
My cold Husband

"I need you to sign this" he voiced coldly and pointed at the bottom of the paper. " what is this?" I questioned as my eyes scanned through the papers. The more I read it, the more i knew something didn't seem right. At first, i thought it was a letter or something but it turned out to be divorce papers. "What do you mean by this?" I whispered in a lowered tone of fraustration and confusion as i slapped the paper on the table in disbelief. Was he going to divorce me? -------------------What happens next? Read to find out!!!---------------

trixxxmoonlight · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2- Amnesia

"How is she?" Xavier speaks the minute the doctor stepped out of the ER

"She good but she has some minor concussion. Excluding that, everything seems to be functioning well." The doctor kept his eyes on the paperwork he was holding.

"Concussion?" Xavier questioned curiously, his eyes lotting red with fear and anger.

"Yes. Due to the incident she had, it caused a minor concussion and there's a 100 percent chance that she might have... Amnesia"

Xavier's worrisome face seized to a shocked expression.

He couldn't believe his ears... It's like everything happened so fast he could barely even come up with words to express himself.

"Is she awake right now?" Xavier asked.

"Yes. But you need to be careful with her. She's still fragile" The doctor replies.


Alisa's Pov:

In the ER room, i was laying on my bed still lost in thoughts.

Seeing me just laying there, Xavier entered the room and immediately rushed up to me worriedly as he curved my cheeks with his hand.

"Are you okay? Are there any broken bones anywhere" he scanned my body .

Even though there were no broken bones, my head, shoulders, back and chest level down to my waist were covered in bandages.

"I'm sorry-" i looked at him confused.

"Who are you sir"

----3 hours after the operation----

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a face looking above me.

"Where was i?"

Everything looked bright and white. At some point, i thought i had died and gone to heaven.

"Are you okay ma'am" A voice snapped me into my consciousness.

It didn't take me long to figure out that i wasn't in heaven, instead, i was in a hospital.

"Ma'am are you okay?" Repeated the doctor's voice who noticed how pale i looked.

I sat up straight in shock and looked around my environment frantically.

"What happened?!" I turned to the doctor who held me down calmly.

"Relax Ma'am. You're in the hospital. You had a little accident and your husband brought you to the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" The doctor questioned.

"An accident?" Just then, my memories triggered the chandelier accident. I remembered pushing Xavier aside and taking the fall for him.

"Do you have any minor concussion? Any memory loss or anything?" The doctor examined.

"That accident you have might have had a serious impact to your brain and this may give you memory loss, so i just want to be sure you are okay" The doctor continued.

"Your husband has been waiting for you in the lounge for 3 hours now" he says.

Unexpectedly, a wild idea popped in my head.

"Husband?" A lie splats out of my mouth.

"Yes ma'am. Mr Xavier? You don't remember him?" The doctor reminded while i sat down there dumbfoundedly.

"I've never heard of him" i lied again with a confused look on my face.

The doctor looked disappointed and as expected, i was diagnosed with amnesia.

"We'll run a few test to check. In the mean time, well let your husband know you're awake" The Doctor says as he exited the ER room.

The minute he left, i let out a huge sigh of relief.

I can't believe i had just lied about having a memory loss of my Husband. Was this out of fear of ever facing him? Or the fear of him still demanding on getting a divorce? Either still, this decision might not be my biggest regret.

Just as i thought things could not get any worse, Xavier rushed in and i couldn't help but noticed the worried look on his face. His clothes were stained with blood which was probably from the accident.

"Are you alright Lisa?" He whispered to my face

I have never seen him act so concerned in my life especially when it is about me. He's never showed me such affection, not even when i fell down the stairs or when i fell sick and couldn't get out of bed. What made this incident so special? His comfort even almost made me forget my mission.

"Who are you sir?" I asked trying to act confused and uncomfortable at his sudden reaction.

Xavier looked shocked and confused. He turned to the Doctor who looked like he had a lot to explain.

"What's going on?" He asked the Doctor. The Doctor let out a devastated sigh

"She has amnesia sir. I couldn't find any brain tumor in her system lucky enough but that accident must of reset her memories causing her to loose part of it." He inclined while Xavier just held my hand and faced his puzzled look at the doctor in shock.

"This means that part of her memories of you are gone."

Xavier looked like he needed time to process this news. He glued his eyes on the ground in guilt.

"And how long will she be like this?" He threw a question at the doc

"Luckily, the amnesia is only going to be temporary. It may take months for her to retrieve her memories but eventually, she will". The Doctor continued but that didn't seem to relieve Xavier.

"She'll have to stay with you in the mean time or her parents." The Doctor adds.

"She'll stay with me-" he fixed his eyes on me

"She is my wife after all"