
Number One

The clone quickly followed Tan You's order and put on the mask he just made.

"You will be named Number One." Tan You said this and looked at his clone with a proud expression on his face.

"Thanks master." The clone nodded.

'This guy is good; he even knows what to say in this kind of situation.' Tan You was getting more and more happy with his clone.

He could tell that his clone was better than he thought; he was much more efficient than himself. And they were loyal too. 

His clone was like Tan You's loyal human companion, who was more efficient than him.

To be able to get this kind of ability in this new world. Tan You looked at his future with more positivity. Although he didn't know if he would be able to become immortal, he could at least live a comfortable life with his clones doing all of his work.

As he was thinking about this, a new thought also entered his mind, and his heart skipped a beat.

'Should I see if my clone could cultivate for more than five minutes?' He thought, and his eyes flickered with a tinge of excitement.

He knew that his clone was not like him; it was even better than himself. As he has seen just now,.

His clone's abilities are on a whole different level. That was the reason why he wondered if his clone could cultivate even better than him.

Although he knew that his clone was a copy of his, he was sure that the clone's spirit root was the same as his. However, he still wanted to know if his clone was more efficient than him in cultivation.

If that were the case, then it would change Tan You's destiny completely. If his clone could cultivate and become strong, then one day he might have an army of strong clones by his side.

At that time, he wouldn't have to worry about this world too much.

"Hey, Number One, can you cultivate Qi?" Tan You asked as he looked at his clone with hopeful eyes. He wanted his clone to succeed.

Number One looked at him and, after some time, nodded. "Yes, Master, I can." He said.

Tan You listened to him, and a smile formed on his face.

"Then do it." He said. He wanted to test Number One as soon as possible. He wanted to know his capabilities.

Number One didn't waste any time and quickly got to work. He sat down on the ground in a lotus position and started to feel the Qi surrounding him.

Tan You looked at him and chuckled inwardly. 'Even his sitting posture is a hundred times better than mine,' he thought.

Previously, the old man had berated him so much when he tried to cultivate, because of his sitting posture. 

There was always some sort of mistake he made. And that caused the old man to go crazy with anger.

However, looking at his clone now, Tan You could tell that his posture was too perfect. He wondered if Old Man would be able to nitpick.

He guessed that his cone's posture was even better than the old man's.

The old man has told him that posture also plays a great role in cultivation, as a good posture exposes all the Qi pores one could cultivate from the surroundings.

And a good posture could increase cultivation efficiency by at least ten times. 

So if Tan You cultivated good posture, he could accumulate fifty minutes of Qi in just five minutes.

At that time, he wouldn't be as helpless as now.

A Bronze Spirit root cultivator trains his posture as much as he can, as although their spirit root was of low level, if they could enhance their posture, then they could cultivate more efficiently, and then they might be able to reach a respectable enough level in cultivation.

However, no matter how much a person tries to fix their posture, there is always some kind of mistake that is made. Even a slight moment could block one of the pores, reducing the overall efficiency.

However, Tan You's clone in front of him was different. He was like a robot; his posture was extremely perfect, and there was no redundant moment in his body.

It was as if he were the god of posture. If the old man comes to know about this, he might cough up a lot of blood in astonishment.

However, Tan You was unaware of the fact; he could tell that his clone's posture was good, but he didn't know that Number One was sitting in a perfect position that even a high-level cultivator couldn't maintain.

If he finds out about that, then he might dance in joy and even laugh out maniacally.

Although Tan You was unaware of Number One's posture, What happened next almost killed him from shock. His entire body shook as he looked at Number One peacefully sitting and cultivating.

"This... This! This is amazing!" He wanted to laugh out loud, but controlled himself as he didn't want to disturb number one.

The reason for his excitement was not number one's posture, but the fact that Tan You could feel his power increasing.

He has felt this feeling before. When he tried to cultivate under the old man, he could also sense that his power was increasing.

However, this time the feeling was even greater; he could tell that it was at least ten times better than before.

And it was not him that was cultivating, but his clone!

He was just standing there looking at his clone and could sense an unfathomable amount of power pouring into his body.

And there was no pain. Previously, with this power also came great pain, due to which Tan You couldn't cultivate for more than five minutes.

However, now that his clone was cultivating in his place, he didn't have to face any negative effects, but he could reap all the benefits.

This was too heaven-defying!

This was too overpowered!

Tan You stood at his place stupified, as his heart started beating faster and faster.

"Then, wouldn't I not need to cultivate for more than five minutes if tens of my clones cultivate at the same time?!" He thought, and his blood boiled in excitement.

Just the thought of this made Tan You almost go and kiss his clone.

'At this rate, it's not completely impossible for me to become immortal!' This thought made him go crazy with joy.

He was afraid of death; he had faced it once and never wanted to face it again. He knew that one could become immortal if they cultivated enough.

However, previously, he had no hopes of becoming immortal, as his spirit root was trash!

Previously, he could only cultivate for five minutes before having to stop because of an unbearable pain.

He had no hopes of becoming immortal because of his spirit root.

Even living for more than a hundred years would be a miracle for him. However, now that he has this clone system, his hopes have been raised again!

He was ecstatic at this finding. He just needed to create enough clones, and at that time, if his clones could even cultivate for five minutes a day, he would be able to become immortal.

As if this surprise was not enough, another thing shook Tan You, and his breathing turned ragged.

He looked at his clone as if he were looking at a demon. 

'It's already more than five minutes! And he is still cultivating!' Tan You could see that it had already been more than five minutes; however, his clone showed no signs of stopping.

Although Tan You could tell that the power coming into his body has declined by almost half, However, it was still better than nothing.

"My clone could cultivate for more than five minutes?! This is too much! Although the potency has dropped by half, it's still better than nothing." Tan You gulped his saliva and decided to see for how long his clone could be cultured.

Slowly, the time passed, and Tan You could feel that with each passing minute, the power coming into his body was diminishing, and he could even see that his clone had started to tremble a bit with every breath.

Soon the eleven-minute mark passed, and it was only at this moment that his clone coughed out blood and opened his eyes.

Number One then looked at Tan You, and a regretful expression appeared on his face. "Sorry, master, I won't be able to cultivate anymore for today." He said, his voice choked.

However, number one didn't expect his master to suddenly jump at him and hug him tightly!

"Thank you so much! You are brilliant!" Tan You said as tears almost dripped out of his eyes.

His clone is too powerful! Not only could Tan You feel that his power had increased, he could also tell that his clone was also at the same level of power as him.

Which means that he has double the profit with a single person cultivating.

Not only his own power will increase, He would even get clones that would also be at the same level as him.

That was too heaven-defying for Tan You!