
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-10 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad with over 155K words) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The Final Boss is here...

Chapter 53 The Final Boss is here...

Izuku POV

Everything happened too fast, Kacchan's explosions were more powerful than I anticipated, which is why we ended up losing control and crashing into my little brother. Luckily none of us were seriously injured and we slowly got back to our feet a bit sore.

"My precious…" My little brother whispers after standing up, holding his now broken glasses in his hands while his lips tremble slightly causing me to worry and I quickly grab him by his shoulders. Is he hurt?!

"Isamu! Are you okay? Are you injured? Does something hurt? Answer me!" I exclaim in a panic, shaking him over and over. This is all my fault! My actions were very reckless but I couldn't help it! I'm a terrible big brother! Mom is going to kill me!

"Hey! Stop! Stop shaking me or I'm going to bite your neck!" My little brother exclaims, snapping me out of my thoughts and making my eyes widen in surprise. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologize quickly doing my best to avoid crying. I need to be strong in this situation and not break down.

Immediately after, my gaze falls on Kacchan with his back to us a few meters away, completely silent, which is quite weird and I even think his right hand is trembling slightly. "Kacchan... are you okay?" I ask weakly, causing him to tense up and clench his fists tightly.

"Of course I'm fine! I'm the future number 1 hero dammit!" He exclaims furiously turning around with his shoes completely destroyed and pointing at himself with determination before approaching me with a murderous glare.

"Don't feel sorry for me." He hisses, shoving me aside before surveying my little brother from head to toe for any injuries. "You... brat, are you dying?" He asks with a terrifying look.

What kind of question was that Kacchan?!

"No... I guess." My brother answers sheepishly, looking away from Kacchan.

"That's good enough for me." Kacchan responds by chuckling slightly with an evil smile spreading across his face before grabbing my little brother's shoulders. "However, if you try to make another move like that... I'll kill you!" Kacchan exclaims, berating and threatening my brother for his rebellious attitude.

I don't know if rebel is the most appropriate term for him, considering that he shamelessly escaped from us, running around and beating up people who got in his way like it was a video game. All this while Kacchan and I chased him through several streets in complete chaos without being able to catch up with him.

My little brother can be very agile and slippery… Once this is all over, I will have a long talk with him, berating him for his behavior and actions. But first, we have to find a safe place to hide.

However, at that moment, the screams of a group of people in the distance immediately catch our attention before huge tentacles emerge from a dark alley. These tentacles quickly wrap around those people, causing them to drop some bags full of money and valuable items to the ground. Due to the current situation, many villains have taken advantage of the chaos to commit many robberies of stores and even banks.

"Let me go! Monster!"


"I'll kill you! I'm going to kill you all!"

They exclaim in panic, being dragged into the dark alley as an eerie murmur echoes through the darkness of the alley. "I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home." The monotonous murmur reaches my ears, making me shudder before a small group of riot officers quickly emerge from the alley and handcuff the villains. All this while the tentacles retreat back into the alley before a hooded young hero with hands in pockets slowly emerges from the alley, squinting in our direction.

We should certainly get out of here as soon as possible without causing any kind of trouble… Getting stopped by the police might affect our chance of getting into a hero school.

"Damn extra smug." Kacchan growls crossing his arms.

"Now I feel like eating some sushi." My little brother says chuckling slightly with a small wicked smile spreading across his face before licking his lips. Was that a joke? Right?

Before I could even say anything about it, an energetic laugh from behind us causes my eyes to widen in panic and our bodies to tense up before my heart starts to beat faster. "You have a strange sense of humor kid… Although I wonder, what are three students doing in a place like this? Their mothers must certainly be very worried." The energetic voice asks quickly behind us, as we turn around with concern and anticipation.

Kacchan and I immediately placed ourselves in front of my little brother protectively, ready to flee or fight if necessary. However, there was no trace of the person anywhere. Invisibility Quirk? Camouflage? Teleportation? There are many possible variants!

"Down here, guys." The energetic voice interrupts my thoughts, causing us to immediately look at the floor, where a half-submerged face now stands, smiling a radiant smile. An intangibility quirk!


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"He's a mole man!" My brother exclaims happily with a sharky grin spreading across his face. "Quickly, let's crush him and drink his blood." He whispers ominously, baring his little fangs and taking a few steps in the direction of the strange face on the ground before Kacchan grabs him by the back of his shirt and pushes him behind us, giving him a look that promises pain.

"It was just a joke…" He quickly mutters, crossing his arms and making a cheeky pout.

Kacchan and I decided to ignore my brother's strange behavior and focus on the face half submerged in the ground that is watching us attentively with a smile. I have a feeling I've seen that face somewhere...

"Who the hell are you? Answer me or you better start praying!" Kacchan exclaims, pointing his hands threateningly at this strange person, while small sparks begin to generate from his hands.

All this while this person's body begins to slowly emerge from the ground, revealing his hero outfit and his cape billowing behind him, making my eyes widen in surprise upon recognizing this person. I knew I had seen his face somewhere!

"Kacchan stop! He is a hero!" I exclaimed quickly stepping between them, causing Kacchan to stop his sparks and lower his hands slowly with a small grunt, but still keeping a wary look on his face.

Once I'm sure Kacchan won't throw an explosion I intently watch the hero in front of us while my eyes shine brightly. "You are Mirio Togata, a second-year student at U.A! You were great at the sports festival and your quirk is amazing too!" I exclaim enthusiastically completely forgetting about the current situation.

"Wow, I didn't expect someone to recognize me…" He responds with a little surprise before Kacchan interrupted him abruptly.

"So he was the exhibitionist who caused controversy a few months ago at the sports festival." Kacchan mutters crossing his arms, while Mirio's face turns a little red in embarrassment. "He's not a big deal, just an above-average extra." He says dismissively.

At this, Mirio scratches the back of his head with a nervous little smile, deciding to ignore Kacchan's comment and focus his attention on me, looking at me carefully from head to toe. "Wait a minute, green hair, freckles… It's you! You are the broccoli boy!" He exclaims energetically with a beaming smile, quickly approaching me and shaking my hand's enthusiasm.

He… Does he know me?

"Your warning prevented many policemen and heroes from being seriously injured! Thank you so much! I'm sure you'll be an excellent hero in the future!" He exclaims, nodding quickly as he maintains his characteristic smile.

"Although to me you are already a true hero." He whispers, releasing my hands and sticking his thumb up in my direction.

Did he just call me a hero?… He certainly called me a hero. This causes a feeling of happiness to spread throughout my body. Those words make me very happy! I can't wait to tell All Might! Though first, I must stay strong and hold back the tears of happiness that threaten to overflow from my eyes. I must not cry!

"I am indeed Mirio Togata, a second-year hero student at the prestigious U.A High School, also known by my hero name Lemillion." He says proudly, keeping his smile on his face the entire time before pointing his finger at a young man in a hero suit and hood in the distance. "And that shy boy is my friend and comrade Suneater." He says waving his hand in the air, waving and getting the attention of his friend who quickly looks away from us and proceeds to look at his shoes sheepishly after realizing we were looking at him.

He is Tamaki Amajiki, his performance at the sports festival was also impressive along with his quirk, it certainly is a very powerful quirk with many possibilities.

"By the way, what is your name? Because I doubt you like the nickname broccoli boy, hehe." Lemillion asks laughing a bit, but still, keeping an eye on our surroundings.

"I am Izuku Midoriya!" I quickly exclaim pointing at myself before pointing at Kacchan. "This is Kac... Katsuki Bakugo, my best friend." I say quickly causing some angry mutters from Kacchan before pointing at my little brother. "And this is Isamu Midoriya, my little brother." I wrap up the introductions quickly before taking a deep breath and catching my breath.

"Good! With the introductions made, I will escort you guys with Detective Tsukauchi." He energetically responds with a small clap, making us a little worried. "You guys don't have to worry! You guys aren't in trouble." He exclaims quickly.

"Unless you guys are secretly part of Hydra." He whispers seriously looking at each of us before letting out a laugh with his hands on his waist, causing my little brother to tense up and hide behind me.

"Hehe, don't worry guys, the detective will only ask a couple of questions and then we'll escort you three to your respective homes safely." He says with a reassuring smile.

"Little Isamu, there is no need to be nervous." Lemillion says, noticing my brother's nervousness before kneeling in front of him. "I will protect you, consider it a promise." He says ruffling my little brother's hair before standing up again with his cape billowing epically behind him with his unflinching smile as my brother clenches his teeth and fists, visibly nervous.

Although the heroes received a heavy blow, I am sure they will rise up and fight with all their might to restore peace and justice, it may not be today or tomorrow, but hope is the last thing that is lost. I clench my fists with determination, observing the symbol of Hydra that lies above the skies of the city.

I will become a hero no matter what and help build a better future, a future where my little brother can smile happily, a future where peace and justice prevail. I will stop this vile organization and every single one of its members who threaten peace!

And I will do it with a smile on my face! For the Future of humanity!

At this, a determined smile spreads across my face as I clench my fists harder. All Might and my little brother trust me... And I don't plan to let them down. We can still win!

The counterattack of the heroes begins now!


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Suddenly, the sky of the city was lit up with a deep yellow glow as if it were a powerful lightning bolt, capturing the attention of all of us and causing a sinking feeling to start spreading throughout my body.

But what the hell is happening?!


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Immediately after, the strange and powerful yellow lightning crashes to the ground with a loud crash, in the distance not far from us. Causing a large amount of vapor to spread from the impact zone in all directions, making our visibility somewhat difficult and making us hold our breath in anticipation.

"You guys stay behind me!" Lemillion exclaims, standing in front of us protectively, clenching his fists and maintaining his trademark unflinching smile. "No matter what happens, I will protect all of you." He says with determination, as his cape billows epically behind him.

Meanwhile, Suneater, being one of the people closest to where the mysterious lightning landed, transformed his hands into huge tentacles and prepared for any eventuality. Quickly and determinedly he moves forward and into the thick fog in search of the perpetrator or any suspicious person, thus disappearing from my sight, while the few riot officers in the area keep a prudent distance.

"Hey, nerd… Before that damn beam hit the ground, I thought I saw a silhouette inside the damn beam. Tell me I'm wrong." Kacchan snarls beside me, squinting into the distance through gritted teeth, as my brother's small laugh immediately catches our attention.

"You're not wrong, Baka~Chan... I also noticed that." My little brother hums, swaying on himself innocently, with no trace of nervousness. "It wasn't a Bird, it wasn't a plane either." He answers enigmatically, pointing his finger into the distance as a blush spreads across his cheeks causing the anticipation to grow more and more in me.

"The Final Boss is here." He whispers with a strange smile spreading across his face making me flinch before a loud mechanical sound reached our ears followed by some powerful rumbles coming from the mist not far from us.

"Don't worry guys, I'm pretty sure Suneater has everything under control." Lemillion says quickly with a confident smile, trying to reassure us as he narrows his eyes into the distance.

Immediately afterward, a powerful distorted childish laugh is heard from all directions, a laugh that is well-recognized by everyone present. "Mirio! Get out of here right now!" A loud scream is heard from Suneater before a powerful explosion soars through the skies and the resulting shock wave quickly dissipates the dense mist.

The sight in front of us makes my eyes widen in shock, as Lemillion visibly shudders with rapid breathing.

"Shit…" Kacchan snarls next to me, clenching his teeth and holding his trembling hand tight.

In the distance in front of us, several tentacles lay on the ground, sliced and smoking around a visibly injured Suneater, kneeling on the ground and gasping heavily for air. His gaze was fixed directly on us with his eyes wide, desperately trying to get some words out before coughing up some blood.

Directly behind him stands a small but menacing figure with huge mechanical wings spread out in all their splendor, enveloped in a thin layer of yellow electrical current. A chaotic little S-rank villain that we all thought had died at the hands of a vile hero… A little boy who fooled everyone and unleashed chaos around the world.

Child Emperor... Is here.

By this time, Lemillion's smile had completely disappeared.


Child Emperor exclaims with great enthusiasm, spreading his arms out to the sides theatrically, with his characteristic gas mask covering his face. Looking intently in our direction before his gaze lands on me, causing my breath to stop and my entire body to freeze in fear.

"Hello... Izuku Midoriya."




To Be Continued...


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