
My DEAD End Job

Alan's day could not have gotten any worse. Not only was his wife announced dead, he accidently stopped Death himself from taking her soul! As a punishment, He was killed, taking his wife's place. Thinking it was all over, he woke up and learnt he reincarnated as the undead! What's more? He became a Grim Reaper! Follow Alan's journey as he guides souls to climb the ranks of his DEAD End Job.

Ultra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

One out of Three

[Congratulations! You have completed the first daily task out of three!]

The system gave a ring that made Alan feel thrilled as he finally collected the last ant of 10 thousand.

"I did it!" Alan cheered with his hand raised up high.

After he was teleported back, he continued to search for ants and left the neighbourhood, leaving the household with the abusive husband and poor woman. He did not want to but as he is now and what Death said to him; he knew he had no power to stop the man simply because he was alive.

He felt bad about breaking his promise to the cat, but he vowed that if he found a solution, he would help that family out. It was his first day on the job, so he hadn't figured out everything about being a reaper and secret loopholes to the rules. From his experience, he knew every job had a loophole and rules were breakable with little punishment. He just had to find it.

During his ant search, he ended up in what looked to be a town, as there were many convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, diner restaurants, a car repair shop, clothing store, etc.

This place was a heaven for souls, as there were so many ant souls and mosquitoes around him. Of course there were other souls, but Alan ignored them until he would need them for his dailies.

Though there were many ants, it still took him two hours to clear the last remaining thousand dead ant souls and Alan also focused on any mosquitoes that were around him.

While he was hunting for souls, he checked on his new skill of absolute restoration, imparted by Death. He understood that the skill restores all his injuries in a near-instant, but when he tried to activate it again, the system denied his activation and told him that there is a cooldown to the skill!

The skill can only be used once a day and the cooldown resets at midnight regarding the user's time. So for Alan, he can use the skill again in twelve hours since that's when his midnight would be.

Alan opened his daily task to check his progress on the mosquitoes.


Guide the souls of 10,000 dead ants, (10,000/10,000)

Guide the souls of 100,000 baby larvae (0/100,000)

Guide the souls of 10,000 mosquitoes (1500/10,000)

Reward: 10 experience points, 50 coins.

'I have twelve hours left…' Alan was panicking deep down because of his last remaining time.

'Luckily it's late spring, though the weather here doesn't exactly scream spring.' From his wandering, Alan believed he was somewhere in England and he had heard some stuff about it like their dark gloomy weather, which, as he experienced, was correct. Though, to be fair, it was the middle of the night here.

Though it was late, there were still quite a few people around buying some necessities from stores and some couples were just walking around hand in hand, completely oblivious of the mosquito and caterpillar souls on them.

'Heh, if only they could see them.' Alan laughed inwardly as he released a lapis blue beam to save the certain unlucky individuals to have mosquito souls around them. His soul transfer skill strengthened a lot against Beth, turning from a sky shade of blue to lapis.

Though maybe it's because he is hunting down insects, the effects of soul transfer didn't seem to change or quicken the process other than Alan's beam can reach longer now.

Though Alan saved people from the surrounding mosquitos, he left all the other insects on them like a caterpillar or even an ant now.

'How chaotic this world would be if they could see souls…' Alan thought but then realised something 'Hold on...before I died, was I in the same situation!?' Alan shuddered at the thought of being followed or swarmed by insect souls in his day-to-day life.

Alan continued his hunt for mosquitoes in the town.


Sirens sounded from a distance as it got closer and closer to Alan's proximity, making him look towards it. He saw an ambulance speeding through the streets, clearly in a rush.

'Hm, some accident happened…' Alan debated whether he should try to follow it but he realised that would be pointless since he can't even run.

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

Alan just continued his mosquito grind and hit 2000 Mosquitos but there didn't seem to be any more in the town or they were hiding away from Alan.

Before Alan moved on, he wanted to check on this dude that grabbed his attention. While he was going around the town like a madman, he noticed a freckled face, brown curly-haired, glasses-wearing guy that was waiting beside by some bench which was next to this big monument stone.

The reason he caught Alan's attention was he noticed the boy shaking with nerves as he kept fiddling with his palms. It made Alan chuckle, and he guessed the boy was going on a date, though he wondered why it was so late 'Do teenagers go on dates this late now? How times have changed' He wondered at the time.

Alan wanted to check up on the boy and see how the date was progressing. But, when he went back to where he first saw the boy, he saw him sitting down on the bench looking sad 'Oh no…' Alan had a bad feeling about this.

The boy constantly checked the time on his phone, reaffirming Alan's guess 'She stood him up.

Alan felt sorry for the boy and sat next to him for a few minutes, even though the boy couldn't see him. While he sat, Alan peeked at his phone and saw that the girl messaged she was held up but it was sent over thirty minutes ago.

Despite that, the boy seemed to have continued on waiting. He clearly believed she would show up.

"You should go home, it's late." Though Alan knew the boy couldn't hear him, he still spoke to him as if he could.

"I am so sorry I'm late!"

The boy raised his head and looked over the direction of the voice. Seeing a girl waving at him, he smiled. Alan also looked towards her and thought, 'Oh, she showed up. Guess I thought too negatively haha.'

The woman wore a plain white top, simple jeans and a black jacket which helped complement her short black hair as she looked like a rockstar. Her face was quite smooth, and she was quite tall, only an inch or two shorter than the guy.

'Well, it's time to go…' Alan stood up from his bench and took out his compass, pointing north.

He began walking in that direction but then he stopped and changed his direction to the boy and girl `Ah, I'll just watch their date for a few minutes and leave.' He innocently thought as he got near the two.

'Let's see your moves, man!' Alan rooted in his mind for the guy to succeed.