
My destiny lover(love beyond boundaries )

Chang i loved you but you betrayed me.... why did you kill me ? I hate you... A mysterious hate to love story of Chang woo the great king of Woohang dynasty and the Queen of Xiolang Sin si ho who got killed by her husband Changwoo. Sin si ho was reborn as San who is a bold and strong savage girl in modern period. Destiny again repeats Chang will comeback to get his revenge back he will kill san again. San was in a love triangle between three boys Jeon the supersinger, Luian a billionare boy in school and Lee kang San's childhood bestfriend and schools heartrobe. One of them is reincarnation of Changwoo who will kill san again and another one is a real villian and one is her wellwisher who will save her forever. But who is Changwoo? and why he wants to kill his love? what happened 500 years before? what is their Destiny ? Will their destiny change or will she die from his hands.

SabreenKook · General
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45 Chs

San's life in danger

everyone got happy and appreciated HARDO HARDO SAN SAN...

Lee and luian said hey hardo ..sorry jeon why are you here...

San got surprised... opps sorry jeon I slipped my tongue actually guys...

luian , hey don't worry we can understand and we promise we won't tell anyone we know its your privacy...

Lee, yeah whatever it is jeon or hardo we don't mind your our friend that's it ,jeon you saved our life thank you and I am sorry I always hate you but you save us thanks mister jeon...

jeon, hey its OK but call me buddy iam your age only I want friends ...

San, guys I too help but no thanks for me, huh! this boys are same....

everyone laughed hahaha OK OK thank you... jeon also said thanks softy for saving my life....

San, ahh OK but guys I don't even know I did this because I never hit any animal that to lion oh god I don't know where I get this gutts...

but its OK anyhow I did this ... and guys no thanks we are buddies...

OK OK no emotional dramas let's go and eat iam hungry, lancy called everyone..

from far ...oh so your strong but not more than me.. the killer speak , flashback.. ( weak ago before the girls murder the killer follows San and he saw San is coming to her apartment with luian so he hide himself ...later a girl met her and after that he followed her and killed..then he saw its a different girl not San.) that day you escape from me San , I killed someone instead of you that girl wears your hat I thought its u and killed her....

but you won't escape your last day is near.

here San put medicine on jeons injury ...jeon asked you r sweet and kind person but why someone wants to kill you that day... but don't worry I will save you whatever happens ...oh I forgot our softy is super strong you don't need anyone ....hahaha...

everyone left to hotel and had a rest...

luian saw their is something shining in his cupboard, he saw it was the book is shining and some kind of noise is coming from the book, he was scared to death ... later the sound goes off and quite.

he open the book and saw their is a half teared picture in which someone is standing bwith this sword but the face is half teared off... luian was confused and he want to see other half teared picture to know the person...

luian try to learn ancient Chinese to learn the book ...so he decide to learn and he asked naira whether she knows someone to teach him.

she said she can teach him because she knows the language... luian asked how did you know...naira replied, hello mister iam not only jeons sister but also guide, manager and everything to him so I learned from him only....

luian, what jeon too know this language OK OK please teach me...

naira asked but why do you wanna learn..

luian lied that he got rejected by a Chinese girl, he proposed her but she asked whether he know ancient Chinese language because her parents are old so...

naira said OK OK I will teach you but what I get in return ?

luian replied whatever you want but iam not that rich to pay you...

naira, no I don't want money, when time comes I will tell you but for now just start learning....