

VAMS'S pov;

I can't believe that this little idiot tore my bed and couch with his claws, and my bedroom is now a mess because of him.

"ARE YOU STUPID TO TURN INTO YOUR WOLF FORM INSIDE THE HOUSE?" I asked him with anger in my eyes, my hands as already transformed into my wolf hand with my sharp claws.

"Bro don't kill me without knowing the exact reason" I replied to him with a sad face.

"The reason better be worth your life otherwise you will end up with a scar in your face"

"That beast entered the house and tried to kill me, and it also tried to get into my pants" I was in a state of shock when I answered him.

"WHAT!!!!! Are you afraid of small cockroaches?" I asked him again with an angry mixed smile.

"YESSSSSS, it followed me from the restroom and flew towards me, OH.MY.GOD you should have seen its wings it was like a dragon's wings, thank god it went out"


I ran behind him. He also started running and went out of the house, then suddenly he slipped down, I got on top of him. I used my wolf strength to slap him.

"AHHHHHHHHH, don't give a scar pleeeeeease"

"Get up you stupid dogwolf" after the slap i got up from him.

"Hey I'm a strong wolf don't call me like that"

"Okay keep telling to yourself"

"Iam strong enough to help myself in danger"

"You can't even kill a cockroach on your own, don't get into a fight without me. '' I know that my brother is strong enough to win a fight but teasing him with his weakness is so fun.

"You don't know about that beast, it can fly....OhMyGod it tried to bite me for God's sake"

"Okay Okay stop your talk, Nive gave some food for you, if you don't want means leave it."

"My tummy is empty enough to have a big bowl of food, give me the food loverwolf"

"Hey don't call me like that Jose, or you will be really having a scar now"

"Just shut up and tell me every detail about the walk and talk with your mate girl" as i was eating my food my brother Vams told me about his moments with Nive.

"She is so pure Jose, i can't even imagine her reaction when she knows about my truth" it was the first time I'm afraid to tell someone about my nature"

At that time, my brother Jose grabbed my hand,

"Come on bro, don't lose your hope. Just show your true love towards your mate, so atlast your love will win her heart."

"Nice advice Jose, then why did you give up on her?" Yes I know this topic will make him frustrated but I think this is the right time to talk.

VAMS'S pov;

Jose suddenly got up from his chair and stormed out of the door. I followed him outside, he was standing under a tree and his tears were falling on the ground. I walked towards him.

Yes, my brother's mate is a werewolf. Her name is Riya, they both loved each other. But my brother's past life before her entry is bad because he had slept with a few girls. Due to that reason Riya's parents didn't accept their relationship, even my dad tried to convince her parents because after Riya's entry Jose completely changed into a different person, he loved her like his life. But Riya's parents didn't accept. Jose really went through a mental breakdown after hearing her parents' decision.

At one point, Jose asked Riya to move in with him, but Riya didn't like to move in with Jose without her parents permission so she denied his wish. But she asked him to wait, but Jose was upset because of her decision and he asked her once again but she didn't accept. This conversation led to Jose's anger and he ended his love with Riya but I know that he didn't forget her till now. Also when i spoke with Riya she was strong with her decision also she told me that she will wait for Jose. Now it has been five years, Jose has changed and got back to his playboy attitude. But I know, deep down in his heart he is still loving her.

"Jose...... i know how much you loved her, but don't you want her back? You know that she also loved you back, but....."

"Stop Vams, i don't want to talk about her, yes she loved me but she didn't want to be with me because she want to be with her parents"

"You should have talked to her parents, because you know about your past with girls before Riya's arrival into your life, that's the reason why her parents didn't.........."

"YESSSS YESSSSS, i am a playboy and i will be a playboy always, I DON'T WANT ANY WOMAN IN MY LOVE LIFE PERMANENTLY"

"JOSE , stop acting like a child, control your anger......"

I tried to calm him , but he transformed into his wolf form and ran deep into the forest. Following him will end up in more problems, i know he will come back soon when his anger calms down. I will wait for him, because that is the only way.

I waited for him the whole night, in the meantime I fixed my bed and couch and prepared some dinner for both of us. Time ran up quickly, it was midnight but till now Jose didn't come. It's not good. I needed to find him, so I walked to the door and placed my hand on the door knob.

Then suddenly the knob moved, the door opened, it was Jose. His hands were covered with blood. My heart is pounding fast. What happened to him?

"Jose what happened to your hands why it is covered with BLOOD!!!!" I asked him with fear.

"Who are you to care, you have a mate *hiccups* but me ...... i am a lone wolf *hiccups* a lone wolf will *hiccups* die at the end *hiccups* i am going to sleep"

"JOSE DID YOU DRUNK?" Yes he was drunk like an idiot, but where did the blood come from?

"Yes ....... i am a drunken wolf now *hiccups* he was a bad guy bro *hiccups* he tried to steal a purse from a women *hiccups* so i punched his *hiccups* nose.... "

"JOSE FOR GOD'S SAKE, don't get into fights please, you are drunk, the fight may ended up with your end" i was worried because of him but seeing him like this pushed me to a guilty feeling because if i didn't talked about her, he wouldn't have drunk like this.

"Sorry Jose i am a bad brother for you"

"BRO no bro ......... *hiccups* ..... you are my hero bro because i grew up *hiccups* by seeing your fights and triumphs. You are my hero"

Jose hugged me, I could smell his alcohol so badly. So I dragged him to the bathroom and gave him a bath. After changing his clothes, I gave him some food.

"Bro are you mad at me?"

He asked me sadly in a husky voice.

"No Jose, i am angry at myself"

"Why Bro, you are my hero bro, i drunk because it was her mistake *cries*, she should have came with me, we would have build a cute family"

Jose cried out in my arms, then after a while he fell asleep in my lap, I carried him to the bed.

I got angry at myself because I should have followed him so that he wouldn't have ended up in drinking and fights.

It was 3a.m. then I went to the room and fell asleep on the couch.

*phone rings*

"Ughh, my head, why my head is aching as hell and who is calling this early morning" i picked the phone…… It was Vams's phone and the name displayed as Princess.

"Bro who is this princess for f*cks sake"

"Hey GIVE ME THE PHONE you idiot"

Jose didn't give me the phone, instead he put the phone on speaker.

*conversation over phone*

"Hey Vams are you up? "

"Yes Nive what happened?"

"Today I have arranged a small tea party over my place, also I called some of my friends who were going to study in the same college so..... "

"Tell Nive, do I want to buy something for that?"

"No no Vams, i have everything needed, if you aren't busy means you can also join the tea party so that you can mingle among my friends and you may become friends also. Will you come Vams?"

"Okay Nive i will be there, what's the timing of the party?"

"You can come here by 4p.m. the party starts at 5:30p.m."

"Okay Nive I will be there, see you there Nive"

"Okay bye Vams"

*end of conversation*

"Wow bro so we are going to your girl's tea party?"

"Don't get any hope you are not coming"

"Hey it's not fair, why?"

"Why did you drunk last night"

"Okay sorry brother, hereafter i won't drink alcohol, pinky promise"

"Can I trust you?"

"Yes definitely " before I could end my talk my brother Vams hugged me, and started speaking.

"Don't you dare drink again Jose, you made me afraid"*cries*

"Brother.......... sorry i didn't mean to....."

"Don't say anything Jose, i shouldn't have spoked about Riya, sorry Jose"

"Okay brother , now will you give me something to eat before this headache kills me ?"

"Okay, i will prepare some lemon juice for you"

After our conversation I prepared some lemon juice for him.

"Lemon juice is ready Jose"

As I was about to give him the drink, somebody knocked on the door. I handed the juice to Jose and walked towards the door step to open it.

And he was standing in front of my door, how dare he come to my house.

"What are you doing in front of my house bug?"

"Well well well, see who is standing in front of me. Should I call you Vams or ALPHA WEREWOLF ?"

To be continued......