
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urban
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20 Chs

Weird or Unique?

Tuer, still in a squatting position, covered her face, now red with embarrassment. She felt she had reached the limit of embarrassment she could endure, "Moo, that's enough!" Tuer said, her voice muffled as she continued to shield her face.

Fanden smiled, then stopped laughing and crouched down next to Tuer, "Alright, alright, I've stopped laughing now," Fanden then touched Tuer's head, gently stroking it.

Feeling Fanden's touch on her head, Tuer was startled and lifted her face. She saw Fanden staring at her with shining eyes. Tuer felt her heart pounding, and her mind was filled with romantic visions with Fanden. She imagined what it would be like if Fanden kissed her, hugged her, or even proposed to her.

Unaware that her face was getting redder, and her eyes were sparkling, Tuer, upon hearing Fanden's question, became more nervous and confused. She didn't know how to answer or what to do. She could only bow her head and bite her lip. Fanden, seeing this, became more intrigued and curious. He felt there was something peculiar about Tuer, something that made him want to get closer to her.

Fanden then stood up and offered his hand to Tuer. He said, "Come on, get up. Don't be shy anymore. I'm not mad." He smiled and pulled Tuer's hand, encouraging her to stand up. Tuer, feeling Fanden's warm and strong hand, became even weaker and powerless.

Tuer and Fanden walked out of the room, holding hands. They then spent the remaining working hours researching other subjects that hadn't been explored by other researchers or archaeologists.


"Finally, I've finished my work today," Fanden said with joy.

So, this is what it feels like to have someone else's knowledge... like copy-paste.

After completing his work, Fanden felt a flowing satisfaction within him. He was captivated by the sudden emergence of new knowledge, as if he had mastered something he had never known before.

"Yawn, Ugh!" unexpectedly, Fanden yawned loudly, and then his mouth was immediately covered by Wenny from behind.

"Mind your manners, bro," Wenny said with a sarcastic face and a tone full of teaching. Wenny wanted to remind Mazel of the importance of courtesy.

Fanden then gently removed Wenny's hand from his mouth. "Hehehe, sorry. It was unintentional," Fanden said, laughing warmly, trying to alleviate the discomfort.

Wenny remained expressionless; his eyes briefly rolled before looking at Fanden seriously. "By the way, why are you still with the younger sister of the head of the research and archaeology team? Didn't I tell you to stay away from that weird girl?" Wenny said with annoyance, having warned him not to be with that troublesome woman.

"Do we really need to stay away because she's a bit hyperactive?" Fanden asked, looking towards Tuer, who was waving at him and then heading towards the women's special bus that would take her home.

"That woman is no longer 'a bit hyperactive,' bro! She's just plain weird," Wenny said, trying to emphasize that the woman with him is 'weird.' Wenny pulled Fanden's arm, so he wouldn't be too captivated by Tuer.

"She's not weird, but unique," Fanden said, disagreeing that Tuer was called weird by his younger brother. Fanden felt there was something special about Tuer, making him interested in getting to know her better.

Wenny rolled his eyes, "Since you two started being together, it seems like weird things always happen around you." Wenny recalled various incidents involving Fanden and Tuer, such as when they were trapped in a hidden tomb room that no one knew the location of at the time or when they were involved in excavating an artifact that failed because the artifact suddenly turned to dust when touched by Tuer.

"Wenny, we live in a world full of mysteries and wonders. Weird is normal, and new things are common," Fanden tried to explain with a smile. Mazel is Tuer's best friend, who also has a cheerful and optimistic nature.

Wenny just shook his head but then spoke, "But remember, don't get too close in public. People around might get the wrong idea." Wenny was worried that Fanden and Tuer's relationship would cause gossip or problems since they both came from different backgrounds.

Fanden wanted to retort, "Are we really that close in public?" but immediately nodded in agreement after seeing his younger brother's sharp gaze. "Yes, yes. We'll try to be more cautious." Fanden didn't want to disappoint Wenny, who always looked out for him as a good younger brother. However, in his heart, Fanden felt that Tuer was the right person for him, and he wouldn't just let her go.