
My cold Husband

"I need you to sign this" he voiced coldly and pointed at the bottom of the paper. " what is this?" I questioned as my eyes scanned through the papers. The more I read it, the more i knew something didn't seem right. At first, i thought it was a letter or something but it turned out to be divorce papers. "What do you mean by this?" I whispered in a lowered tone of fraustration and confusion as i slapped the paper on the table in disbelief. Was he going to divorce me? -------------------What happens next? Read to find out!!!---------------

trixxxmoonlight · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3- Home

It's been weeks since the accident happened.

I was realeased on a Tuesday night and Xavier drove us to our house without saying anything.

Through out my treatment, i couldn't help but feel the need to believe how much Xavier has changed. Even though he's still cold and grumpy, he still sets aside his tight schedule just to visit me in the hospital with flowers.

It was weird and uncomfortable at first but then i started to find it cute and romantic.

After some of my injuries had fully healed, i was finally realeases and moved back to Xavier's apartment.

On our ride home, i kept staring at the front mirror and outside the window. I slowly started to shift my gaze at Xavier who was focused on the road.

"If you keep looking at me like that, i wouldn't be able to focus" he says out of the blue while facing forward.

I blushed and looked away embarrassed.

"So you aren't gonna tell me how we got married or how we met in the first place? Did we get along or were we constantly fighting?" I brought up a question curiously just to hear his reply.

Xavier stayed silent for 5 seconds and i could tell that he was making up something in his head. He starts to tap the car wheels with his fingers and for the first time in years, he smiled.

"We were-"

"Madly in love." He lies

My cheeks turned red at that moment and i never would have thought that words like that could come from Xavier.

To be honest, Xavier and i never fought or disagreed about something before he brought up the divorce. We just weren't getting along or never talked. As much effort as i put in to make a conversation with him, he always looked bored or uninterested on what i have to say. Sometimes, his inattentiveness or unnattention leads him to locking himself in his room for hours and he wouldn't come out until the next morning.

At times, i get so worried hoping nothing had happened to him but the only response i get from his room was a "I'm fine_Goodnight".

With time, i stopped trying. Getting worried about his wellbeing was his business. I only did so so i could clear an image as a good wife, but nothing seemed to impress him. The only thing that got my mind of things was listening to some slow music, going to work, and taking a cold shower.

It took us hours before we got to our destination and during the trip, i zoned out.

When i opened my eyes after my nap, i jumped seeing Xavier's looking at me like i had something on my face. As we locked eye contact, he looked away nervously.

"Is there something wrong?" My voice submerged.

"We're home. I'll get your suitcase" Xavier excused himself and unbuckled my seat belt.

He opens the boot to his car and carried out all my luggages and suitcases.

As i stepped out of the car, i smiled proudly.  It smelled like home for some unusual reason.

We both walked into the apartment and God i was liking that new apartment smell. As i looked around the apartment, i noticed there were two rooms which was expected. Why did i think we would be sleeping in a single room?

I shooked the feeling out of my head and entered one of the rooms where Xavier kept my luggages which surprisingly turned out to be the master's bedroom.

"You moved my luggages to the Masters bedroom? Why not the guest room?" I questioned but this made him look at me curiously like i had just said something stupid.

"We're married are we not?" He stated which left me dumbfounded. I could have asked him the same thing.

"Ah- i see" i stammered.

"Where we always this close as couples?" I spoke.

"Yes." He answered.

"Are you hungry? I'll prepare dinner" he says while exiting the room.

That was a first.

I followed him to the kitchen and i was yet surprised when he puts on an apron as he opens the fridge and picks out some vegetables.

I didn't think he was serious until he started to chop the onions and carrots. I didn't even know he was so skilled and professional at using a knife, he didn't look like a person that can boil an egg.

I wished i could watch him cook all day but after a long day today, i was in a mood for a warm bath. Normally, i go with cold baths but today was rather different.

"I'll take a quick shower. I'll be right back" i stated

"Ok! I'll let you know when dinner's ready" he says not taking his eyes off the chopping board.

I made my way to our bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind me before taking off my clothes and changing into my robe. As i stepped into the tub, I felt so relaxed and everything seemed peaceful.

I began to think about how much my life had changed after the accident, well, Xavier's personality to be exact. If only i knew lying about having amnesia would change a cold guy like Xavier, then i would have done this a long time ago.

But the only question that stuck to my head was- what if he finds out that i didn't have amnesia?

As much as it was hard to imagine, i had to face reality and think of better ways to cover my lie.

30 minutes later, i stood up from my bathtub and wrapped a robe around me about to leave the bathroom but knocked into a glass cup sitting beside of the tub.

I watched in horror as the cup fell on the ground and broke into pieces. The minute the sound of the glass shattering occured to me, I went down on my knees and picked up the shattered glass. Unexpectedly, Xavier rushed into the bathroom and looked down at the glass cup and then back at me kneeling on the ground.

"Alisa- you're bleeding"