
Bamboo Water Sect

After some rest, Tan You and his clone stood up and was about to go out of the hut to explore the village, when the door suddenly opened and the old man came in with an anxious expression.

When Tan You looked at the old man, his heart skipped a beat. 'Shit! I forgot to think of an excuse for my clone!' Tan You thought and looked at his clone.

He needed an excuse for his clone, after all this was not normal and Old Man might think that Tan You is some sort of evil man.

However Tan You was bit relieved by the fact that the clone was wearing the mask. He could get out of this situation if he played his cards right.

The old man looked at Tan You and then at Number One and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"You know a cloning technique? No wonder you were wearing those good clothes when I found you, you must definitely be from some martial arts family." The Old Man said and nodded.

Tan You listened to the old man and a bewildered expression appeared on his face.

After a few moments of thought he sighed and a defeated expression appeared on his face.

'This Old Man instantly recoganize that this was my clone?!' He was disappointed.

He thought that he could save himself the trouble of explaining if his clone wore a mask.

However now it has been instantly seen by the old man. Tan You never thought that his ploy would be so useless.

However he also relaxed a bit, listening to the old man, Tan You could tell from old man's expression that cloning technique was not a big deal in this world.

And from the gaze the old man was looking at Tan You, he could guess that the cloning was more common than he thought.

"How did you find out that this was my clone?" Tan You asked as he looked at the old man with hopeful expression.

He wanted to know more about the cloning technique and how common it was. As it could relive him of lot of trouble.

If his cloning technique was really as common as old man called it out then Tan You could freely use his clone, and he wouldn't have to be worry about other people eyeing on him for his technique.

And he was also a bit disappointed, if his cloning technique really was common than he would loose the edge.

'Anyway, I have to first get more information.' Tan You thought and placed his disspointement in the back of his mind.

The Old Man listened to his words and an arrogant expression appeared on his face, he snorted. "Brat, you think I can't even identify a simple cloning technique?! You have underestimated me too much! Hmph!"

Tan You listened to him and smiled politely. "I am sorry, old man, but I really don't know about this technique. I was trying to play with my Qi and suddenly this clone appeared in front of me. It was like an instinct." He made up a lie on the spot.

"Instinctively? Then you must surely be from a Clone Cultivation Sect." The Old Man understood and nodded.

"Clone Cultivation Sect?" A frown appeared on Tan You's face. He was astonished by the fact that there were even sects that focuses on solely cloning techniques.

This was a huge blow to Tan You, now he was ninty percent sure that his cloning technique was nothing sort of miracle.

One he thought that he would dominate this world with his clones, however now that dream was starting to break.

Finding out that there was a sect that specialises in cloning techniques crushed his dreams.

So what if he has clones? Many other people also have it.

However this also eased his way to revel his clone. Now he won't have to worry about taking his clones out in front of other people.

"Yes, there are a few Clone Cultivation sects that I know of, however I don't know which sect you are from. These Clone Cultivation Sects usually train in Cloning techniques and they are only considered as lower rated sects." The Old Man said and sighed.

"Lower Rated Sects? Why?" Tan You asked with a confused expression. According to him Cloning was an overpowered ability, if not for his trash spirit root then he might have been unstoppable with his clones.

"A clone is formed by dividing the strength of a cultivator. Although a cone can be sent on a suicide mission, thats all they can do. In front of absolute power, a clone's divided power is like an ant in front of an ocean! No matter how many tricks a clone cultivator has, they won't be able to defeat someone with absolute power.

"That is the reason why most of the clone cultivators are despised in this world." The Old Man said and sighed. He looked at Tan You with a sympathetic expression on his face.

The Old Man knew that most of the clone cultivators are despised in this world. Although clone cultivators doesn't fear their clones death and are ruthless.

However in front of absolute strength it doesn't matter, because it's hard for a clone cultivator to advance in the cultivation Realms.

Since they had to divide their cultivation bases into different clones, advancing to next realms are extremely hard.

Old Man didn't knew that Tan You's Cloning Technique was completely different, if he came to find out that his clones could cultivate then he might really cough up blood and die on the spot!

That's how terrifying it was!

Tan You on the other hand could guess that the Cloning Technique the old man was talking about was completely different from his.

After all he doesn't have to divide his own strength to create his clone. On the other hand his clones summon with the same strength as his and they are even more terrifying him!

Tan You choose to stay silent after this, he didn't wanna reveal too much information about his strange technique before he has full information himslef.

"But don't worry, for ordinary people like you, cloning technique are godsend gift. You can use it to do manual labour and earn some living." The old man said and nodded.

Tan You heard him and frowned, "Old Man didn't you say that I don't need to earn a living till you are here?" He asked.

"You are correct, I did say that, however I am leaving now, so you will have to make a living now." The Old Man said with a reluctant expression on his face.

Tan You was confused as why the old man would say something like this so suddenly, he then remembered the anxious expression on his face when he entered the room.

'Could it be that the old man has found himself in some sort of trouble?' Tan You thought and his heart skipped a beat.

The Old Man was his only support in this world and Tan You has a warm place in his heart about the old man. He wouldn't like if anything happened to him.

The old man looked at his expression and a smile formed on his face. "Don't worry, it's not like I am dying or anything. Hmph! It's just my Bamboo Water Sect is calling me back." The old man said and a unsightly expression appeared on his face.

"Bamboo Water Sect?" Tan You frowned his brows.

"Yes, I am originally from Bamboo water Sect, I was an outer disciple there, however since I was so old and my cultivation hasn't advanced to Core Formation, they sent me out of the sect to gain some mortal experience so I can ascend." The old man said and sighed.

"However now they are calling me back, it seems like one of their outer sect elders has died and they want me to take his place."

"Even though I hid the fact they still found out that I have ascended to the Core Formation realm and now they want me to become an Elder!" The old man said with a strange expression, it was as if he was reluctant to leave Tan You behind.

Tan You listened to the old man's words and seeing the expression on his face, he could tell that he can't convince the old man to stay.

'It seems like he is forced to go back to his sect.' Tan You thought and sighed. He wanted the old man to stay as he still doesn't know much about this world.

The Old Man saw the reluctant expression on Tan You's face and sighed. "Don't worry, everyone in this village respects me and you are wearing my dress, it means I had taken you in as one, none should create trouble for you in this village." The old man said and took out three books and a badge.

"And take these, my Bamboo water Sect is a pill sect and these there are the basic pill manuals. If you learn these then you would be able to live a good life. "