
My destiny lover(love beyond boundaries )

Chang i loved you but you betrayed me.... why did you kill me ? I hate you... A mysterious hate to love story of Chang woo the great king of Woohang dynasty and the Queen of Xiolang Sin si ho who got killed by her husband Changwoo. Sin si ho was reborn as San who is a bold and strong savage girl in modern period. Destiny again repeats Chang will comeback to get his revenge back he will kill san again. San was in a love triangle between three boys Jeon the supersinger, Luian a billionare boy in school and Lee kang San's childhood bestfriend and schools heartrobe. One of them is reincarnation of Changwoo who will kill san again and another one is a real villian and one is her wellwisher who will save her forever. But who is Changwoo? and why he wants to kill his love? what happened 500 years before? what is their Destiny ? Will their destiny change or will she die from his hands.

SabreenKook · General
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45 Chs

My eyes are searching for Jeon

next day

san wake up and saw everyone is shouting.....

san, hey what happened why everyone is shouting whats going on... suddenly lancy came and told that someone was murdered in our hotel's park.

san got shocked, what how is this possible and who did this...come lets go and see...

they both went band saw it's a girl murdered in a bad manner her neck was cut off from her body....

san , oh no she... the police ask her, miss do you know her...san replied no but we meet yesterday only i saw her actually we bump into each other and she told me that she is my big fan of my novels she was just happy and we two took pictures and i also gave my hat to her .....san cries...

lancy hold her... lee and luian also came... after the enquiry police went and took the dead body too...

here san got angry and crying too.. how could someone killed such an innocent girl...she angry said.

then jeon told , may be someone is targeting you san... everyone got surprised...lee said , what ? are you gone mad hardo...

jeon, look just think...just now i heard she was a talented girl and alone girl to parents and no boyfriend then whom is their to hurt her she was good surely no enemy must be their for her... in my opinion surely someone is targeting san because that victim is here for so long but she got killed only after when she met san..so its a warning.... san be careful .

luian, i think hardo is right.

san , who it might ... i too dont have enemy...

lee, yeah she never hurt anyone ... and i think your the one who hates san , you might be killer ...

jeon got mad...huh! good i told you to be careful but your suspecting me then go to hell i dont care.

san, no i never suspect him he cant do like this...

lancy, ok leave it san is hurt now so please leave her alone.

naira and lancy took San to park and try to make her smile....

after a week ...

San, hey guys shall we go for a picnic in forest...

Lee and luian , yeah good....

everyone packed their things for picnic, naira brought jeon for picnic but he was mad at them...

luian, hey hardo we are sorry he just got emotional, we are friends bro...

Lee, yeah sorry hardo...

jeon got Happy ...its OK guys.

San and lancy came ,everyone left ...in bus San seated beside jeon just like in plane.

luian and Lee seated but got jealous.

later the T forest has come and everyone came out from bus but San slept in jeon's shoulder and jeon also slept ...

naira wake them up and called wake up brother ,wake up sister in law... jeon wake up and said shut up sister..but San was sleepy didn't hear anything....

everyone puts their tents and had fun... everyone was tired..San walk to see around.. their is a lake it was so beautiful, she went but jeon was already seated their...

San went and seat their and try to speak but she realizes better not to talk to him because he won't reply such an arrogant person... San started writing her novel..jeon saw her and ask ,hey softy what are you writing...

San replied, oh finally you talk.. iam writing my novel but you won't understand because your an alien who don't like anything.

who said, I love novels they are my best friend and everything.

San, really then have you read my novels...

jeon arrogantly replied ,I don't like love novels..

San, huh! such a dumb.

jeon, excuse me miss what did you say...

San, ahh nothing.. don't be angry its terrible... jeon ,is it don't copy my words... but that day you look cute ...sorry I lied that day.

look our arrogant boy appreciating a girl, naira shouted excitingly .

jeon,ahh sister wait...naira,hey someone help me...

San got Happy to see how they are happy and lovely.

the moon has come , everyone singing songs and having fun...they told San to sing but she refused then luian compromise her then she sang...




jeon got surprised , everyone got happy and appreciated San WOW San WOW your awesome you sang so well but whose song is this.

lancy , its her own song...

wow nice your good and talented but you have to improve little more your voice should be low... jeon appreciated San.

San got happy that she sang in front of jeon... but Lee asked hey San why did you mention jeon in your song... always remembering him only...San replied calmly, hey Lee its our picnic so no fight...

jeon asked, who is jeon in your song San... is it me ...San teasingly replied... of course not , muster hardo its someone who never had been arrogant whenever I saw him he always smiles and he is such a sweet and nice person to everyone.

jeon got arrogant smile...

everyone had super fun but suddenly a lion appeared and everyone shouted and run... the lion run to Lee and lancy.

luian throw a stone at lion.. the lion got mad and run to luian.

but suddenly jeon took a stick and try to hit lion but lion got more angry and hit jeon back but jeon didn't leave that lion.. the lion grabbed jeon and try to bite him but San got mad and hit the lion from her feet and said how dare you try to hurt my jeon, jeon stand up , San said ,jeon don't worry I will save you always.. they both teamly hit the lion and the lion run away...