
My classmate is a crazy yandere

This is my first novel so it will be a bit short and cringe. English isn't my first language so keep your mind off while reading. If you read, pls do comment.

Aura201 · Action
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Chapter 4:

just as that, the lecture was over. It was just introductions and nothing more. I went to other class for the subject that i liked. Well as i said, this school offers variety of subjects, that also includes stuff like archery, swordsmanship, karate, and so on.

the swordsmanship class was very interesting to me so i was very excited

on my wat there i saw a familiar figure

"Ohh what a coincidence, you are attending this class too"

It was veronica, that got me thinking is it just a coincidence but, since i was very excited to learn swordsmanship, i stopped thinking and put myself together and replied to her

"yes but, dont you know swordsmanship ?, arent you already a grandmaster level of swordsmanship"

i asked her feeling confused, i mean imagine you have learnt a form or art and already at a grandmaster level, why would you even wanna sit in class just to learn basic stuff.

" That's what people think, i think i am not to that level yet" she replied me while smiling at me 

well we went to the class, it was a room where there were many students who prefered to learn swordsmanship. I found a place where there were less people and sat on the ground.

" Hello students, I am master drake and i will be your main teacher for swordsmanship"

The teacher was like an old man wearing japanese 'kemono' and there was a sword in hanging by his waist which was still in its sheath.

" There are many kinds of swords like katana, long-sword, rapier, sabre, etc. Today we are gonna start from the basic which is holding the sword properly, always remember that the way you hold the sword also matters when there is a fight"

he was giving informations mainly about the swords to make students familiar. I was so lost in the information that i didn't notice that veronica was sitting besides me 

" swords are amazing aren't they" she said to me 

" ofc i love swords" i replied

" Now the introduction of swords are over, pick the sword that you want from the room which is located at right side and go to the practice area which is located at the door at front"

The class was so big that i wouldn't believe that this class is just for swordsmanship. Anyways i went to the the room where swords were and picked my favourite 'katana' and went to the training room. After 5 minutes all the students gathered at the training room.

" What an interesting choice" Veronica said to me 

" yours is not bad either" she picked a sword which was thin blade but was thicker than katana and on the handle there was designs of dragon, it looked beautiful.

" today we will practice swinging the sword with a proper form, because if technique is a building, form is the foundation of that building. trust me you do not want a weak foundation"

saying that we began practicing our swingiing

" wow her form is prefect"

" she is swinging like she is cutting wind"

many students were amazed by veronica's skills, its natural they are amazed, she is a master level swordsman.

" your swinging isn't so bad" she says while looking at my swings 

"thank you, yours swinging is magnificent" i replied to her 


just like that, the class was over and after some more lectures i was on my way to home