
Chapter 149- Displeasing Surprise.

Kathryn's POV.

Aesthetics is good, it's really good." She said with a wide smile and I smiled too, I could still feel the eyes of the woman on me, it looked like she didn't want to stop staring and she was pretty upset by my ignoring, but I didn't really care, I had no time for this, I just smiled and kept speaking with Mrs Moore.

"Did you just ignore me, you little brat?" She asked in a shrill voice and I paused, I turned to her and smiled raising my brows in question,and she glared at me, I still raised my brows in question, keeping a face of confusion pretending I didn't understand why she was acting this way, if she wanted to cause a scene, she would definitely be the one to be blamed by everyone.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked with feigned ignorance, I could feel the gaze on us, and everyone looked at her, she started it first.

"What do you mean by what, you know what you did, you sick twat." She yelled, I could feel everyone's undivided attention now, Bas, Matteo, Gabriel and Dylan stopped talking and looked our way.

"I don't know what I did," I said in my sweetest voice, "I'm just surprised you're upset, what's wrong?" I asked in a very genuine voice, staring at her like she's doing what I didn't understand.

"Oh My Gosh," she exclaimed and sighed, "you're just a foolish spoilt brat." She said and I gasped in feigned shock, looking at her like she hurt me so much, she raised her brows, maybe she wasn't aware of her surroundings, but she pretty much looked like the crazy person right now for attacking me when I didn't do anything wrong, she annoyed me, but I didn't have time to tell her that, I approached her genuinely,yet she treated me like I did something wrong which was really annoying, I didn't do anything wrong, all I did was try to socialize and if I knew she didn't like me, I wouldn't have tried approaching her, things like this made me wish I had the ability to read minds.

"Are you mad at me because you think I'm a spoilt brat?" I asked loudly appearing really offended, I was very offended and I wanted nothing more than to tell her off, but I kept my cool, because this party was for me, it was organized for my introduction to the Vampire city and I was known and recognised by people more, and I definitely didn't want them to have a bad impression of me, at the end of the day, it wasn't my fault, I did nothing wrong to her, she was just causing a scene. And she now dragged the attention of everyone, she looked like she was powerful and influential enough, that's why I didn't want to tell her off yet, but once I get the chance, I'll tell her off, I don't care when, but I'll definitely do it, because I did not appreciate being attacked this way without enough reason, I didn't even know and she already acted like I did and I did something bad to her.

"Don't pretend, you brat." She yelled at the top of voice and I smirked making sure she was the only one who saw that and that seemed to make her really upset, well I didn't care, she was really annoying, but I would make sure I annoy her too.

"Why do you keep calling me a brat, have I done something wrong to you?" I asked innocently, I really meant the question, I did not know her or what I had done to her, I was very surprised she even behaved this way.

"Yes Madeline," Mrs Moore spoke up and everyone turned their attention to her and I smiled, I made a very wise choice in approaching Mrs Moore, she didn't even know me for long, but she was already supportive and that made me so happy, and I realized that Mrs Moore also knew who this Madeline, "what has she done to you, you just walked up to her and yelled at her calling her a brat." Mrs Moore added.

"So you're in on this too." Madeline said.

"In on what, I want to know why you dislike her, she was just here talking to me, apart from the obvious reason I know off already." Mrs Moore replied and I stared at her wide eyed, she knew why Madeline was being like this, and it looked like some guests around knew this too, some sighed and nodded and rolled their eyes.

"Which obvious reason are you talking about?" Madeline asked, her voice a little shaky, she must have been terrified Mrs Moore would voice it out, I wanted to know why more than anything else.

"Oh, lot of us know this don't we?" Mrs Moore said rhetorically.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Madeline said avoiding my eyes a little, I was still raising my brows in question, I definitely didn't know this obvious reason.

"You're still in love with Sebastien years after he left you, and now you're attacking his mate, when she didn't do anything wrong." Mrs Moore said and I gasped, I did not even know she attacked me because of Bas, I thought she was somehow related to the druids that come to the training room and that she was mad at whatever they told them, because rumours seemed to preced here and lot of them here, did things because everyone did so.

I didn't know Bas would be the reason why she'll be this way, I didn't even know she has a relationship with him, I wouldn't have even tried approaching her.

"Oh please, she's a brat and you know it." Madeline said.

"And it's not a crime that I still love Bas, he would open his eyes soon and realize that this is just a mate thing and that he wouldn't need to marry he if he doesn't want to." Madeline added and I tilt my head ,I was shocked, I didn't even know how to react to this. And it seemed that lot of them here knew this, so it was obvious that their relationship was public knowledge, I was really ignorant about lots of stuff in Vampire City.

"Wow, wow, just wow." I exclaim loudly and I could feel eyes on me.

"I thought I did something wrong to you, but you're mad at me because of Bas." I said with a sigh and rolled my eyes.

"Kath are you okay?" Bas came closer and turned me to face him, "speaking of the devil" I thought inwardly, he couldn't read my mind, so obviously he wouldn't know what I think, I was shocked about this and I didn't even know how to react right now to be very honest.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said with a surprising calm, but my mind was in turmoil inside, I couldn't help it, I was jealous and I felt a little insecure right now, not because I thought she was prettier than me, because she definitely wasn't, I just felt insecure knowing she knew him that personally, I had a tugging feeling in my heart, I smiled brightly, I didn't want anyone to guess how his made me feel.

"Sebastien, won't you look at me." Madeline said to Bas who gave her a very scary look, she stepped back a little.

"Get over yourself Madeline." Bas said, he was obviously pissed.

"Sebastien, I still love you, you don't have to agree to this Union,just because you're mates." Madeline spat venomously.

"That's not why I want to spend my whole lifetime with her, Madeline, and why the heck would you attack her that way?" Bas asked and I sighed rubbing my temples, this was making my head ache badly, today was really weird, it started off greatly, but now I just didn't know how I felt to be very honest, I just had a stupid tugging feeling and it wasn't pleasant, I wanted to rest right now.

"You shouldn't come to my sister's party and insult her Madeline." Dylan said and I stared at him, wow,it was shocking but he also knew about the relationship and he knew her, if Gabriel, Lyn and Matteo knew about this, I wouldn't be surprised, but my brother wasn't that close to Bas, as Bas what with them, and it surprised me that he knew, today was the day of surprise packages, it's just that I didn't like it at all.

"Stay away from this matter Dylan." Madeline replied.

"No, you shouldn't disrespect my sister that way." Dylan shot back angrily. 

I was truly upset right now, and if I keep watching them argue with her and everything, I would annoy myself further and I might just snap, I didn't want to do that.

"Okay, as much as this party got really interesting with this amazing surprise," I said brightly with a smile that didn't come from my heart, "I'll just go back to mingling with the guests, that's what I came for anyways." I added and I could see shock glances.