
My Daemon System

In a mystical realm where humans are blessed with a unique connection to their inner selves, a wondrous fantasy world exists. Every individual is born with a Daemon, a magnificent creature believed to be the embodiment of their very soul. As they reach the age of maturity, the Daemon settles into a specific form, granting its human host a remarkable ability. However, amidst this extraordinary reality, there exists a young boy named Jacob who has faced a fate different from his peers. From the day of his birth, he was marked as different, for he was born without a Daemon. This peculiarity made him the target of relentless bullying and scorn from those who couldn't understand his absence. Enduring the constant torment, Jacob harbored a hidden strength, an indomitable spirit that refused to be crushed by the weight of his loneliness. One fateful day, as he found himself cornered once again by his tormentors, a wave of determination surged within him. No longer willing to be a victim, he unleashed an extraordinary ability, a power that surged through his veins. To his astonishment, he discovered that he possessed a system—a mysterious force guiding him through the trials and tribulations of his world. It presented him with quests, and challenges that tested his courage, resilience, and wit. Each quest completed bestowed upon him new skills and abilities, transforming him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Jacob's journey took him across vast and enchanting landscapes, where he encountered strange creatures, forged unlikely alliances, and unraveled the secrets of his world. With every quest conquered, he grew stronger, both in body and in spirit, shedding the weight of his past suffering. Yet, as his powers expanded and his reputation grew, the system presented him with a quest that filled him with doubt and trepidation. "It is time for war". ----------------------------- Please guys check out my other book MMORPG: Virtual Rebirth. I promise you will love it.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 28 Weapon hall

He took a seat, his heart pounding in anticipation of the impending inquiry.

Headmistress Evelyn Blackthorn, the only female in the brotherhood of scholars, and the formidable leader of the academy, broke the silence. "Mister Jacob, we have summoned you here today due to reports of an extraordinary incident involving your confrontation with a vampire and saving a fellow student. Is this true?"

Jacob straightened his posture, summoning his courage. "Yes, it is," he replied firmly.

Headmaster Montgomery, the elder statesman of the group, raised a skeptical eyebrow. "A vampire, you say? Do you expect us to believe that an inexperienced first-year student fought a vampire?"

Jacob's eyes met his, unflinching. "I understand it sounds unbelievable, sir, but I assure you it's the truth. It happened in the hallway of my chamber."

Headmistress Blackthorn leaned forward, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Please, describe the events as they unfolded."

With a steady voice, Jacob recounted the harrowing details.

Throughout her narrative, the headmasters' skepticism softened, replaced by intrigue and awe. Each had dedicated their life to the pursuit of knowledge, and this tale defied the boundaries of what they considered possible.

As Jacob concluded his account, a moment of silence hung in the air. The headmasters exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Finally, Headmaster Xavier, renowned for his expertise in ancient lore, spoke, his voice laced with respect.

"Mister Jacob, there is one thing we don't quite understand. In your narration, you stated that the vampire bit you, but when the guards found you, there were no marks on your body nor were you suffering from any kind of poison, and from your file, it doesn't state that you have healing ability could you explain this reason to us."

Jacob's heart raced as thousands of thoughts flooded his mind. 'Why does it seem like the whole universe is trying to expose me today? First, it was Adam, and now the school council.'

"Ah. Ah. I don't have an explanation for that, it must have been a miracle all I did was just help a fellow student," Jacob replied.

Headmistress Blackthorn leaned forward, her voice gentle yet firm. "We understand your intentions, Mister Jacob, and we commend your bravery. However, we must now decide how best to address this breach of secrecy and protect the academy and its students, and I also think you are working with the vampire."

"Madam trust me I have nothing to do with this, I didn't even know anything about the down-worlders until now, believe me, I was just trying to help

The headmasters engaged in a hushed conversation, their expressions pensive and contemplative. After what felt like an eternity, Headmistress Blackthorn turned to Jacob.

"Mister Jacob, we have come to a decision. The council will meet again in a week to discuss the matter further. In the meantime, you are to maintain utmost secrecy and cooperate fully with our investigation. Do you understand?"

Jacob nodded, his eyes brimming with tears and his resolve unbroken. "Yes, Headmistress."

As Jacob exited the conference room and made his way back to his own quarters, he was startled by the sound of Dagon's voice echoing in his mind.

(Don't worry, my boy! Everything will be alright. Together, we'll find a solution)Dagon reassured him.

"No! You've meddled enough, and I won't tolerate your interference or suggestions. You will not take control of my body unless explicitly granted permission," Jacob firmly commanded, causing a few passing students to turn their attention toward him.

Observing the scene, a female student passing by whispered, "What's wrong with him?"

Ignoring the murmurs, Jacob marched directly to his room, where he coincidentally encountered Adam and Ray preparing to leave.

"Ah, you're back! How did the meeting go?" Ray inquired with curiosity.

Jacob scoffed, "That meeting? I'd rather not discuss it. Where are you two off to?"

"We were just about to enroll in the private classes we discussed yesterday. Remember?" Adam reminded him.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot. Count me in. Let's go together," Jacob eagerly replied.

And with that, the trio set off to sign up for the private classes they had planned to attend. On their way, Ray left and headed to go sign for elementary class while Jacob and Adam continued their journey to weapon class.

As they approach the entrance of the weapon hall, they were immediately struck by the imposing presence of the sturdy walls that enclose it. Made of aged stone and bricks, they stand tall and proud, hinting at the treasures that lie within.

The entrance itself is adorned with a remarkable door, reminiscent of the ancient Chinese doors found in temples.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the door is a work of art in its own right. It is constructed from a rich, dark wood that has weathered with age, displaying a beautiful patina, and Intricate carvings embellish its surface.

As they stood before the entrance, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and reverence.

Just as they were about to go through the door, they both heard a familiar voice calling out to Jacob, they turned around and saw Amp running towards them.

"Hey! Wait up guys, Jacob wait up for me, "Amp requested from a distance.

"What sup bro? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in gadget class," Jacob inquired.

"Well, I've decided to join you guys in the weapon class, " Amp replied

"Alright then, anything you want to do," Jacob said as they walked through the door and into the weapon class.

As they step through the heavy, ornately carved double doors, the room unfolds before their eyes like a treasure trove of lethal artistry.

The hall is bathed in a soft, ethereal light that emanates from enchanted sconces mounted on stone pillars. The air is thick with the scent of polished wood, oiled leather, and a hint of metal.

The chamber stretches out in a seemingly endless expanse, with high, vaulted ceilings. Rows upon rows of weapons are meticulously displayed on racks, shelves, and weapon stands.

Swords of various shapes and sizes are a prominent feature, their blades honed to a razor's edge, some adorned with precious gemstones set in intricately crafted hilts. Battle axes, their gleaming heads adorned with wickedly curved spikes, hang alongside war hammers with ornate designs etched into their heavy heads.

Bows and quivers filled with fletched arrows line one side of the hall, showcasing the archer's art, guns of all types lined up on one side.

"Wow! This is incredible," Jacob lamented.


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