
My Devil's Hand System: Countdown to the Apocalypse

Alex had a bright future ahead of him after a terrible life as an orphan, but Truck-kun had other plans—blablabla and all the Isekai/Transmigration stuff you already know. Alex's problem is that he's an outcast in this new world, but at least he now has a Devil's Hand System. Waiting in line? No, sir. Working 9 to 5 for pennies? Not in the slightest. Waiting for the beautiful girl to notice him? No, no, no. Alex will leave his mark in this new world. Oh, one more thing: the apocalypse countdown is at [365 days, 22 hours, and 25 minutes.] Better hurry, Alex. - 1-2 Chapters every day 1000-1600 words If you have any questions, just ask me. The story has a harem tag because I want to keep possibilities open, and I'm already hinting at it from the early chapters. However, don't expect explicit content or romance just for the sake of it. The story is told in a way that makes sense for the journey, not just to bait you into paying.

CarefulWritter · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Alex’s Second Duel

Alex entered the highway of the adventurer's guild with renewed strength, finding the grey walls more welcoming than before. The paintings adorning the place caught Alex's attention for the first time. He saw a portrait of a blue dragon crossing the skies with big wings, just as he had imagined. He slid one finger across the paint and kept moving. Happy to be alive, he knew he couldn't waste time either.

The others followed him closely, not uttering a word. Entering his room, he found a prison garb waiting for him above the bed. This one was clean and had no holes. It consisted of simple linen beige shirts, pants, and sandals — not the attire he wanted to wear, but far better than some he had seen in the dungeon prison.

Above the shirt lay the diminished arcanite ore, given to him by Kael'Talar. The young elf looked at the object with curiosity, having almost forgotten about this mission. He was probably three days delayed on the task, which could become a problem.