
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The dark night's

The three figures continued to work tirelessly, directing their illuminated green sticks towards each neatly arranged document on the table, examining each page meticulously and carefully.

While the other two figures remained engrossed in scrutinizing the documents on the table, the third figure turned to another storage place in the room, an old cabinet standing in the corner. The cabinet, with its dark brown hue, blended in with the antique atmosphere enveloping the room. With deft movements, the figure opened each drawer one by one, revealing the contents of the cabinet.

He rummaged through every paper and document neatly arranged in the drawers, examining each content meticulously. Every document he found was carefully inspected before being placed back in its original position.

The process continued until the figure examining the cabinet finally found a neglected paper folder atop a stack of documents. The green light from his stick cast an additional spotlight on the paper folder, making the inscription "Grave Notes 03" glow brightly in the darkness.

With a relieved smile, the figure reached for the paper folder. However, curiosity could not be avoided, so he quickly checked the contents of the folder, ensuring that they matched his expectations. After confirming everything, the paper folder was carefully stored in the black bag hanging from his shoulder.

He then rejoined the other two figures waiting near the table.

"Have you found it?" one of them asked.

"Yes," replied the figure who had inspected the cabinet.

"In that case, let's leave immediately," exclaimed another figure, impatient to leave the place.

The three figures drew closer to each other, standing in silence before they swiftly vanished, leaving the room now silent once again.

The room returned to its orderly state as if nothing had disturbed the existing arrangement. The only change visible was the absence of the three paper folders from the table, taking with them the hidden secrets within.

Amidst the darkness of the forest filled with dense intertwining trees, the atmosphere became increasingly tense under the roar of the night wind rustling through the foliage. The dim moonlight swept across the earth's surface, creating dark shadows lurking in every corner.

In the veil of darkness emerged three mysterious figures. These figures were the same ones who had searched Dexta's room. With agility, they removed the black face covers shrouding their identities, revealing faces that added to the mystery of the night.

Of the three figures who removed their black face covers, one figure's face seemed familiar. This figure had a slender body with a commonplace face, it was Rudy!

Rudy, dressed in all black, could then be recognized after removing his face cover. His flat face then looked at the other two figures. The first figure, who had a middle-aged man's figure, had a mole under his eye and curly hair features, that figure was Tedy.

The other figure, who had the tallest body among them. This figure had a plain face, neatly styled brown hair, and unique purple eyes. This figure was none other than Wedy, the youngest among them.

"Good job, lads," Rudy said, his voice faintly heard under the forest canopy enveloping them. "We've got what we need."

A thin smile spread across their lips, reflecting satisfaction with their achievement that night.

Wedy nodded, a wide smile on his plain face. "With the information in those documents, we can start our plan, mate."

Rudy nodded in agreement, his eyes squinting and his lips smiling. "Of course, we just need to carry out our action, like pruning the thorns before finally being able to hold the rose's stem."

Tedy, who was usually more reserved, smiled broadly. "For that, I'll make sure we stay vigilant and avoid any potential dangers. So that the thorns won't hurt our hands."

In the midst of the quiet forest, they continued to converse while surveying their surroundings, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Rudy looked at his watch, showing 11 p.m. "Qesi should already be at the location and waiting for us," Rudy informed the others. "Let's head there quickly."

Wedy and Tedy nodded, slinging back the bags they carried and quickly donning their face covers again.

They then walked towards the edge of the forest, where a small road for transportation lay. The road itself had long been unused as a main road and had been abandoned due to its small size. It was a perfect road for someone to do something suspicious, like disposing of a body or conducting contraband transactions.

Rudy, Tedy, and Wedy cautiously made their way through the dense forest corridor, their footsteps barely audible amidst the rustling of fallen leaves under the dark sky. The dim moonlight illuminated the seldom-used small road, creating a mysterious atmosphere that grew increasingly tense.

They finally reached the edge of the forest, where the winding small road stretched through the hills. There were no vehicle lights around, only darkness enveloping the forgotten streets. Rudy glanced at his watch once again, confirming that it was late at night, and Qesi should already be there.

And in the darkness shrouding the road, they saw the silhouette of a car parked on the roadside. The car's headlights glowed dimly, creating a faint light around it. Next to the car stood a man with a graceful posture, patiently waiting under the shining moonlight.

Qesi. The person they had been waiting for had arrived.

They quickened their pace towards the car, and Qesi greeted them with a gentle smile on his face. "You've come right on time," he said warmly.

Rudy nodded politely, while Tedy and Wedy greeted him with friendly smiles. "We're ready to proceed with the plan," Rudy said firmly.

Qesi nodded, fully understanding what was expected of him. "Let's go, let's start our journey."

They all got into the car, and with the engine revved up, the car slowly glided into the darkness of the night, heading towards a destination that had not yet been fully revealed. They were allies in a plan full of intrigue under the dark night's shadow.