
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

I Want You Back

Light felt a bit awkward returning back to her old like style perfect daughter of pastor wale. Anthony had thought are that she wasn't so perfect no one was.

" Young Mrs we have arrived won't you drop down or would you like to remain in car much longer " He asked respectfully not wanting to sound pushy even do the madam of the house ordered him strictly to make sure her daughter was seen of into the church self and sound.

" I will be dropping down now thanks driver K " She stepped out of the car walkie to the large church the reason for her awkwardness was because she was going to see the one face. she had been running from it was non other than Christ are first love the son of Bishop.

She walked into the halls of the church already listening to the voice of the youths gathered in a room.

She breathed in letting the breath go before pushing the door opened getting into the room for everyone to notice her arrival.

Marry ran over to her embracing her in a hug her two other friends Jennifer and Peace joining the hug. The screamed and she understood that scream was a scream of gossip what light could say that gossip flys more in the church than at a bar filled with unbelievers as the called them.

" I have missed you so much saint marry " Marry teased calling her by their church nice name.

" It been so long ladies. have missed you too " she responded a simple smile on her face.

" How is school the news spread like wide fire that you went to a public school. someone say you failed but we told them that you are a book worm there was no way could have failed they most have been a mistake" peace spoke informing light on the gossip people had started to spread about her.

Light secretly rolled her eyes knowing of her friends scheme they only told her to get her talking spilling out her own secrets in defense against their words. but she wasn't in the mood for it.

" Everything you heard is true " Light responded plainly not ready for drama.

Jennifer stuttered trying to say a word.

" Impossible how can you fail and even if you did how could your... fa..father ...ta...take ..you to such..a dirty school filled with dirty people haven't you heard public university are filled with commoners and all kinds of untamed unbelievers how disgusting " She spoke making a disgust look her tongue slightly sticking out.

Light didn't take her comment nicely they had called her friends and Anthony a disgusting person. she glared at Jennifer

" Don't you ever and I repeat call my friend or my school a disgusting place again if not darling I will pull out your tongue and cut it got that " She spoke hissing living them dum stroke everyone who heard their conversation were also surprised. No matter how angry light was at someone she would never speak out her feels not more threatening someone in the church.

They stared at the direction light had walked over to taking a sit at the back her face twisted in anger.

They all broke out in a large fit of gossip talking amongst themselves about light new behavior.

Light didn't care a bit about what the thought of her she wouldn't keep being apart of there hippocrates.

" All bunch of pretenders I wondered why I stayed long enough with them playing their fake games " She muttered under her breath staring at her phone scream.

Her eyes were still enjoying the images of her and Abigail pictures at school when a male voice passed true her ears like a smooth breeze her heart beat picking up.

" It been so long light it seems you stopped caring about me " Christian stared into her eyes smiling gently.

The memories of them together flashed true her eyes before returning back to the present she took her eyes off his face back to the phone in her hand .

" What do you want ? because you are not really needed here " Light spock her words cold and straight no hent of feelings

" I deserve the cold shoulder. please after the seminar can we have a private chat " He asked in a calm tone trying to get to light soft sport for him.

" I'm sorry but I don't think my new... boyfriend would like that " She added the stress on the word boyfriend to get back at him for breaking up with her.

Christian looked surprised for a second before realizing light eyes twitching every time she lied to him her eyes would twitch.

He smiled cashing her lies for him to be sure she was still in love with him.

He pretended to get hurt by hitting is hand on porpoise to get her to react which she did pulling his hand checking for bruise or scratch.

" Why did you lie to me light your in the church and your lying and not just that you threatened someone today it on like you not that am judging I think I like this new you " He spoke taking his hand to her lips. she innocently moved back staring at him in bewilderment so he suddenly liked her now that she wasn't being her old self.

" I want you back. be Mine again. I miss you sunny " He called her pet name staring intensely into her face his eyes sinking her heart.

Getting up from her sit in a hurry running out of the room far off from the church. she went to a garden sitting their and crying her heart out wondering why the feeling still hurt.

" Stupid... stupid you couldn't even lie properly he never liked you all he wanted from you was your body now that you aren't being a church girl anymore he suddenly want you back how much of a fool have you been light wale " She screamed at herself in rage remembering how the meet and how she fell head over heels in love with him. still beating himself up about it her phone rang she took ignored it at first but the person kept pestering her not checking the ide she picked up the call and the smooth voice hinted with playfulness rushed into her ears from the phone speaker.

" Hello beautiful" Anthony voice sounded from the phone.