
My DEAD End Job

Alan's day could not have gotten any worse. Not only was his wife announced dead, he accidently stopped Death himself from taking her soul! As a punishment, He was killed, taking his wife's place. Thinking it was all over, he woke up and learnt he reincarnated as the undead! What's more? He became a Grim Reaper! Follow Alan's journey as he guides souls to climb the ranks of his DEAD End Job.

Ultra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Evolved Mosquito!


Alan was currently being swarmed and attacked by a bunch of mosquitoes. After he left the apartment, he used his skill soul transfer in its beam form to take all the mosquitoes from the apartments, allowing him to avoid any scandalous behaviour that goes on at night.

This experience as a Reaper really made him wonder whether when he and his wife were having their fun, was a reaper just watching them, or some other entity. Alan found that being invisible to others is way too overpowered for spying or just watching others through their day-to-day lives.

'Criminals or news journalists would marvel at being invisible from everyone, the amount of crimes they would get away with or private all exclusive stories a journalist could produce with such a cheat.' Alan thought as he guided the mosquitoes from a far.

As for reapers themselves, Alan did not expect all of them to respect others' privacy and thought that some of them probably watch other's lives with interest, even if they are doing something intimate or embarrassing.

'Ah, I guess I can't judge the others too much...I am guilty as well. I watched a stranger have a failed date with a girl and found it very cringe, sad but also amusing' Even Alan didn't have a clean slate at watching the unsuspecting out of curiosity.

'How long do I have to do this job for…' While mindlessly guiding mosquitoes, Alan wondered about his time in this job.

'This is only my first day, yet so much happened and it's been quite draining...will this be my life forever?' Alan already guessed that he was probably immortal, or at least had a far higher lifespan than when he was a human.

He pushed those thoughts aside and continued to guide the mosquitoes.

However, as his beam was about to hit a mosquito with a red aura, it dodged!

Thinking it was coincidental that it moved when he used his skill, Alan tried again but the same thing happened again.


Alan tried to use the skill again at that mosquito but like before, it dodged to the side.

[Soul transfer activated]

[Soul transfer activated]

[Soul transfer activated]

Alan continued to try and hit the red aura'd mosquito, but to no avail. He found it a little strange that this particular mosquito had a red aura while the rest were brown, but thought it might be some soul mutation or something like finding a shiny pokemon.

Whatever it was, it was clear that it was much more intelligent than the rest, as it actively dodged Alan's skill.

Eventually, the red mosquito felt very annoyed at Alan's constant attacks and generated a louder buzz which sent some sort of red wave to the other mosquitoes in the area. The sound wave seemed to have traveled very far as mosquitoes from the far distance were flying towards Alan's location.

'Uh oh…' Alan had a bad feeling about this.

Swarms of mosquitoes gathered around Alan, with the red one at the front like a general, staring down at Alan with fury.

Alan took a step back with his arms up "I think there's some misunderstanding, I am just here to do my job." He said, hoping they will quietly get guided by him.


The mosquitoes didn't seem to listen to Alan's plea as their wings buzzed louder and then charged at Alan, attacking him from all angels.

"Urgh!" Alan held his hands in a blocking motion, trying to block them from attacking his face as he felt the mosquitoes trying to bite and suck his blood.

'I can't believe I'm thinking this but thank god I'm a skeleton right now' Alan gratefully thought as after a while he noticed their attacks weren't harming him and were more like a nuisance than anything.

Alan retaliated with his own attack of soul transfer!

[Soul transfer activated]

He swayed his lands all around him as they glowed a dark blue and each mosquito that made contact disappeared shortly after.

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

More and more mosquitoes attacked Alan. It felt endless for Alan but he was also happy about it because of how fast he was collecting their souls.

In fact, the only thing that was actually annoying Alan was the system itself with its constant ringing in his head 'Ah, this would be perfect if this damn system prompt stopped ringing!' He complained in his mind.

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

The swarm seemed to be endless!

[Congratulations! You have completed two daily tasks out of three!]

Just like that, Alan had completed his second daily task, all thanks to the red mosquito.

However, now that he finished his second daily task, Alan did not want to waste anymore time with the mosquitoes, but though he could defeat them easily, he could not escape from their swarm.

'Its that red mosquito, I have to take it down!' Alan reached out his hand and tried to move forward.

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

Alan's vision was blocked, but he continued on through the brown glow, there was a red one in the distance 'Come on…'


'Urgh, there's too many!' Feeling fed up, Alan shot out a dark blue beam at the red dot in the distance.

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

[Congratulations! You have guided…]

The beam decimated the mosquitoes that were in front of Alan but the red one dodged again.

The red mosquito understood that it was futile to hurt Alan so it prepared to escape.

'I won't make the same mistake again!' Alan used his skill soul bind!

[Soul bind activated]

The surrounding air changed and the red mosquito couldn't move anymore. Not even its wings were buzzing, it was just stuck in the air motionless.

"Its over!" Alan activated soul transfer.

[Soul transfer activated]

Without the ability to move, the beam covered the red mosquito and slowly disappeared.

[Congratulations! You have guided an evolved dead mosquito soul!]

[First time completion of guiding advanced soul]

[First time completion of guiding evolved mosquito soul]

[Rewarded 200 exp and 500 gold]

Many system prompts ringed inside Alan's mind as the mosquitoes that swarmed him dispersed away.

'Oh my god…' Alan jumped in joy from seeing his rewards.