
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-11 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad with over 155K words) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Waku~Waku! Aldera Junior High

Chapter 33 Waku~Waku! Aldera Junior High

POV Izuku

Today was supposed to be an ordinary day… I would go to school together with my little brother, on my way back home I would buy some sweets to secretly give to him while mom would prepare her famous katsudon. After that, I was supposed to meet with All Might to continue my training with my new quirk… The One For All…

How… How could things end up this way?!


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Hours before the disaster...

"He is more powerful than we ever imagined, young Midoriya... Now, you are humanity's last hope." All Might whispers with the last of his strength as dozens of heroes lie defeated around him.

In front of me is the person responsible for all this... Standing with his arms crossed on top of a giant flying cookie.

"I'm Cookie Magneto! And I can control all the cookies in the world!" Isamu exclaims wearing a cookie-shaped helmet as hundreds of cookies begin to float behind him.

"My…little brother…" I whisper in shock as my breath hitches.

"The Cookie Apocalypse has begun!" He exclaims causing dozens of cookie-shaped meteorites to hit the city while on the horizon I watch hundreds of titanic gingerbread men slowly approaching across the sea...

My body doesn't move… I can't do anything… This can't be real… This isn't real!


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"Sugar Overdose!" He exclaims pointing at me with both hands as an evil grin spreads across his small face before a giant cookie crashes into my stomach.




A small pain in my stomach startles me causing my eyes to open abruptly. "Izuuu~Kun! Get up and shine!" A small figure exclaims happily sitting on my stomach and shaking me slightly.

"Cookie Magneto!" I exclaim in panic pushing the small figure to the ground before remembering that it was just a silly nightmare to which my face turns red with embarrassment as I realize what I've done. I'm an idiot!

"Did you have a nightmare?" My little brother hums with his face glued to the ground as I quickly help him to his feet. "I'm fine." He whispers before I hug him tight. "Stop… my ribs… Not again…" He squirms trying to free himself from my embrace.

"I dreamed that you were a villain who could control cookies and you caused the Cookie Apocalypse!" I exclaim dramatically suffocating him in my embrace. "But it's just a silly nightmare, my adorable little brother would never be capable of something like that, let alone be evil." I whisper ruffling his hair and releasing him from my embrace.

"I'm more evil than you could ever imagine, Muhahaha!" My little brother proudly laughs imitating an evil laugh as he places his hands on his waist and strikes a pose.

"Do not say foolishness." I snort shaking my head while chuckling slightly. Now that I realize it, my little brother is already wearing his school uniform… Oh no.

"By the way…" My little brother says seriously holding up a finger. "I think we'll be late for school." He says as a cheeky grin spreads across his face as he points to my alarm clock which had run out of batteries. My suspicions came true!

"What?!" I exclaimed with my hands on my head. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I ask angrily while my little brother pouts and crosses his arms… Oh, he was trying to wake me up when I threw him to the ground…

"Sorry." I whisper nervously scratching my head.

"The past is the past." He says with a shrug as he extends his hand in my direction and stands on his toes before tapping his finger on my forehead. "My silly and dramatic Onii~Chan." He snorts with a small smile on his face.

"Kids! Hurry up or you'll be late for school! Again!" I along with my little brother heard the authoritative cry of mom coming from the kitchen. "Otherwise you'll both be grounded for a week with no All Might programs and no treats!" She cunningly threatens.

"Hai!" We both exclaimed in unison and shared a look at each other before nodding our heads and getting to work. My little brother has prepared a contingency plan for this kind of situation… He is always prepared for anything and that will definitely make him a great hero in the future.

"Race to School Mission Begins! Waku~Waku!" My little brother exclaims raising both fists in the air before running into my closet and quickly pulling out a suitcase which he places on my bed.

"Change your clothes quickly while I distract Mom and take care of the rest." He says opening the suitcase before quickly leaving my room with a sly smile on his face.

Inside the suitcase is my emergency school uniform which is completely ready to wear. "I couldn't wish for a better little brother." I whisper, quickly changing my clothes before heading to the bathroom and looking at my toothbrush along with the prepared toothpaste on the sink.

Thanks, little brother.

"Mom! Mom! You have to watch this video!" I hear my little brother exclaim as I quickly brush my teeth before gargling with my mouth.

"Nice try on your part my little boy genius but your attempts to distract me won't work on me… Wait a second… Are they kittens? One of them even looks like you trying to reach for the cookie jar. How adorable!" I hear mom exclaim in her motherly tone as I spit the water into the sink and quickly towel my face dry.

Shortly after, leaving the bathroom I find my backpack ready with all my things next to the bathroom door. My little brother is really the best…

I need to put more effort into my training with All Might.

I need to overcome my limits and master this power that was conceived for me.

I need to get stronger to protect him…

At this, I clench my fists with determination and put on my backpack as I head to the kitchen. Next, I grab a smiley face embellished toast from the table causing a smile to spread across my face as I quickly devour it followed by a gulp of orange juice before running towards the door.

To the side of our apartment door is my little brother writhing and being squashed in a big hug from mom. "Why? Why does everyone want to break my little ribs? I have done nothing to deserve this!" he exclaims dramatically before chuckling.

"I'm ready! I'm ready, mom!" I exclaim catching both their attention and stopping in front of mom before catching her breath as she releases my little brother and watches me carefully before glancing at her wristwatch.

This is bad, she will realize that it is already late enough and she will punish us both for my carelessness…

Then my little brother winks and gives a thumbs up in my direction while I just hang my head. Because of me, my brother will be punished...

"Oh, I could have sworn it was later…" Mom whispers in confusion scratching her head as she looks at her watch causing my eyes to widen and I look instantly at my little brother who has a subtle smile on the curve of his lips.

"Looks like you guys won't be late after all." She says sighing in relief before a smile spreads across her face. "I hope you both have a great day." She says with her motherly tone as my brother and I quickly leave our apartment in the direction of the school.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mom asks authoritatively causing my brother and me to stop abruptly and take a few steps back in her direction. I almost forgot something very important!

"We love you mom." We both say in unison kissing her cheeks while she hugs us tightly and smiles maternally.

I really love my family.

Shortly after saying goodbye to mom, my brother and I continued on our way to school when I couldn't help but snort. "Thank you for everything, you really are amazing." I say walking next to my brother as a proud smile spreads across my little brother's face.

I'm sure he changed the time on Mom's wristwatch after distracting her to prevent us from being punished.

"We are brothers, we have to support each other through thick and thin... Always remember that, okay?" He hums with his hands behind his head walking calmly next to me. "And don't cry!" He exclaims quickly.

"I'm not a crybaby!" I exclaim swallowing a lump in my throat as I quickly wipe away a couple of happy tears that were threatening to spill.

"Liar." My brother snorts causing a beaming smile to spread across my face.

Then as we round a corner we find Kacchan leaning against a lamppost with his hands in his pockets looking at us intently before quickly approaching us. "About time you showed up, Nerd!" He exclaims pointing at me with his hand. "And you too, you little devil." He says pointing now to my little brother.

"Oh... Hi, Baka~Chan." My brother hums slowly with a shitty grin spreading across his face causing Kacchan to lose his self-control…Again.

"Dammit! Do not call me that way!" Kacchan exclaims angrily causing small explosions in the palms of his hands drawing the attention of the people on the street and around us.

"Kacchan! Breathe in and out, breath in and out, everyone is looking at us." I quickly stutter trying to calm Kacchan down causing the small explosions to stop.

At that, my brother walks past Kacchan and pats his back. "Good boy." My little brother says with a smirk on his face before laughing out loud and starting to run away from him.

"I'm not a fucking dog! Come back here, you little devil!" Kacchan exclaims with a defiant smile on his face before starting to chase my little brother down the street. At this, I just snort and shake my head with a small smile before starting to chase after them.

The two of them have a peculiar friendship relationship... I still remember with amusement when Kacchan demanded that his parents adopt Isamu in front of my mother, causing quite a scene. Since then Kacchan treats Isamu as a kind of little brother to protect in his own way...

"Die!!!" Kacchan exclaims followed by an explosion along with a couple of laughs.

Minutes later and after being reprimanded by some adults due to Kacchan's inappropriate behavior we continued our way towards the school. However, something feels strange in the air, as if something bad is about to happen. It's probably just my imagination...

"What do you guys plan to do when you become heroes?" My brother asks with interest licking a lollipop that Kacchan bought him before looking at me carefully. "And don't answer something corny and cliché like wanting to protect the smile of your precious people." He says crossing his arms and rolling his eyes cutely before chuckling slightly.

"I will become a hero that people can trust and feel safe… I want to be a light and hope for many people… I want the world to know that I will be there with a smile on my face." I say clenching my fists. "I also want to protect my loved ones." I whisper averting my brother's gaze.

"Hah! When I become a hero I will capture Child Emperor's brat and become famous by capturing an S-rank villain." Kacchan says with a bloodthirsty smile making small explosions with his palms to emphasize his point. "Then I will create my own hero agency and allow you guys to have the honor of being the companions of the number one hero." he says proudly.

"And what are you planning to do, brat? Will you join my agency?" Kacchan asks looking at my brother.

Come to think of it, I don't know Isamu's motivation for wanting to be a hero… Does he even want to be a hero? Maybe he wants to invent supporting items for heroes like the famous inventor David Shield... I'm very curious about his answer.

At that moment, a strange smile spreads across my little brother's face as he watches us attentively, causing both of us to shiver. "Are you guys curious about me?" He hums placing his finger over his mouth. "I'm afraid it's a secret." He says winking in our direction cheekily.

"TEME..." Kacchan growls, cracking his knuckles threateningly while I stand between him and my little brother to prevent a repeat of the scene from minutes ago.

Then the sound of a phone calls the attention of the three causing my little brother to check his pocket quickly before taking out his phone. " Uhhh!" He exclaims with wide eyes reading some kind of message on his phone.

"Brother, what's wrong?" I ask quickly with a bit of concern.

"My spy informs me that a group of veteran players will be meeting shortly and planning an attack on my not-so-secret base." My brother says quickly with a big smile on his face. "Waku~Waku!" He exclaims happily nodding his head.

Oh… I understand.

"Spy? Secret base? What the hell is he talking about." Kacchan asks confused looking at me.

"It's an online game." I snort scratching my head while my brother starts typing fervently on his phone concentrating on that strange game. "Remember you have to go to school." I say authoritatively. Mom would kill me and ground me for months if I let my little brother skip school to play video games...

I can't let my little brother get off track!

"I know, you don't have to worry about me all the time, onii~chan." He huffs, putting the phone back in his pocket before crossing his arms and pouting adorable. "However, I have to pee." he whispers.

"Can't you wait until we get to school? We are only a few minutes away." I ask looking around.

"Or you can use that fire hydrant." Kacchan says with a vengeful smile pointing to a fire hydrant near us and in full view of many people going to their respective jobs.

"Nope!" My brother exclaims, squirming slightly before pointing to a coffee shop in the distance. "I'll use the bathroom from that new cafe." He says with a strange twinkle in his eye and nodding before quickly heading towards the cafe while Kacchan and I wait outside.

That coffee shop opened a couple of weeks ago and from what I've heard on internet forums it's popular with some pro heroes. "Anteiku." I whisper reading the name of the cafe. It really is a strange name for a coffee shop.

"Why the hell is the brat taking so long?!" Kacchan exclaims angrily. "Do you think he ran away to play that video game?" He whispers, narrowing his eyes in my direction.

"My little brother would never do something like that!" I exclaim clenching my fists… He wouldn't do something like that… Maybe we should go in and check if everything is ok…

At that moment, a noise coming from the back of the cafe catches my attention. What if Kacchan is right and my little brother plans to escape through the cargo area of the cafe? If so, my brother will be in a lot of trouble!

However, my suspicions were instantly dispelled as I watched my little brother walking out of the cafe through the front door licking his lips as he adjusted his school uniform. I feel stupid suspecting my little brother… Although at the same time, I feel relieved.

Then a black delivery van belonging to the cafe speeds out of the back… It looks like they're in a hurry to deliver an order.

"Izuku~Kun! Izuku~Kun!" My brother exclaims happily jumping on top of me and hugging me like a koala before sniffing my neck. "You smell delicious, maybe I should bite you and turn you into a vampire." He whispers close to my ear causing me to shudder.

He's having that strange behavior again...

"It was just a joke." He says quickly pulling away from me with a sharky grin on his little face.

"If you two have already finished your nonsense, we have to hurry to get to the damn school. The old hag will be angry if she gets another call from the professor." Kacchan growls clicking his tongue before walking over to my brother and carrying him like a sack of potatoes.

At this, I quickly nod as we continue on our way to school without further distractions.

"Gambare Gambare Senpai ~ Gambare Gambare Senpai." My brother hums and claps enthusiastically sitting on Kacchan's shoulders as we approach the school gates.

"You cheeky little demon." Kacchan growls trying in vain to hide a small smile on his face before realizing that I'm looking at him with a smile on my face. "The damn ride is over!" He exclaims shaking my little brother off his back who lands on his feet on the ground.

Isamu's reflexes are terrifying. "Hey, that was rude of you." My brother says showing his small sharp teeth in Kacchan's direction.

"You're like a fucking cat." Kacchan snorts, scratching his head and used to my brother's behavior.

At that moment, a characteristic sound coming from my phone catches my attention, indicating that I have received a text from All Might. Given this, I quickly read the message.

*** Young Midoriya, something very important came up for which I will not be able to attend training tonight. Stay safe and remember… Plus Ultra!***

I need to get stronger, I need to get smarter, I need to get more capable if I really want to protect my little brother and the people important to me… I need to try harder.

So, we finally made it to our destination… Aldera Junior High.

Not knowing that in a few hours chaos would take over the city... Of Japan... And of much of the world...


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To Be Continued...


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