
My Dangerous Beautiful Wife

She is the captain of special operation force, and he is the president of the country. Both are living in different side of world but destined to meet with each other. She is just like a fire that will burn him wholly, and he is like ice-cold water that will extinguish her burning fire because of his love for her is bigger than anything. “I am sorry, but I don't do love. My love only for my country and my people, and nothing else matter”-Eva Clara ಠ_ಠ “I hope, you will realize someday. You should try to open your eyes more Eva, so you will be able to see there's so much thing that deserves your love, including me”-Zaire Gneiss ( ˘ ³˘) “I just want to open a new door for my country and lets people who lived there, living their life comfortably. For someone like you, you never understand what we feel when we have to facing our dying people every single day because of lack of malnutrition and disease. All of them are suffering now, and I want to end their nightmare by accepting this mission. And my mission is to end your life, Mr. President”-Eva Clara ┏(`ー´)┛ “Your beloved country are betraying you Captain Eva and your president sending you to me in the name of mission, but in fact is, to make you become a scapegoat. But don't worry because very soon, you and your beloved country will be MINE.”- Zaire Gneiss ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Will Eva be successful to carry out her mission and free her country from a clutching of an evil and greedy ruler? And what will happen when Zaire knows about Eva identity and her stories? Meet with Eva and Zaire in My Dangerous Beautiful Wife and hope all the readers enjoy this journey. ┗(^0^)┓

Raden_Na · Urban
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3 Chs

A Clue

After struggling to drag out a last of few victims buried in the rubble of the shop building from the morning, Eva and her team were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as their mission was finally completed. Although there are some victims who cannot be saved due to severe injuries, the majority of them received a big wounds even though it will take a long time to heal, but it's still fortunate rather than losing their live.Eva instructed her team to gather for a while to update the information that they had obtained. Each family member will be notified as soon as possible to verify the identity of the victim. The casualties for this time are twenty people, eight men, ten women and the rest were children.

A sadness and discontent looks can be seen on the face of each victim's family member.Suddenly, a woman with a disheveled look come out, grabbing Eva hand and shaking her body.

"This is all your faults. It's all your fault! If not because of your people, we wouldn't be suffering like this. You are the murderer. You already kill my husband last week, and today, you kill my child too. What I suppose to do now, huh? I lost all of my family members because of your commander negligence!"

The woman couldn't contain her grief and then fell slumped on the ground. She cried in tears and hit Eva body, even though that hit didn't cause her any physical pain, but it's still brought a discomfort inside her heart.Eva fully understand the woman's feelings and let her, letting go of her grief by doing that. She gestured through her eyes to his men, not to act rashly, and warn them not to use a force.Holding that woman shoulder tightly, Eva look into her eyes, then hugged her and whisper softly into the woman ears.

"My apologized for your lost, ma'am."

"I am sorry because I don't have enough power to stop all of this, but I promised you. Everything will change into a better day soon. I just hope you can still be holding on and continue to live your life.The only thing we can do now is hoping and praying for a better future ahead. Let's pray harder for a miracle to happen to this country."

Seeing their captain still in the woman's arms,Brian even had to call her slowly. "Captain? Our business is done, what should we do next?"

Getting out from the woman embrace, Eva pat her shoulder, and walked away. Standing in front of her men, Eva give her order one by one.

"Please pack every tool you have used, and put it back in a military jeep. You all can go and get rest at our camp now. I'll catch up later because I need to see Rey for a while.And thank you for the hard work, efficiency, and your spirit for today. I really appreciate it. And most importantly everyone, please forget whatever your regret or your 'what if' mindset. We are responsible to rescue whoever we were able to rescue, and it's not your fault if we can't do more than that. We are human, after all. Stop blaming yourself over something you can't control. Get enough rest and sleep, so we can continue to fight for the unpredictable, unknown tomorrow."

"Everyone can go, except Brian and RZ. The two of you need to stay for a while. I have something very urgent to discuss with both of you. Let's talk at there." Eva pointing her hands on the table that they used to store their equipment earlier.

Seeing two of their leaders being called by the captain, the other team members quickly leave that area and said.

"Good luck, Brian and RZ."😅

Don't have any mood to joke around with their team members, Brian and RZ silently followed their captain order and walks to that table direction faster. The longer they delayed, the longer they're going to stay. Without wasting any time, Eva pulled off something out from her trouser pocket and the two were surprised to see the item because it was like a fuse of some explosive. There are five of them. Both Brian and RZ looked at each other questionably, grab it and try to touch that fuse, and surprisingly, it still warms.No words were needed and both of them understood, what Eva purpose by showing that things.

For several accidents that had happened before, Eva had found some clues, but at the time she was less certain. She only talked to her General and two people that she trusted most, RZ and Brian. She isn't very sure at first, and that's why she chose to use the back door to enter this time. And she found it, the explosive's fuse right under the ruins, and it's the same just as before. That is the main reason she believes there are traitors freely wandering outside, playing with people life. But she can't understand, what is this person goal by doing all of that thing. Who are they? Did they work by individually or under someone command?

Eva exhaled slowly and then said.

"If our guess are true as before, there are traitors living inside this country, and they must be related to a top ranking officer considering the only one who have the access of explosive item is them. We need to find a proof as soon as possible, and I need you to investigate this fuse. I know you like this kind of thing, right? Please be careful, and don't tell this to your other members. Understand? I will be going to report this to our General Kevin now, and you can go back to our base directly. I am intending to observe Rey situation later and be safe on your way back."

The duo nodding their head and salute to their captain.

"Yes, We are understand Captain! Be safe on your way too."

Nodding her head back, Eva left that place, clutching her hand, and walks to her jeep. Holding the handle of her jeep door, she is looking up to the cloudy sky, and whispered to herself.

"For thousands of innocent life that you take because of your selfishness, whoever that traitor is, I will make sure you will pay for it. Even I have to sacrifice my life,I will punish you."

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