
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Military Academy 2

"And welcome to military academy". E.G.Annie said and as the student heard this they were in owe as they heard the type of general she was. In the military a 1-5 star rank soldier is a General, it's very difficult to obtain a 1 star as you must have killed 10,000 Dracklers to obtain 1 and 20,000 for 2 and 30,40 and 50 thousand for 3,4 and 5 star and after that a 6-7 star is an elite general as you must have killed 100s of millions for a 6 star and 7 star while the 8-9 star is a C.E.G(commanding Elite General) as you must have killed a billion or over a billion Drackler, there are only 5 C.E.G on earth. So for the student, being addressed by an elite general is an honor as the lady addressing them must have killed millions of Dracklers.

"I will make things short as I still have alot to do".E.G.Annie continued "Now that you are here we will start by knowing your ranks before giving you the military ID watch and showing you your military doom". she said as her voice echoed throughout the hall it seems to be that she is able to amplify her voice and increase the sound with some technique as it doesn't look like she was stressing her self to talk or shout. The E.G then pointed to a distance and they all could see a machine

"You see that machine over there, that is what we will use to know your rank all you have to do is punch 👊 it as hard as you can with your ability, is dat clear!"

"Yes sir!". Everyone responded again in unity, hearing this reply placed a pleased smile on the E.G's face, she then signified other soldiers to start the process then.

"001, please go for it". A soldier said

"Am so gonna be an high ranker" a bulky student said with so much confidence as he cracked his Knuckles and dashed forward 💨 and engulf his hand with fire 🔥 and punched his machine with all his might


Beeping sound could be heard as numbers kept rolling ... then stop


"Hmmm... An early rank C, not bad ... I guess".E.G.Annie said with no interest


And one after the other they kept on coming and revealing their rank

"3,775". the soldier said as a student step out to take his test

Demion who was 3777 the next after 3776 was already shaking, A boy beside him who noticed how nervous he was decided to talk to him

"Hey, are you nervous". the boy said and Demion looked at him

"yh, a little". Demion said as he removed his face. 'Woah, that guy is really good looking '. Demion said in his mind

"Hey comon chill it's ok to be nervous just take a deep breath and everything will be fine". He said with a smile

'Wow, his even more handsome when he smiles ..... wait a sec why am I admiring him, wait a min am I Ggggg.. GAY!, No ways No fucking Way, I am totally not gay what am I thinking'. Demion who was trying to fix his mind was feeling uncomfortable and the boy next to him was noticing how demion's expression was changing in seconds

"Hey men are you ok, Nvm, the name is SKy". sky said while stretching his hand

"huh.... ehhm... am ... am .... Demion... Demion Quin". Demion said while stretching his hand for the shake, his cheeks already turning red.

(Awkward 🌝). the system said sounding more of a human than a robot

"Demion, Nice to meet you".Shy said while smiling

"3776". The soldier voice was heard

"oh, I guess that's me"sky said but before Demion could even wish him luck he was gone, sky was very fast as fast a lightning ⚡ cause that was his ability as he ran with the speed of light he also punched with lightning on his hands as a resounding bang was heard


The number kept on running and eventually stoped


"A peak A-Ranker he got to this stage on his own impressive, Gen. bulk which family is he from".E.G.Annie asked

"His from the light family ma'am, Sky, Sky light". General Bulk said in a loud voice

" Looks like he actually brought his son, we got our self a hot shot". E.G. Annie said with a smile

"Wait his from the lightning family, isn't that the Light family One of the X-Family... HIS FROM THE X-FAMILY, AN X-FAMILY WAS JUST TALKING TO A WEAK ASS LIKE ME". Demion said in total shock after witnessing sky's ability

( You know, we both know your weak so you don't have to keep hyping yourself because it's seem you take pleasure in saying just how weak you are) it's as if the system has started loosening up to Demion and started talking like a human and Demion hasn't even done anything

"3777". The soldier voice was heard as he called for Demion

"hmmm....I guess it's time for the humiliation ". Demion said as he started running, compare to sky's run Demion pale in comparison as he punched you could hardly hear any sound but it was till better than other F-rank punches.

The number kept on running but it didn't take long for it to stop


Hey guys I won't be able to do any update tmr because am having an exam and the same goes for next tmr buh I till try to post on Friday or Saturday unfailingly

plz I need your support like rate comment and let me know your feedbacks

and plz if I made any error feel free to let me know

samuelayewoh79@gmail.com this is an email that belongs to my friend but if you send any message to it I will be sure to attend to you

Thank you 🙏🙇 ...... Kamsahamnida