

VAMS'S pov;

As i opened the door he was standing in front of me without any fear, yes also he knows about my true nature.

I wonder how he found out about me, but I'm sure as hell he won't be going to tell this to my Nive.

If he dares to tell this to my princess, I am sure he will be dead.

"What!!!? did you lost your mind or something how could i be a werewolf you stupid bug" i asked him as calm as i can because my blood is boiling inside.

"Cat got your tongue Vams, don't try to hide the truth because lies will kills you inside"

"Avan i swear to god i don't give a fu*k to your words, just get away before i kill you"

As I was speaking to him, he pushed me away and entered my house. For God's sake I don't know how he found out.

"I can't believe you are an alpha to your pack Vams, because you don't know how to receive a guest" as i entered into Vams's hall i saw his brother drinking something in a cup.

"Who the hell are you man?"

Jose asked me in wonder.

"Don't you remember me Jose i am Nive's boyfriend"

"You are not her boyfriend. You are her ex boyfriend ``I repeated with anger because Nive was my princess and she will be mine.

"Okay okay cool down alpha, don't get me wrong but soon Nive will come into my arms" i can see Vams's face is changing from calm to anger, i like it.

As I was speaking with Vams, Jose got up from his couch and walked towards me. He stepped close to me and slowly spoke into my ear

"Avan, I swear to god if you don't tell me why you are here, I will rip your head from your body. So tell me why you are here"

After Jose's threatening, I started speaking, because I know these two wolves are dangerous together.

"Okay, i came here all the way to warn you Vams"

Vams started to laugh,

*big laughs*

" Avan, this is the best joke in my life"

"It's not a joke Vams, i came here after a long time to get together with my Nive....."

When I mentioned Nive, once again Vams freaked out and started to shout.

"STOP!!, one more time if you mention Nive is your's, i will kill you with my bare hands Avan"

"Vams i know that you care about Nive, but you can't separate us because we both loved each other once upon a time. Due to some reasons i had to leave her.......but..." before i finish my sentence Vams interrupted.

"Yes you left her, you fool! also YOU CHEATED HER, one more word from your mouth, i will throw you out"

"I had my reasons Vams, you can't have her"

As i was speaking Jose interrupted calmly,

"Okay then tell me, for what reason did you leave her by cheating?" I asked him politely to hide my anger.

"You know what, I Am a Vampire, YES I AM A VAMPIRE PRINCE"

as i completed my sentence Vams and Jose they both were flustered.

"What?????, are you joking???"

"Yes it's the truth Vams, that's the reason why i left Nive but i couldn't forget her, so i came back"

VAMS'S pov;

I couldn't believe that Avan is a f*cking vampire, also then i understood how he found my nature.

Vampires have a good smelling sense as we do, also he's a royal blood like me. That's why he found my nature although I hid my werewolf smell.

But i can't leave Nive for this stupid reason because she is my life, she is my mate, i won't give up on her that easily.

So i thought about telling Avan about the mate things. Also i asked Jose to get into the bedroom because he has a bad temper when it comes to vampires because he hates vampires for some reasons.

"Avan, okay you found our nature but also you should know one thing about my motives"

"What's the matter Vams are you falling for my Nive?"

"It's not the right sentence to use Avan, because Nive is my MATE!!! So actually you are falling for my Nive" i replied in high pitch.

"WHAT??????, no it can't be truth Vams don't you dare lie to me"

"Why do i lie to you about Mate, this is the reason why i came away from my empire, so you better back off from my Nive"

As i told him to back off, Avan started to smile, i don't know why but then he told me some threatening words.

"Do you think that these mate things will make me to leave Nive to you" i replied to Vams with deadly smirk in my lips.

"Don't you dare smile, you can't fought against me Avan, so you better leave the town"

"If i leave the town that will be with Nive, also don't you think that saying about your true nature to Nive will spoil your current relationship with her?"

Now i can see the fear inside Vams.

"She won't believe you, also you had cheated on her so do you think that she will give you a chance to speak to her?"

"I know she won't believe me but i could hypnotize her with my vampire eyes. Don't you know about that Vams"

"Don't you dare use that on her, i will kill you with my claws" as i was speaking with him i saw his teeth became sharp, i know that sign, yes he is turning into his vampire form.

So i also became ready to unleash my werewolf out.

We both went outside to end this things soon.

VAMS'S pov;

I transformed into my werewolf form, also he turned into his vampire form.

He tried to bite me at first, then i slapped him in his nose with my strong paws, he has a huge strength which was equal to mine.

Then i bited his arms with sharp wolf teeth, then i pinned him down and trapped him between my paws.

His teeth went inside and his eyes became normal. Then i came back to my human form.

"Don't you dare challenge me Avan because i will be the winner all the time, also you have no rights to go near my mate anymore" i whispered in Avan's ear.

Then i stood up and saw him with the death smirk in my lips.

"My love is true for Nive, you should understand that Vams also you can't win her heart because she will be mine anyways"

Hearing his words made my blood boil, he can't even understand after this fight, i think he lost his goddamn mind.

"Did you lost your mind bug? You can't have her because you cheated on her and i love her truly with my whole heart, also i will protect her from bugs like you" i challenged him.

"Okay so are you challenging me Vams?, but you can't win her trust because you are hiding your werewolf nature also when she knows about your true nature she will definitely slap you and hates you more, best of luck with your mission Vams, i will never let you win" i said to him and left the place.

VAMS'S pov;

I love her truly but hearing his words is making my confidence fall apart, part of his words are true, yes because she will hate me for hiding my nature.

But i will definitely love her till my end, when a right time comes i will tell her about my nature before proposing her.

After so many thoughts, then the tea party striked in my mind.

I went to check on Jose he was actually ready to go there, but how did he know about this tea party.

"Hey Jose where are you going?"

"Bro iam a werewolf so I can hear your conversation over the phone with my wolf hearing sense" I smiled at him.

"Jose you are lucky that I am in a good mood, don't you dare eavesdrop on my conversations"

"I know why you are happy, because you're gonna kiss Nive today"

"What?!!!! Are you stupid enough to think like that, i didn't even proposed to her then how can i kiss her you idiot?"

"You are no fun Vams, you should have now actually in her bed*censored*"

"Hey stop you ho*ny idiot, i don't want to hear your sexy thoughts now so please stop Jose"

"I know you are actually now imagining about the things i told you with Nive...."

VAMS'S pov;

Before he started to say more things about sex, i pushed him on couch and went to take a bath.

I hope this evening with Nive will go well as i thought.

Because of that h*ny talk with my brother, I had to take a cold shower. Then i dressed up and started to walk to Nive's house, of course with my brother.

After an hour we reached her house, i pressed the door bell.

Then an unexpected twist came there, yes Avan opened the door.

"Welcome to Nive's tea party Vams, come inside"

His stupid smirk and his face……. Oh my wolf !............ I hope this night won't end up with blood in his face.

to be continued.....