
Chapter 126- Guilt.

Raina's POV.

"You're not, why are you not taking this seriously." Bas father yelled.

Everyone stilled immediately they heard him, Bas's father was right, he wasn't taking this seriously.

"Father stop taking it too serious, I'm fine." Bas replied rolling his eyes, he sat up, scoffing as he felt everyone stare on him.

"Wait, wait, it's not easy beating a witch because they deal with spells, using their powers, so how the heck did you manage to hurt her when she spell speared you?" Lyn asked.

"Spell speared seriously?" Matteo asked Lyn and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, spell speared, now back to you." Lyn replied Matteo who scoffed, the tension they both had lately was really funny to see, turning to Bas.

"I took her powers from her."Bas replied with a sudden calmness that scared everyone.

"You what, you can take powers away now?" Matteo asked wide eyes and Bas nodded.

"When did you get this power, is this one of the ones you kept from me?" Bas's father asked.

"I just got it recently." Bas said resting his head on my shoulders, I ruffled his hair and he laughed.

"So you just realized how to take powers from people and it happened?" Bas's father asked.

"I don't know, all I thought of while pressing her down was how her powers would just go away and it did, it was painful for her, because she screamed and then she tried hurting me again,but it didn't work." Bas replied.

"I'm tired, I can't answer any more questions." Bas added with a sigh.

"We're not done yet young man." Bas's father said, he was clearly angry with him.

"What else do you want me to say, I've told you everything that happened, and the power came when I reached Vampire city again." Bas yelled sitting up.

"How about how you put yourself in danger in the first place?" Bas's father asked and Bas rolled his eyes.

"You didn't even go with anyone, what if you didn't take her powers, what if you couldn't leave, what if Kathryn here didn't have her powers back to heal your wounds?" Bas's father yelled, I felt tense up and I knew it was going to be a screaming match.

"I couldn't go out with anyone because everyone got tired, and I didn't want to wake anyone up, I had to go check this out, it was for her safety." Bas replied.

"Then you should have been patient." His father said.

"Then I wouldn't get the information, because it's obvious they knew I would be there, with what they prepared for me, it's obvious they knew I was in town, it's obvious they know about my mate, and I don't want anyone hurting her okay." Bas shot back, he stood up going upstairs.

I went after him, helping him up the stairs, he was still weak.

He went into my room and I sat him down on the bed, ruffling his hair, he chuckled.

"I don't know why he just choosed to annoy me." Bas mumbled.

"He did it because he cares, I hope you know that." I said and he turned to me, staring at me for a while then sighing.

"I know it may be annoying, and also we may not like the approach our parents use, but it's all for our own good." I said forcing a smile and staring at him, he looked at me for a while.

"Alright, out with it what's bordering you?" Bas asked raising his brows.

I stilled immediately he asked it, I was wrong for even trying to fake a smile thinking he won't notice through my fake exterior,he guessed what I felt immediately, it's like he knew something was up with me without me saying anything.

I looked up at him smiling, I wanted to say something but I couldn't even find the courage, I was happy he could guess that I wasn't alright and I had something bordering me, but I didn't even know how to tell him, how to start, everyone knew I got my memories back,but they didn't know what I felt or how it affected me, how much the guilt I got after getting my memories back made me feel, I felt like the most selfish person, I didn't even know how to grasp the memories I had.

I wondered if he will also think the same of me, would he think I was selfish, that I did that, that I was the one who caused it, would he actually think that.

I turned to him fake smiling still, and he laughed, "if you think you can make me believe there's nothing going on, then you're wrong." Bas said.

"There's nothing wrong, I'm okay, just feeling weird that's all." I replied forcedly.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked staring at me, I smiled shaking my head, he kept staring at me, when I tried looking away, he made me face him, pinning his gaze on me like that of a hawk pinned on it's prey, I coughed shifting a little from him, I needed a little space from him, if I didn't face him, or his stare right now, then I could pull it off, I could easily lie to him about what was going on, I didn't even know hot to tell him, so I was better off lying to him than saying anything.

I turned facing him after keeping my distance, but he kept watching me, his gaze unwavering, "I'm okay, why do you think I'm not." I said keeping a blank expression.

"I don't know what it is you're going through, or what's wrong, or whatever it is,but I thought we were close enough to share things with each other, but I was wrong," he said and I looked down, I didn't want to disappoint him by telling him about how much I was a selfish person and how I caused what happened, "but I understand if you don't have the courage to say it, whatever it is, I want you to say it, I won't judge you, I'll just listen to you, and if I have anything to say, I won't judge you, we agreed to share everything together, and you're making me worry, there's no way I won't worry, " he said pausing searching my face, I knew I wasn't keeping the blank expression I had on, I knew it changed, what he is saying is getting to me, "I can't stop myself from worrying, if I see you like this, I already guessed that something was eating you up, no let me rephrase that, I didn't just guess, I saw that something was eating you up, so I want you to tell me what it is, so I could help you, or go through it with you, please." He added and I sniffled, the tears I didn't realize were dropping from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I said at once and the tears poured out more than I expected.

"It's okay, it's okay baby." He said bringing me close to him and enveloping me in a warm hug, I sniffled clutching him tightly and hugging him back, he kept patting my hair and my back.

"What's wrong sweetheart tell me." He sat me straight staring at me, I didn't even know how to start, I felt like anything I would say would make me sound self absorbed and I didn't know what to do, I couldn't react that way, but my walls kept closing up, it didn't want me to say anything to anyone, and I couldn't even find the right words, I didn't know what to say, I kept looking at his eyes, which kept searching mine.

"Please sweetheart tell me." He pressed on, looking at me worryingly, I sniffled and cleaned my eyes.

"I want to, but the thing is, I'm finding it difficult to speak, I don't even know why I'm feeling this way." I said and he dragged me closer to him, I smiled, I remembered sitting straight, he must have hated that.

"Now, it's okay, just breath, relax, and then you can speak once you feel comfortable." He said with a smile cleaning my tears, I kept sniffling and he kept cleaning my tears which kept falling like waterfalls in spring, it didn't stop, but he didn't stop either, he kept wiping it away and patting my back.

My guilt kept eating me up, it felt like the wound got deeper and it didn't move an inch, and I wanted it to move, so I could share what I felt with someone, I needed to vent to him, and it would make me feel better, I realized what he said was right,if I told him about it, I would feel better, so I turned to him facing him preparing myself and my mind for what I wanted to say, I didn't care how fast my heartbeat was right now, I just really needed to say something and I wanted him to listen.