
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


However, unbeknownst to both of them, someone inadvertently witnessed that intimate moment from a distance. That someone was Rudy, a colleague who had secretly harboured feelings for Tuer. Observing Mazel giving a tender massage to Tuer, Rudy felt as though he were witnessing an exceptionally intimate moment.

Rudy, situated at a distance, felt his heart swell with jealousy and anger. He regarded that moment as something that should belong to him and Tuer, not Mazel, who dared to approach and bestow such attention.

"What is this? Why does Tuer prefer Mazel over me? Why is it Mazel who becomes so intimate with Tuer?" mumbled Rudy inwardly, his eyes squinting with envy.

Feelings of envy and anger started to fill Rudy's mind, making it difficult for him to control his emotions. Unconsciously, his gaze, brimming with jealousy, continued to be fixed on Mazel and Tuer, who were still in a relatively close proximity.

Rudy felt unappreciated and disregarded. He then took a step back to conceal his uncontrollable feelings, but the seeds of jealousy had firmly taken root in his heart. The moment that should have brought comfort to Tuer now created tension in Rudy's heart.

"If left unchecked, Mazel will get even closer to Tuer," he muttered with envious resentment. "I must remove Mazel immediately, by any means necessary!" Rudy murmured, biting his nails. A murderous aura emanated from Rudy, directed at Mazel.

Subsequently, Rudy walked away from the room, leaving with a heart full of resentment and a decision firmly embedded. His steps felt burdensome, as if engaged in an internal struggle that was challenging to depict. On the wide yet desolate cemetery path, he contemplated his plan to undermine Mazel and win Tuer's heart.

Upon Rudy's arrival at the room where his gang worked, the atmosphere was different. Silence and tension pervaded the space, and the gazes of his gang members immediately focused on Rudy. They could sense that something serious would be discussed by Rudy.

"What's going on, Rudy?" inquired one gang member with a curious expression.

Rudy, with eyes brimming with anger, began to lay bare his heart laden with nefarious plans. "You know Mazel, right? That guy is getting closer to Tuer, and I can't accept that!" his voice resonated with hatred.

The eyes of another gang member gleamed, capturing the negative energy enveloping Rudy. They understood that this was the moment when Rudy needed their help to plan something unsavory.

"He's always been the focus of Tuer's attention, even more than I am. I can't let that happen!" continued Rudy, creating an atmosphere of hatred in the room.

Another gang member nodded in understanding, "So, what's the plan, Rudy?"

Rudy smiled with satisfaction, "We will keep Mazel away from Tuer. You know what we need to do. We'll make him lose everything, just like he did to me."

Fellow gang members began to prepare, rolling up their sleeves to plan destruction. After a few moments of discussion, a wicked plan to undermine Mazel started to take shape. The silence in the room was filled with dark tones that would soon create a storm in their lives.

While Rudy and his accomplices plotted something sinister against Fanden, Fanden was currently in the same room but with a different atmosphere. Tuer, whose anger had subsided, was sitting comfortably in a chair. All her negative feelings had been replaced by a soothing calm, all thanks to Fanden's gentle massage.

Tuer, in a better mood, looked at Fanden, who was still busy massaging her shoulders. "Thank you, Mazel, for your attention and patience," Tuer said with a sweet smile.

Fanden returned her smile, "No problem, Tuer. The important thing is that you are calm and happy now." He added, "Forgive me if there was anything wrong with me that made you angry."

Tuer gently shook her head while hugging Fanden tightly, "It's not your fault, Mazel. I was too emotional and didn't understand the situation. I hope you're not angry or disappointed with me." Their conversation was coloured with warmth and mutual understanding.

How could I be angry with such a beautiful girl?

Fanden then stopped his massage, "Since you're calmer now, shall we look for other research materials?" Fanden asked.

"Okay... but before that, please massage me again, so I can feel energized," Tuer pleaded, making a pitiful face at Fanden.

Fanden, seeing Tuer's pitiful face, then laughed, "Hahaha... what's with that pitiful face?" Fanden asked, letting out his laughter. What Fanden saw was Tuer's pitiful face, with puffed cheeks, closed lips, leaning forward, and big round eyes.

Tuer then felt embarrassed for being laughed at by Mazel. She then covered her blushing face and squatted on the ground. Tuer was truly embarrassed!

Funny... she tried to cover her blushing face, but she didn't cover her ears, which were now as red as tomatoes.