
My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

“Harry Potter” senior book fan has become a teenager with magical talent, but he came to London early in 1938. The magical world was shrouded in the shadow of the dark lord Grindelwald, and the young Voldemort seemed to be Living upstairs, what kind of adventure will he experience when he is admitted to Hogwarts?

pranav_solanki · Movies
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26 Chs

Tom's Party

"Nall, where have you been, just waiting for you." Nelson found the well-dressed Tom at the door of the transformation class. He was wearing a brand-new robe, an emerald tie, and a silver tie. The clip is slightly exposed from the bottom of the collar of the robe, the hair is neatly combed, and it is still shiny, and even the eyebrows have been carefully trimmed. It is really beautiful.

   "Went to the tower to send a letter, but was caught by Professor Sykes halfway." Nelson spread his hands helplessly.

   "Just use my owl and put it on the window sill." Tom stretched out his hand to help Nelson tidy up his robe, looked at the schoolbag in his hand, frowned, and reached out to grab the schoolbag.

   "Use yours next time," Nelson thought that there was nothing in the bag anyway, so he took it off and handed it to Tom. "Don't you give me a name for the owl?"

"Avery, take this!" Tom called a blond boy, handed him his schoolbag, and patted the folds on Nelson's shoulders. "The owl is the owl. What's the problem? Where is your cat?" "

   "I don't know, it only comes to me when he is hungry. I haven't seen it for almost a week, and I feel it may think I am a fool." Nelson did a stretch and walked into the classroom with Tom. The classroom was messy and crowded with a group of first-year freshmen. Slytherin's freshmen were especially large, almost all of them came—for a month, most of them seemed to have become Tom's fans. Nelson felt shocked to see so many freshmen coming out for night tours in violation of school regulations.

   The tables in the classroom are arranged in a circle, and some drinks and pastries are placed on the table.

   "I think too." Tom tidied his clothes and walked from the gap in the circle to the center.


   "Classmates!" Tom walked into the center of the round table and clapped his hands to call. The attention of the freshmen in the classroom was all attracted to him, and he quickly calmed down.

"Classmates, brothers, sisters!" Tom waved his hands gracefully, "I feel extremely lucky and honored to be able to gather here tonight, Slytherin's fellow, Ravenclaw's The wise, the warriors of Gryffindor and... the family of Hufflepuff."

   "We are able to gather tonight because you have the potential to be great people," Tom opened his arms and raised his arms, a flush of excitement appeared on his pale face, "Know how to judge the situation, and seize the opportunity..."

"Understand the applause." Nelson murmured. He secretly sighed about Tom's extraordinaryness. This teenage boy has aroused the interest of the classmates, not only because of his handsome appearance and passionate speech, but also because of him. These beautiful blueprints drawn... Nelson looked around. Everyone in the room stared at Tom in the center attentively, and his thoughts fluctuated with his words, and he was able to invite so many new students, not because he was unparalleled. Is your personal charm? In Nelson's mind, Tom's image is either a tsundere kid who grew up together, or a noseless bald head who just wants to live. It's really difficult to connect with this high spirited person in front of him. He seems to have used a little magic to The breeze around him gently raised the corners of his clothes, and the words of the wind were especially clear in people's ears.

"...But the road to greatness is full of thorns, difficulties and obstacles. I think you must have encountered some annoying small problems in your life or study that can be easily solved by everyone's ability, especially like me. Yes, a freshman with no foundation..."

   "The big brother's eyes are almost on Tom's face..." Nelson looked at Avery who was standing at the door and helping him with his bags. "This may be true love..."

   "...All we need more help! I suggest that from my beginning, everyone should help each other like family! Not only in study, but also in life, even after leaving school, we are still the closest family members! I suggest..."

"He has always been able to incite." Looking at the classmates who gave sincere applause around him, and listening to the impassioned speech coming from his ears, Nelson wanted to applaud Tom. He saw a man who worked hard for the students' study and life, and he did not hesitate. Good comrades who worked hard and were willing to help others...As the speech came to an end, Nelson also offered his own applause.

"I suggest that we hold a mutual aid salon. If you want to participate, you can come to Avery to sign." Nelson saw that many people had begun to line up at Avery's wooden table at the door. The team was extremely green. Nelson noticed Many of the freshmen who went to other colleges have awakened from the speech just now.

   "How was my performance just now?" Tom saw Nelson sitting beside him, and he leaned forward to pick up a bottle of pumpkin juice in front of him and drank a mouthful. "Bah, it's awful."

   "Yes, very handsome, I guess many people will fall in love with you tonight."

   "You don't see who I am." Tom lifted his chin and stared at Nelson with his nostrils. "Are you coming? Help a bunch of fools with homework or something." He lowered his voice and said the second half.

   "It's not that I won't help you, Tom." Nelson said that he couldn't help. "I met Professor Sykes today and she warned me not to copy homework to Alphad."

   "Okay..." Tom got up to leave, and went to work on his new little club.

   Many people were very excited. They were busy until one or two in the morning before they dispersed. Fortunately, they did not encounter any teachers, ghosts or staff on the way back to the dormitory.

   It was already half past two in the morning when Nelson lay down on the bed. He looked at his watch and glanced at the schoolbag that Avery had thrown back in the corner. He opened the quilt and lay in the quilt.

   "Meow!—" With a sharp roar, Nelson lay down on the cat he hadn't seen for a week, and soon the two pulled apart and fought into the night.


   The next morning, there were a lot fewer people in the restaurant compared to working days. It seemed that there were a lot of people sleeping late. The strange thing was that many freshmen who had breakfast looked tired and yawned.

"Slytherin's first-year students wait for a while," Slytherin's dean, Professor Slughorn, sat down on the Slytherin table. What's even stranger was that Professor Slughorn looked He was also very tired, yawning from time to time, and Professor Slughorn, with dark circles under his eyes, let the other students go first. Soon there were only Slytherin first-year students sitting at the long table looking at each other in the dining room.

   "It's so strange," Slughorn stood up and walked to the top of the table, pretending to be surprised and said to the students at the table, "You are all here!"

   "Do you know what happened? Mr. Caro," he named Nelson's roommate, "Can you tell me what happened last night?"

   "I don't know, Professor." George Carlo stood up and lowered his head. He didn't know what happened, but the apology was over.

"It looks like you don't know." Professor Slughorn said, looking at the blank faces under the podium, "Someone broke into the castle last night and cut a picture at the entrance of the Slytherin lounge. painting."

"Professor Sykes discovered the situation and called a few teachers whom he had contacted. We worked hard to set up a very strict protection spell on the Slytherin dormitory, especially the entrance of the first-year dormitory. There was no progress later, and we were going to wake up a few students to ask about the situation."

"Because the first-year student's dormitory is closest to the entrance to the lounge, we plan to wake up a few first-year students, and do you know what happened?" Professor Slughorn became enraged, and he cried again. One person, "Parkinson, tell me, what happened?"

   Dwight Parkinson made the same reaction as George.

"Don't you know? Then I'll tell you!" Slughorn cried out, his voice reverberating in the empty dining room, and it was particularly loud. "Our first-year freshmen, we use all kinds of magic to protect them tightly. My first-year freshman is not in the dormitory! From when I was studying at Hogwarts! Even Gryffindor! I've never seen it before! It's so outrageous!"

"Collective violation of school regulations!" Professor Slughorn said angrily. He pointed to the four hourglasses behind the long table of faculty and staff, "Look at the Slytherin hourglass! Only left! It's the next half! I had to deduct 10 points for every first-year student in my own college last night! This happened during my teaching career, I can't wait to deduct points for myself! Now can you tell me what happened? ?"

   Slughorn stopped talking, and the whole restaurant was suddenly silent.

   Nelson felt Tom move next to him. He turned his head to look at Tom, glanced at the dean, raised his eyebrows, and Tom gave him a stopping look, and then watched Tom move.

   "Sorry, Professor." Tom stood up suddenly.

"Oh! Tom? What are you?" Slughorn looked at this proud student. In the first class of school, he used his outstanding performance to win 10 points for Slytherin, and in the second week of class. Answered the Chaogang question correctly and won his special reward-a small bottle of blessing potion.

   Slughorn is a bit confused. In the eyes of almost all teachers, Tom is a good student who abides by the school rules, respects the teachers, and has excellent grades. Is he organizing the group night tour?

   "Sorry, Professor." Tom repeated, "You can't blame the classmates, I organized everyone's night tour."

   "Tom." Professor Slughorn was stunned. He felt a little big head, but his preference for protégé pupils made him realize that he could not question Tom in a public court like this, so he said, "Come with me to my office."

   "You can go back now." Professor Slughorn turned and left, and Tom followed him.

  Walking to the door, Slughorn turned around and added, "Everyone writes a note."

   After the two left, the restaurant suddenly became noisy. The students admired Tom even more and became worried about him.

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