
My Disciple Are All Idiot Players

After being isekai'd for four years, He Yi Ming has finally become a Sect Master, activated the Strongest Sect System, and started to receive daily login rewards! What the system is summoning the souls of people from my original world and giving them a body to become the sect disciple! The atmosphere of the whole sect suddenly changed! Dark Soul Players: Although the starter town monsters one-shot us, but as long as we roll skillfully, it's easy to beat without taking a single damage! Chuunibyou Players: If you don't even have a single power seal within your body what even is the point of life!? Come and take my crash course on how to seal power within your body! Tower Defense Players: The swarm of monsters is coming! Protect the Sect Master! Everyone gets in formation, the archer tower, frost tower, and the flying sword formation are all locked and loaded, if we let even one loose then we're all eating shit! ............ Raw Novel Source-https://b.faloo.com/853689.html Cover Art Source-https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0l8O6

Ayanami_Matou · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 69: Twin Spear King Beef Noodle

"Damn, there are only three? Shit! Are they trying to artificially drive up the price!"

"It cost 5,000 Contribution Points but I only have 500, F*** I'm broke AF!"

"F***, how audacious! Those dogshit developers are so shameless....but.....uwuuwu, I want one! No, I need one!"


The players immediately enter a stir and countless pairs of eyes hungrily stare at the Poison Serpent Spear.

But for now.

5,000 contribution points were way out of the budget for most players!


There is always an exception!

"Master, Master, give me two!" Beef Noodle who saw this scene as soon as he got online jumped out and loudly roared!

It had to be mentioned that playing 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, Beef Noodle was a complete monster compared to the other players.

Before most players could even kill a single graphorn, Beef Noodle had already accumulated over 2,000 contribution points.

And now.

Although, Beef Noodle's cultivation wasn't the highest among the players.

His wealth certainly was!

It's over 9,000! ! !

10,100 to be exact!

After all, just the graphorns alone contributed over 5,000 contribution points to Beef Noodle's wealth!

Plus, as the creator of the Leap of Faith, He Yi Ming also rewarded him with a further 1,000 contribution points.

Beef Noodle also co-created the Shitty Pill with Farm Master, speeding up the farming mission drastically.

In the following construction mission, Seafolks' Invasion, and spirit stone mining, Beef Noodle never missed out on farming any one of these missions!

Having this amount of wealth was not surprising at all.

"Are you sure? Unless you step into the Spirit Realm, you won't be able to control two Low-Grade Spirit Weapons at once!" He Yi Ming was taken by surprise and kindly reminded.

A Body Refinement Realm can at most control one Spirit Weapon and they might not even be able to use it to its fullest potential!

You shouldn't bite off more than you could chew.

"I'm so sure!" Beef Noodle nodded without any hesitation.

"Jesus Christ! Noodle Bro bought two of them at the same time?"

"F***, I can't even afford one and Noodle Bro just bought two without any hesitation! POG!

"Omg, Noodle Bro is a complete beast, I thought grinding 8 hours a day was already quite excessive, but I'm nothing compared to Noodle Bro!"

(TN: Is there a word in English that describes someone who grinds a lot? I can't find any on google.)


The other players were speechless, envious, and jealous.

"I will take one too!" Indomitable_Panda without any hesitation spent 5,000 contribution points to buy the last remaining spear.

"F***, I'm 700 short, I don't have enough!" Stardust was disgusted, looking at his 4,300 contribution points, there was nothing he could do.

"Shit, if only I didn't die at the Deep Sea King's hand, I would had have enough!" Luffy felt a bit frustrated but on second thought.

He was the man who was going to become the Cultivation King, Armament Haki was more than enough!

"Hehehe, watch my Twin Spear Style!" Beef Noodle quickly spent 10,000 contribution points and couldn't help himself but get excited stroking the two long and robust spears in his hand.

(Beef Noodle: If only I had enough to buy all three, then I will be able to use the Three Spear Style, stroking one spear in my right hand, stroking another spear in my left hand, and have the last spear in my mouth.)

This was the first official equipment release of this game!

He can be called the first player to ever equip a Spirit Weapon!

"Noodle Bro..." Stardust suddenly came up with an idea and quietly approached Beef Noodle before whispering to him in a low voice.

"Huh?" Beef Noodle was taken aback, what is this guy up to?

"Master said that with your current cultivation, you won't be able to control two Spirit Weapons at once, so why don't you.....sell me one?" Stardust suggested.

"Sell you one?" Beef Noodle was stunned.

Can you even trade Contribution Points?

Even if it can be traded, Stardust won't have enough right?

"I'm not buying it with Contribution Points, I'll pay you the money offline..."

"How about 10k?" Sensing what Beef Noodle was thinking, Stardust quickly explained.

(TN: The OG use 10,000 Flaming coins but I got no clue what that is)

"Noodle Bro, I'll pay 20k!" Before Beef Noodle could even answer, World Number One Ice Mage stood up and chime in.

"30k!" Not backing down, Stardust raised the price to 30K.

"40k!" World Number One Ice Mage also refused to back down.

"50k!" Stardust instantly followed up without any hesitation!

This battle deeply shocked the other players.

"Holy shit, 50k?"

"Oh my god, as expected of WOW's number one Guild's Guild Master, Pogger!"

"How wealthy are these two guys, that's 50k for a virtual item!"

"Damn capitalism!"

"Can Noodle Bro resist the power of Big Boss Star's credit card? I bet 100 contribution points he can't!"

"Yeah, there is no way Noodle Bro can resist the power of the credit card, I bet 200 contribution points he can't!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's no fun if everyone bet on the same result so I bet 300 contribution points on he can't!"


The other players quickly gathered around and spectate the battle of wealth.

(TN: Here there is a lot of blabbering about how much the Flaming coins are worth but I don't want to bore you with that so let's just skip it. But if you really want to know, someone well off will make 1k a month, cars on average cost 10k, a house costs around 100k so yeah! 1 Flaming coin=$5 give or take)

The price of 50k shocked Beef Noodle speechless.

He Yi Ming thought about it and decided to not intervene.

The contribution points were all earned by Beef Noodle's hard work.

So whether or not Beef Noodle chose to sell the Poison Serpent Spear, it was all up to him and not He Yi Ming.

Although He Yi Ming didn't say it out loud.

But even monkeys can see which is the better weapon of the two.

On one side there is the crudely made weapons of the players, crafted out of commonly found monster bone, and on the other side is the weapon personally forged by He Yi Ming, taking an entire night, made from the Foundation Realm's two-headed serpent Spirit Bone!

It is almost comical how these two can even be compared!

It was like comparing apples and oranges!

"Star Bro, I won't give up on this!" World Number One Ice Mage calmly said.

"That's the same for me, there is no way I'm letting go of this Poison Serpent Spear!" Stardust confidently replied!







World Number One Ice Mage and Stardust went back and forth, calling out higher and higher prices, raising the price to 180k!


The other players were flabbergasted.

Holy shit 180k!



These were the only word that came to their mind!

"Stop!" At this moment, Beef Noodle suddenly shouted, stopping the two of them.

"There is no need to make any more bids!" Beef Noodle let out a proud expression.

These words made the other players even more stunned!

"Holy shit, could Noodle Bro be some sort of hidden big shot?"

"F***, am I going to lose my precious contribution points, there is no way"

"F***ing yeah, I was right on betting on Noodle Bro not giving in to capitalism!"

(Said the mysterious player who only bet one contribution point)


Many players saw Beef Noodle's expression and couldn't help but wait in anticipation for his next line.

Sasuga ni Noodle Bro Sama!

(As expected of)

He won't give in to a mere 180k.

"How about each of you pays me 180k and I will sell one to both of you?" Beef Noodle excitedly utters.
