
My classmate is a crazy yandere

This is my first novel so it will be a bit short and cringe. English isn't my first language so keep your mind off while reading. If you read, pls do comment.

Aura201 · Action
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55 Chs

Chapter 5:

On my way to home, i suddenly bumped into a guy. I think it was intentionally because he was blabbering about something that i should stay away from veronica and some other stuff

" She is way out of your league so, don't even try to have any ideas about her. You aren't worthy of her so, REMEMBER YOUR PLACE" suddenly he said to me in angry voice

Well i was in a good mood since i got to learn swordsmanship so i was happy and didn't want a fight. I didn't let my mind take over and just walked away

" Finally i'm home" it was evening time, and as i have no one, i had to make my dinner alone and also eat alone. 

After some time i made my dinner and went to the main hall to sit in front of T.V and eat peacefully

" Well as there is no good shows currently, lets just watch news" i changed to news channel and was shocked beyond belief

" A body is found in 'willow creek' area that was brutally minced into pieces. The forensic reports says that it is body of a high school student named 'Billy Hills' and the photo of the boy can be seen on your screen. Investigations are going on, as for who did this, we have no idea" the photo was on the screen

" Wait a minute, isn't this the body of the boy that intentionally bumped into me" i just remembered this boy and got scared by this news.

Well after that news i ate my dinner and went to sleep as i had to wake up early tomorrow for school.

I woke up and it was morning, i went to the bathroom to brush and take a bath. After that i went to kitchen to make my own breakfast.

"yum yum bread and butter here i come"

after my breakfast was done, it was time to go to school so i was on my way to school.

arriving at the willow creek area i saw some people, they were police.

" hey boy come here" a policeman said this to me and i went 

he asked me questions such as: it is your everyday route?, do you know this person?, and stuff. After answering all the questions they let me go and i was in my way to school

I went to Maths class which was mandatory and sat as my usual place, near the window where i can see the garden and also ground.

" Good morning" i heard a beautiful voice, it was veronica and she was happy and smiling. After that she sat on her seat besides me.

" Good morning" i replied and then the teacher came 

" good morning students, and i think that everyone has seen the news already" by hearing this everyone's face became scared.

" no need to worry students, The police are investigating and i believe that the killer will be found sooner" 

Even after teacher's reassurance that such things wont happen, everyone was feeling scared and its natural to feel so. Imagine a student gets literally minced into pieces and that student is from your class.

Well, but i didn't feel anything but i got chills by seeing besides me. It was veronica she had a creepy smile on her face and her eyes had no light, only darkness can be seen and she was mumbling to herself something 

" How dare he try to hit my Xion , he got what was coming" I just heard one of the many mumbling that she was doing.

"Did she do this"

I was shivering and sweat started to form on my face. Doing all this thinking, i didn't notice that she was looking right at me and was smiling. She came closer to me and said 

" You heard it didn't you, guess i don't have to hide it from you, well that saves me time to try to act like this. Finally i can be myself around you"

the next thing she said scared even me to some extent 


She had this crazy yandere face,

"how did i get into such a mess and what will happen to me in future?" i wondered