
My DEAD End Job

Alan's day could not have gotten any worse. Not only was his wife announced dead, he accidently stopped Death himself from taking her soul! As a punishment, He was killed, taking his wife's place. Thinking it was all over, he woke up and learnt he reincarnated as the undead! What's more? He became a Grim Reaper! Follow Alan's journey as he guides souls to climb the ranks of his DEAD End Job.

Ultra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Grim Date

While following the two, Alan learned the name of the guy to be Samuel and the girl to be named Nixie. The two first went to a fast-food restaurant that made sandwiches based on the customers preference.

Nixie just got Italian bread with meatballs and cucumbers with sweet chilli sauce while Samuel got Italian bread with chicken strips with onion, lettuce and barbeque sauce.

For drinks, Samuel just got water while Nixie had a diet coke and while they ordered, Alan took time to check the menu on screen. As a doctor, he was always busy working and he never really ate fast foods or even walked inside because if he had to get some food quickly to the hospital, he would order some takeaway since it saved time.

Plus, if he got takeaway, it was usually from an established restaurant that serves decent dishes and offered a delivery service. Now, his wife was different and always wanted to have fast food, but even she rarely had it because they had their own personal chef that cooked every day.

Though Alan wasn't the biggest fan of fast food, he gave in from time to time to eat pizza with his wife, but that was about it for his experience. Now that he became a Grim Reaper, he didn't need to worry about his image or body of health, so he looked at the menu without worry and actually wanted to try the food Samuel and Nixie were about to eat.

the menu choices astounded Alan 'So many choices!' and from what he overheard, the customers weren't limited to the menu and could make their own type of sandwich.

"That will be fourteen pounds please." The cashier said to Samuel and Nixie.

Seeing that Nixie's sandwich was with Samuels, Alan guessed Samuel offered to pay for their meal 'Well done, Samuel!' He praised.

Samuel checked in his pockets and then checked them all again, but with a panicked look.

Alan had a bad feeling as Nixie asked, "What's wrong?"

Samuel looked down in embarrassment "I-I forgot my wallet…"

Alan facepalmed 'You had all that time waiting for her to check if you brought your wallet!'

"Oh...its fine, I'll pay." Nixie brought out her wallet from her bag and scanned it on the card reader, but Alan could tell that she was disappointed in Samuel and the cashier was also looking at Samuel with judgemental eyes.

"I'll pay you back, sorry." Samuel apologised as they left the place.

Nixie just gave a smile and said, "It's fine."

'It's okay, you just have to impress her through conversation.' Alan planned to go hunt the Mosquitoes after checking out the fast-food restaurant but stuck around for a little longer.

They sat on the bench that Samuel was at previously when he waited for her and Nixie began opening the wrapper that encased her sandwich.

Samuel was still very embarrassed, so he left his closed and didn't say a word while Nixie bit down on her sandwich.




Samuel still didn't talk to Nixie and just continued to stare at the floor.

'Samuel...this is the part where you ask about her! Ask her what her interests are and how her day went, come on Samuel, say something!' Alan was shocked at Samuel's behaviour and just didn't understand how he can be silent without a care for the other person.

"Um...how was your day?" Seeing that Samuel would not talk to her first, Nixie tried to make the conversation.

Hearing her, Samuel looked back up and blushed "A-A-Ah, it was good." He replied, and glanced back at the ground.

"Ask her how her day went!!!" Alan couldn't help but shout at seeing Samuel's dead response.

"O-oh, u-uh h-how was your d-day?" Samuel finally looked back up and asked Nixie, surprising her and Alan.

"It was fine. I finished my last A level exams today, in fact, so I can enjoy my summer!" Nixie replied as she chowed down on her sandwich.


Alan wished he could possess Samuel to help him out because the guy clearly needed it 'Ask about her interests! Or ask her plans for the summer, Samuel!' Alan thought to himself.

"What about you? Have any plans for the summer? Nixie asked, since she noticed Samuel wouldn't talk again.

"N-No, I will just p-play some g-games." Samuel replied.

'This is tragic…'

Nixie sighed at Samuel's lack of interest to talk to her 'I could have gone out with my friends today but one of them said I should go on a date with you' Nixie regretted coming here and wanted to tell her friend off for making her go on a date with Samuel.

"Are you going to eat your sandwich?" Nixie asked when she finished hers.

Noticing that he hadn't eaten the sandwich yet, Samuel panicked and opened it up "A-Ah, y-yes I will e-eat it." He hurriedly said and took a bite off it when the wrapper was completely off.


When he took a bite of the sandwich, BBQ sauce got squirted onto his shirt from the backside of the sandwich.

"Ah!" Samuel squealed as BBQ sauce ruined his top and Nixie handed him some napkins from her bag with a sigh "Here, to clean yourself up." She said,


Alan couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

Samuel took the napkins and tried to wipe off the BBQ sauce on him, his face completely red from embarrassment.

"U-um, I am s-sorry about this." Samuel apologised to Nixie.

Nixie went on her phone and absently replied, "Don't worry about it."

Alan could tell that Samuel lost any chance to talk to this girl now. At first she tried to talk to him and give him her attention, but after the horrible reply and lack of initiative from Samuel really turned her off on this date. To make it worse, he forgot his wallet when he offered to pay for their food and he spilled BBQ sauce on his own shirt from his first bite of the sandwich, making him seem very sloppy and clumsy.

It was truly a bad first impression Samuel gave to Nixie, and now she became uninterested and went on her phone.

'She'll probably make an excuse.' Alan guessed with a sigh.

After a few seconds, Nixie looked at Samuel "Hey, sorry, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you."

'There it is.'

"O-okay, s-see you another time?" Samuel replied as he stood up with Nixie.

Nixie just gave a smile and waved goodbye as she took a bus that was approaching them, and Samuel waved back.

'That was absolutely tragic…'

Hey, I wanted to update when I have my new cover art but its taking some time.

I am horrible at editing text onto a cover haha.

Hope you like the new cover when its updated :)

Ultracreators' thoughts