
My Daemon System

In a mystical realm where humans are blessed with a unique connection to their inner selves, a wondrous fantasy world exists. Every individual is born with a Daemon, a magnificent creature believed to be the embodiment of their very soul. As they reach the age of maturity, the Daemon settles into a specific form, granting its human host a remarkable ability. However, amidst this extraordinary reality, there exists a young boy named Jacob who has faced a fate different from his peers. From the day of his birth, he was marked as different, for he was born without a Daemon. This peculiarity made him the target of relentless bullying and scorn from those who couldn't understand his absence. Enduring the constant torment, Jacob harbored a hidden strength, an indomitable spirit that refused to be crushed by the weight of his loneliness. One fateful day, as he found himself cornered once again by his tormentors, a wave of determination surged within him. No longer willing to be a victim, he unleashed an extraordinary ability, a power that surged through his veins. To his astonishment, he discovered that he possessed a system—a mysterious force guiding him through the trials and tribulations of his world. It presented him with quests, and challenges that tested his courage, resilience, and wit. Each quest completed bestowed upon him new skills and abilities, transforming him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Jacob's journey took him across vast and enchanting landscapes, where he encountered strange creatures, forged unlikely alliances, and unraveled the secrets of his world. With every quest conquered, he grew stronger, both in body and in spirit, shedding the weight of his past suffering. Yet, as his powers expanded and his reputation grew, the system presented him with a quest that filled him with doubt and trepidation. "It is time for war". ----------------------------- Please guys check out my other book MMORPG: Virtual Rebirth. I promise you will love it.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 18 'Worlds Unleashed' Round 1

{your first level, the army of the Undead} they all heard a voice from the game in their head.

The army comprises various types of undead soldiers, each possessing its twisted attributes and abilities.

These skeletal remnants of fallen soldiers march forward relentlessly, their bones clattering with each step. Armed with rusty swords and tattered shields, they form the bulk of the army. They possess enhanced strength, speed, and durability, sheer numbers can overwhelm the living.



–Monthly tasks unlocked

–Play the game 'Worlds Unleashed' and when the golden price.

<Rewerd for completion: (Hidden) will be reviewed when the host fails to complete the task>

<Punishment for failure: (Hidden!) will be reviewed when the host fails to complete the task>


Jacob stood with a look of confusion as he stared at the system interface before his eyes.

Just then, a screen from the game appeared in front of them again this time, displaying a panel of weapons similar to the one Jacob's system had displayed earlier.

{Pick your weapon, you don't have a choice seeing as there is only one weapon available for now. As you level up more weapons will unlock} the game voice spoke in their head.

The three of them picked the only sword that was available in the panel and got ready to fight.

They looked ahead and saw the other team already fighting and some of the soldiers of the undead heading towards them.

The three of them stood back to back, their blades glistening with anticipation.

They tightened their grips on their swords, and their faces hardened. The chilling moans of the undead reverberated through the air as they closed in. The first wave crashed upon them, bodies clawing and gnashing in a macabre dance of death.

Adam lunged forward with precision, his sword slicing through the air. With each stroke, he severed limbs and decimated the skeletal foes. His powerful swings created a barrier of steel, forcing the undead back, and giving his companions room to maneuver.

Ray leaped and dodged, his strikes precise and deadly. His keen eyes and agile reflexes allowed him to anticipate the undead's movements, allowing him to swiftly dispatch them with finesse.

His strikes were so swift that the undead barely had time to register their fate before collapsing to the ground.

Jacob analyzed the battlefield, searching for weaknesses in the enemy's approach. With a calculated plan in mind, he directed his friends, exploiting gaps in the undead's formation.

Jacob struck with calculated precision, using his agility and speed to his advantage. He darted in and out, delivering swift strikes that incapacitated his foes.

As the battle raged on, their swords clashed against the army of the undead, their movements harmonizing with the rhythm of battle.

Yet, for every undead that fell, it seemed two more emerged from the ground. The friends fought with a mixture of fatigue and determination. They knew they had to keep pushing forward, to at least win this first stage of the game.

It had only been five minutes since they entered the game, but time in the game seemed to stretch into eternity as they continued their struggle.

The battlefield was littered with the fallen, the undead's numbers dwindling, but never enough. Blood and sweat coated their bodies, and their muscles ached with the exertion of countless clashes.

Finally, as dawn's first rays began to pierce through the night sky, a triumphant cry erupted from the friends' lips. The last of the undead had been vanquished, their twisted forms now lifeless on the ground.

Jacob, Adam, and Ray stood amidst the carnage, battered but alive. They exchanged glances, their eyes filled with pride and gratitude.

Their bond had been tested in the crucible of the game, and they had emerged stronger.

With weary but triumphant smiles, they sheathed their swords and were ready for the next round.

They began to hear cheering and clapping from the game it was as if people had been watching them play from the beginning.


Their eyes went completely black and as they opened their eyes again, they were back to the real world.

They took their helmets off and the first person they saw was Jessica standing in their front and her face displaying a big smile.

"Your time is up for today, How was the game? I hope you enjoyed it," She asked.

"Yes the game was great," Jacob added. "If I may ask, when we won the battle I heard sounds like people cheering, at first I thought it might just be from the game but it sounded quite real".

"Yes like I said this is a very advanced game, so there was a flood of audience who logged in to the game just to watch. They can send votes, gifts, or even cash," Jessica added.

"And from the look of things, you guys have a lot of fans, look yeah you've gotten lots of comments just in the past 30 minutes."

She showed them a tablet in her hand, on it were thousands of messages, and even more came popping in as they looked.


»Team A was great.

»I love team A.

»Team A.

»I can't wait for round 2.


"Wow!" the boys lamented as they read the comments that kept coming in.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, you don't have classes tomorrow so I would be expecting you guys early. There are a lot of settings we have to do," Jessica said.

"Ok! See you tomorrow," they said before leaving the Cyberverse and headed to their room.

On their way back to their room, the dimly lit corridors of the academy seemed to stretch endlessly. Adam and Ray trudged wearily, their shoulders slumped with exhaustion from a long day in the Cyberverse.

But Jacob on the other hand was feeling a bit stronger.

As they reached their room, the door creaked open, revealing the comfortable haven they called home within the walls of the academy.

"Okay! See you tomorrow," they chorused, the tiredness evident in their voices. With a collective sigh, they bid each other goodnight, eager to sink into the solace of sleep

A smile flickered across Jacob's face as he lay on his bed and contemplated the trials to come. Tomorrow, he and his team would conquer the virtual realm in round two.

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