"Oh my god...360k!" Beef Noodle was trembling in excitement.

As an unemployed otaku.

Beef Noodle has never seen such a large amount of money!

What was even more unexpected was that he was just addicted to this game but it brought him such a large amount of money!

"I've decided! I'm going pro! The title of the most hours played in Defying Heaven is going to belong to me Beef Noodle!" Without any hesitation, Beef Noodle made this decision in his mind!

Next, He Yi Ming taught Indomitable_Panda, World Number One Ice Mage, and Stardust how to bind the Poison Serpent Spear, and then he waved his hand to announce!

The start of the third day of the Northern expedition!

"Glacial Storm!" World Number One Ice Mage skillfully cast Glacial Storm, slowing down the monster horde.

"Marksmen, attack!" Stardust gave the order and the players fired salvo after salvo of projectiles, each wave killing twice as many monsters as before.

After all, the marksmen's equipments have received a huge upgrade since the last battle, changing from a pistol to a F***ing AK47, all of the arrows and bone spears have been changed to one made from the Foundation Realm's two-headed serpent's bones!

"Frontline, advance! ! !" More than a dozen players carrying five meters long serpent bone swords, with the well-fed buff from munching down on the two-headed serpent's meat, felt a huge temporary increase in their strength.

They formed a line and stomped any monsters that tried to get past them and get to their ADC with a single slash, holding up the frontline.

"Eight Gates! Fourth Gates open! ! !" Luffy opens four gates right from the get-go and one punch stomps any remaining Late Stage of Spirit Realm monsters!

The more than two hundred monsters' hordes were completely wipeout in a couple of minutes!

Just when the players thought they were victorious, something unexpected happened!

"Roar!" A powerful Peak Stage of Spirit Realm monster suddenly burst out of the ground, catching all of the players by surprise, killing several players in the process and wounding many more!

Most players panic and got no clue what to do!

And then.....


(TN: The OG was "Poison Serpent Spear! Go!" but let's all agree that sounds really dumb so let's just go with this)

Three green spears flew through the air and pierce straight into the body of the Peak Stage of Spirit Realm monster.

At the same time, the poison quickly enters its body and all the Peak Stage of Spirit Realm monster could do was struggle a bit before letting out a scream of despair before passing away.

"This is broken!" Recalling their spears, Stardust and the other were overjoyed.

As soon as they switch to the Poison Serpent Spear, all Spirit Realm monsters, unless they're highly resistant to poison, will quickly die as long as the poison enters their body!


This weapon was way too busted!

In a single day.

The players advance nonstop for over 50 miles!

Although the more they advance, the larger the monster horde grows and the stronger the monsters become.

But, the speed at which the players' strength increased was even faster!

"Ding, congratulation to the players for completing the mission, [Advance, Advance, and Advance Again]! Reward: 500 contribution points!"

"Ding, congratulation to the players for completing the mission [Mass Slaughter]! Reward: 500 contribution points!"

(TN: Maybe I should have changed the mission name to Monster Hunter as Mass Slaughter just doesn't sound right)

Soon, the players were all notified that two sect missions has been completed.

Immediately, a thousand contribution points were added to their account!

Now, only the Legendary Mission Bloody Battle With The Foundation Realm Monsters remains unfinished!

That is, they need to kill two more Foundation Realm monsters!

In fact, He Yi Ming had already found the nest of several Foundation Realm monsters.

However, he only chose two of them for the players' to fight!

A Flaming Salamander over thirty meters long at the Early Stage of Foundation Realm!

And a ten meters tall Gigantic Rock Beast covered in a thick rock-like armor who was also at the Early Stage of Foundation Realm!

The other monsters are either in the Mid Stage of Foundation Realm or are a really bad matchup for the players!

(Ex: Fast monster, flying monster, etc)

Originally, He Yi Ming assume that these two monsters will pose quite a challenge to the players since one of them has an extremely large AOE fire attack and the other had an extremely high defense impenetrable by most of the players' attacks!

However, He Yi Ming soon discovered that he was sorely mistaken, he had completely underestimated the power of the players!

Nightfall arrives.

However, none of the players are planning to go offline, they lit torches and start the third-night battle!

After sending 15 cannon fodder ass pulling players to feed the Flaming Salamander, Indomitable_Panda's performance shocked He Yi Ming!

After receiving the Poison Serpent Spear, Indomitable_Panda was now able to keep pace with the Flaming Salamander!

Every attack of the Flaming Salamander was avoided by Indomitable_Panda, now that he had the Poison Serpent Spear, Indomitable_Panda could use it as a sort of stepping stone to do...

A mid-air dodge!

Dozen of fireballs came hurtling toward him if this was the past Indomitable_Panda, there was no way he could dodge all of them!

But now with the Poison Serpent Spear, Indomitable_Panda's movement options have vastly expanded!

Soaring through the sky, traveling through the mountain of fireballs, it was as if Indomitable_Panda was surfing through a sea of flames!

Dodging all of the attacks coming his way!

The Poison Serpent Spear was such a huge power spike for Indomitable_Panda!

It was just insane how good this item was on him!

Moreover, Indomitable_Panda took advantage of the brief period of vulnerability after the Flaming Salamander use its ultimate move, Flaming Fireball Barrage, to launch a sneak attack and used his Poison Serpent Spear to pierce one of the Flaming Salamander claws!

Whenever Indomitable_Panda would run low on stamina, he would chug a mouthful of blood potion to continue the fight!

This time, even when the Stardust Crusaders took over, Indomitable_Panda could have still fought for a bit longer!

Without any suspense, the Flaming Salamander was taken down by the combined effort of the Stardust Crusaders.

When dealing with the Gigantic Rock Beast, the players were stumped at first.

Since they weren't able to pierce its defense.

And as a half elemental being, the Gigantic Rock Beast wasn't effective by poison.

When He Yi Ming was about to take action, he witness the true strength of the players!