
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

This He Devil

Let took the phone off her ear staring at the caller ide placing the ceil back to her ear.

" Let me guess what your doing right now " He spoke playfully resting his head on a pillow lying on his bed picking his teeth with a tooth pick.

" You are wondering how i got you number how could it be the instant you needed someone to talk too I called your eye looks lost your lips are trembling you want to scream at me but your lost of words am I right or am I wrong " He asked smiling confidently.

" Are you a wizard how could you know all that ? " she frowned looking around" Are you stocking me we're are you standing watching my evey move " Light asked taking a sit on a wooden bench in the garden.

Instead of answering the question he asked her a different question.

" who made you cry ? she I come over and break their face " He asked his voice more stronger by the other end.

" How do you know am crying are you seriously stocking me your snick " She spoke wiping off her tears still having a deep frown on her face.

" Nope am not anywhere close light but I can feel when something is off with you even from a mile away and it easy to read body language even from the phone I could tell something or someone upset you spill it who did " He demanded calmly for a name treating her like a little child.

" It my dum ex boyfriend " she found herself spilling out the details of what had happened. she didn't expect him with a very calm cold voice that gave her goose boobs a bit.

" So give me a name let me go teacher the bastard who made you cry a lesson let me make him cry a little send me your address and no buts " He ended the call before she could responded.

" This...He Devil!! " She screamed getting more pissed by Anthony forgetting her encounter with her ex completely. before it dawned on her Anthony had helped her cheer up her father words replaying in her head.

" Ones you meet a man that loves you as much as your mother does you found him light " Her father advice replayed in her head. she gasped covering her mouth Anthony was just being a mother hen a minute ago asking her with her ex boyfriend name was acting all defensive and protective of her feels was this a sign.

" Oh ... dear God not now I can't handle another boyfriend mostly not Anthony of all people" she groaned in frustration going back to the church her phone beeped. Anthony message displayed on the screen π I'm waiting stone head send me the location.

Light sighed loudly " Was he serious " she spoke to herself inwardly imagining Anthony having a fight with her ex because of her mostly in the church now she felt more stupid for not cutting the call the instant she heard his voice having no other choice she sent him the address hoping he wouldn't show up since it at a church.

Anthony got the info with a frowning emoji he read the message out loud.

" Please don't show up and even if you do please do not create a scene it the church for the loving name if ...." she left that blank incomplete he smiled knowingly she knew he didn't like when people mentioned God. Rising from his bed taking out his best cloths he got dressed in a minute walking out of the house.

" Anthony we're are you running off too looking so handsome any special occasion I wasn't informed about" His mother asked smiling pinching his cheeks. The woman smile froze when she heard Anthony response her heart almost flying out of her chest.

' I'm going to church mum " He spoke graining from ear to ear kissing his mother cheeks before running off.

Mrs mercy stared watching her son run off she blinked twice cleaning her eyes to durable cheek if she wasn't hearing or seeing things.

" Unbelievable Anthony is going to church as God come to rapture us already am I in paradise" The lady seemed to be confused walking into the house to get some rest before her head would explode out of Anthony attacks on her heart.

In no time he had arrived at the church gate reading the church name out loud.

" Saint lewis christian House Of God " The word god made is tongue hitch feeling a slight irritation on them but it was worth it as long as he would enjoy that drained look on light face.

He walked into the door a man dressed in a prist garment stopped him from taking a other step into the church.

" Haven't you heard of the saying that the church is the temple of the lord take of your shoes before coming in " The man spock his hands placed behind his back.

Anthony did as he was told trying not to show is deadly eyes to the man placing his shoe's aside he took a step into the church.

" Welcome boy to the house of the lord it seems it your first time are you here for the youth seminar someone by chance invited you " The man asked staring at Anthony with a smile on his aged face.

" Yes I'm here for the youth services I was invited by the pastor daughter light " He responded hiding his true agenda for coming it was to break light ex nose for making his angle cry.

The man hummed walking along side him.

" I see let me show you the youth department they are all gathered their for practice I hope this wouldn't be the last time I be seeing you around" The man stood at the door gesturing Anthony to go in the man turning going is own way will humming a song.

Anthony eyes darkened pulling the door opened stepping into the room everyone eyes turned at the same time to meet the charming handsome dare devil with a killer smile on his face.

The ladies stared at him almost drawling while guys looked interesting in getting to know him already.

Stella grasped staring at Anthony " who invited an angle to the church" She praised smiling sweetly at Anthony.

Jennifer blushed commenting " He looks like a demi god...oh those eyes "She giggled shyly.

Anthony grained hearing the ladies comments even in the church he had a devilish power over woman.

Light suddenly coughed taking there attention to her she had a plain expression on her face going true the crowed she stopped right Infront of Anthony hands crossed against her chest.

" So you came didn't I tell you not to come"

The room was filled with silent gossip wondering were light knew the young man from. They all had jealous written on their faces christian stared dum stroke unable to believe his eyes" light wasn't lying she did have a boyfriend " He breathed out the words feeling low in spirit seeing how handsome Anthony was.