
My Daemon System

In a mystical realm where humans are blessed with a unique connection to their inner selves, a wondrous fantasy world exists. Every individual is born with a Daemon, a magnificent creature believed to be the embodiment of their very soul. As they reach the age of maturity, the Daemon settles into a specific form, granting its human host a remarkable ability. However, amidst this extraordinary reality, there exists a young boy named Jacob who has faced a fate different from his peers. From the day of his birth, he was marked as different, for he was born without a Daemon. This peculiarity made him the target of relentless bullying and scorn from those who couldn't understand his absence. Enduring the constant torment, Jacob harbored a hidden strength, an indomitable spirit that refused to be crushed by the weight of his loneliness. One fateful day, as he found himself cornered once again by his tormentors, a wave of determination surged within him. No longer willing to be a victim, he unleashed an extraordinary ability, a power that surged through his veins. To his astonishment, he discovered that he possessed a system—a mysterious force guiding him through the trials and tribulations of his world. It presented him with quests, and challenges that tested his courage, resilience, and wit. Each quest completed bestowed upon him new skills and abilities, transforming him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Jacob's journey took him across vast and enchanting landscapes, where he encountered strange creatures, forged unlikely alliances, and unraveled the secrets of his world. With every quest conquered, he grew stronger, both in body and in spirit, shedding the weight of his past suffering. Yet, as his powers expanded and his reputation grew, the system presented him with a quest that filled him with doubt and trepidation. "It is time for war". ----------------------------- Please guys check out my other book MMORPG: Virtual Rebirth. I promise you will love it.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 3 System interface

*Ding! Ding! Ding! *

Jacob could hear the ringing of notifications in his ear as he slept. If he was awake, he would have seen this process.

[completion of system update into host–12%]

[host has received the blessing of the Restoration!]

[host has received Toxin immunity!]---

[completion of system update into host–30%]

[host has received the function Daemon Upgrade!]

[host has received the function Daemon Downgrade!]

Jacob continued hearing the sounds of notifications.

-six hours later.

[completion of system update into host 90%]

[host has received the function Quests!]

[host has received the function Daily tasks!]

[completion to system update–97%]

[completion to system update–99•9%]

[completion to system update–100%]

[system update completed!]


Immediately after Jacob opened his eyes, his gaze was drawn to a peculiar display that materialized before him. Startled, he instinctively recoiled, only to collide with the edge of the bed he lay upon.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, wincing as pain reverberated through his skull. Confusion washed over him as he struggled to piece together the memories of the past twelve hours, which remained hazy and elusive.

As his dazed mind attempted to comprehend the situation, more system messages appeared before his eyes.

[Congratulations, host, you have now received the power completely!]

Jacob stared at the system message, his expression a mix of astonishment and bewilderment. He momentarily questioned the validity of his senses, uncertain if he had entered the realm of a dream or fallen victim to an elaborate prank.

The system's characters changed once again before him, seemingly addressing him directly.

[To check out what this power entails, call out: system interface!]

Slightly apprehensive, Jacob glanced around his modest room, absurdly confirming that no one was present—aside from himself, of course. With a mixture of curiosity and caution, he resolved to explore the mysterious system that had manifested itself within his reality.

Summoning his courage, he murmured the words that would supposedly unlock the enigmatic system interface. "System interface," he uttered softly, his voice still tinged with traces of sleepiness.

Jacob's gaze fixated on the ethereal outline that materialized before him, featuring an array of intriguing categories.

[Host Attributes], [Skills and Abilities], [Daemon], [Quests], and [Shop].

A faint spark of recognition flickered within him as he contemplated the familiarity of this presentation.

"Hmmm?" he pondered aloud, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and nostalgia. "It looks just like the old games people used to play all the time in the past."

A glimmer of understanding began to illuminate his mind as he realized that this mysterious display resembled the interfaces of the old type of virtual games.

His musings danced between reality and fantasy, attempting to reconcile the impossibility of such a manifestation in the world he thought he knew.

Drawing a breath, Jacob mustered his resolve to delve deeper into this enigma. "Host Attributes," he called out.

As his words reverberated through the room, the other categories vanished, leaving only the section of his attributes. Before him, information began to materialize, revealing vital details about his own being and potential powers.

Jacob's eyes widened with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation as he prepared to explore the depths of his capabilities.


[Host Attributes]

Name: Jacob

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

Health Points (HP): 100/100

Mana Points (MP): 50/50


Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 5

Bravery: Null

Manipulation: Null

{Attributes Points:0}


Jacob had a dark, furrowed brow as he stared at the information displayed before him.

The information displayed was perplexing, to say the least. "Bravery, Manipulation, Null?" he muttered, his voice filled with frustration. "These damn characters." He rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of it all.

The words echoed in his mind as he struggled to digest the peculiar attributes presented to him. "Bravery... Manipulation... Null," he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. It was as if he was being evaluated on qualities he had never considered before.

[These attributes have been properly calculated, and it would seem the host lacks in various aspects, especially manipulation and bravery!].

Jacob's eyes widened, his confusion deepening. "But why does this thing look like an old-age gaming system?" he pondered aloud, gesturing towards the holographic interface.

The display resembled a relic from a bygone era, reminiscent of the gaming systems humanity used to indulge in before the invasion of Zenithains.

"Levels? Points?" he muttered, a flicker of recognition passing through his eyes. Memories surfaced, reminding him of stories he had read about ancient games, their mechanics, and rules. Jacob was an avid reader, his love for books exposing him to the tales of humanity's past.

As he delved deeper into his thoughts, a glimmer of understanding started to emerge. Perhaps this particular display was somehow related to the games he had read about.

The realization sparked a sense of intrigue within him, driving him to unravel the mysteries hidden within the ancient system.

Skills and abilities!" he called out.

The host attributes panel disappeared only to be replaced by skills and abilities.


{Skills and Abilities}

-Dash: level 1

-Regeneration: level 1

-Stealth: level 1

- Toxin immunity:level 1

-Daemon acquisition: level 1







Jacob's gaze swept over the mesmerizing sight before him. Rows upon rows of locked skills and abilities stretched downwards, their potential locked away like forbidden treasures. The display shimmered with an otherworldly glow, whispering secrets of untapped power.

"It truly is like those old games," Jacob murmured, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and trepidation. He stroked his chin, deep in thought.

The notion of leveling up resonated with him, a familiar concept from the games of yore. But would the same principles apply here?

As he pondered, Jacob's eyes scanned the vast expanse of skills, each marked with a level one indicator. The numbers held a promise, a hint that growth and progress were possible. He yearned to ascend, to see those numbers rise and witness the unlocking of dormant potential.

Yet, amidst his budding understanding, Jacob acknowledged the gaps in his knowledge.

"I have a general idea of what some of this means," he admitted, his brow furrowing in concentration. "But for the rest, I haven't even heard of them before."

Just as his thoughts wandered, Some information materialized beneath the locked skills, like ancient texts being unveiled. Jacob's eyes widened with anticipation as he leaned in, his heart quickening its pace.

»Dash- level 1

(Ability to increase current speed by 15 for ten seconds )

»Regeneration- level 1

(Recover from injuries ten times as fast)

»Stealth- level 1

( Daemon ability- Moving silently and remaining undetected)

»Toxin immunity- level 1

( protection against not-so-serious toxins)


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