
My CEO Daddy is Gay?

“Are you sure this is the right address?” “I’m pretty sure.” They rang the doorbell and a tall handsome man stood in front of them. “Alex?” “Hi, Robbie.” “It’s been a long time.” “Yeah, well..” “Mom,” said a girl who emerged from behind her. “Is he the one?” “The one what?” She rolled her eyes. “Duh?! Can’t you see? I’m your daughter.” “What?! That can’t be right.” “Better believe it, stupid!” “Honey!” “What?” “I thought you said I’m gay, Alex?” “You’re what?” “You hear that right, honey. Your daddy is gay.” ********** All that ten-year old Sasha ever wanted was to meet her true father but every time she asked her mom, she always tried to make excuses. Until one day, as a birthday gift, she finally convinced her to bring her to meet her real father. What she didn’t expect is that he is not what she thought he would be... Allison Jane Macatangay has been known as one of the youngest top models in the fashion world. She had been in the covers of magazines in the country until one day, her dreams had been shattered when she got pregnant by her best friend, Robbie. Thirty-three year old Robert James Magsano, the CEO of JM Cosmetics had almost everything he ever wanted except for one thing. Everyone thinks he is gay because of one person, Alex. So to prove her wrong, he gave her a night she would remember expecting her to tell everyone about it. Except she fled out of the country, and he was left owning up to the stereotype the media has thought of him. For ten years, his life was normal until one day, Alex showed up in his doorstep with a ten-year old girl claiming to be his daughter. Will this news bring Alex and Robbie together or will it tear them apart? What will Sasha do upon knowing who his father is? Come and find out. Note: This will be edited every now and then. ************* Gold Tier Winner of WFP#15: Parenthood. Thank you for all your support. *************** *Book cover created as fan-art credited to: Michelleleee Thank you.

Honey15 · Urban
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187 Chs

Chapter 15

The loud tapping of stilettoes could be heard mounting up the steps as one of the crew members turned to see who was coming.

Alex walked briskly towards one of the blue-striped sun chaises spread out on the upper deck, and she set herself down. The cool summer breeze touching her face didn't help calm her nerves as she continued to look up to the night sky as if waiting for the moon to answer the questions in her mind.

'What does he want to prove? Why does he keep giving Sasha things she already has?' she thought furiously, crossing her arms.

Robbie soon came up and motion the crew member to go, and she nodded as she went into the glass sliding doors leading to the living room area.

The last thing he wanted right now was for other people to hear what they would be conversing about. Whatever it is.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Amazingly, his voice was calm as the breeze and yet, it still had not stopped her from fuming inside.

"Alex..." he called softly as he sat on the chaise beside her. "Tell me what happened?"

"Robbie, why are you doing all this?" she spat at him.

Robbie was taken aback as he saw her eyes boiling with anger.

"What do you mean? I just wanted to make this day special for Sasha."

"By giving her too much of everything? Replacing all the things I have bought for her to show off how well-off you are?!" she berated him.

Robbie creased his eyebrows.

What is it with her tonight?

He didn't understand it and he was beginning to get frustrated by her.

"Why can't you just be happy with what I do for our daughter, Alex? Why does money have to be an issue with you?" He questioned her, as he raised his voice.

"Can't you see what you're doing?" she continued. "You're shoving everything down our throats. Showing it deliberately to my face that I am nothing. That you-"

"DAMN YOU, ALEX!" he raged. "All these insecurities and money and- sht!" and he stood up. He walked over to the metal railing and gripped it. He was so furious that his whole body begin to shake.

He felt like whatever he did, Alex would always make a big deal out of it. He did not know what to do anymore.

He took a deep breath to calm himself before speaking.

"Can you not be grateful to me? That somehow I am doing my best to make Sasha happy?" He then turned towards her. "Did you not see her face awhile ago? She hugged me, Alex, and it felt great. It might not be much to you, but for me, it meant everything. This night should have been perfect, but you're letting it get ruined by making everything I do, a big deal! My god, Alex! You're impossible!"

She started to open her mouth but decided not to. Whatever she had to say now was irrelevant since she realized what he just said was true, and she suddenly felt guilty about it.

"What do you want me to do, Alex? This is who I am. I love to give her the best things that the world can offer. If I could give her the moon, I would, you know. But of course, that would be impossible..." he chuckled softly.

She sighed. She never wanted to ruin her daughter's night, but there was always a part of her that she felt less whenever Robbie lavished their child with gifts she couldn't afford.

But then, he had always been like that. He was actually the only man she knew who was nice to her... and to her daughter.

"Alex," he said and faced her. He leaned his back onto the railing, sighing. "I'm tired of fighting with you all day. Is there any way we can, just enjoy the night? It's our daughter's day anyway and I just wanted to cherish this moment.."

She sighed as Robbie sat beside her on the chaise.

"I know it might be hard for both of us to get along. But let us set aside those differences for now for the sake of our daughter, okay?" and he placed his hand on top of hers.

She looked up to him and nodded. He smiled at her.

"I'm sorry..." she uttered finally.

"What did you say?" Robbie asked her, a smile forming on his lips.

"I said, I'm sorry," and she rolled her eyes.

Robbie gazed at her, grinning.

"The great Allison Macatangay had finally said sorry," he teased.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Hey! Don't push it, buddy. I only have a few ounces of patience with you," she replied, laughing.

He smiled. He loved to hear Alex finally laughing again.

"Come here," and he scooted, placing his arm around her. She automatically leaned on his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, Robbie."

"I know..."

"I didn't mean to be ungrateful. I was just..." and she sighed. "It's been a while since someone had been so nice to me."

"Well, you have to get used to it again."

"I know..." and she lifted her head to gaze at him. "You have always been nice to me, Robbie, ever since we were kids."

"Because you're my best friend, Alex."

"I don't deserve it.... especially from the things I have done," and she lowered her eyes.

He sighed, a grin formed on his lips.

"Well, if I have to count all the things you actually have done when we were kids, then maybe... I should be mean to you then," he teased.

She smiled and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is that so?"

"Um hmm... I think so."

She chuckled, slightly pushing Robbie. He chuckled along with her and stopped to take a small frill of hair. He curled it with his finger.

"You looked beautiful in this dress," he praised, biting his lip. "It's so much better than your old spinster's clothes."

She laughed as Robbie just smiled simply. His eyes never leaving her face, and she felt nervous all of a sudden. She could feel her heart beating faster with anticipation.

He held her cheek as he traced his thumb over her red lips.

"Red always suits you, especially on occasions like this," he whispered, leaning closer.

Her mind clouded as she felt his thumb on her lips, and she swallowed hard.

Why is he making her feel this way?

She gazed into his lips. For a moment, she got lost with his touch, and she parted her lips for him.

"Will you help me with something?" he asked, huskily. His breathing became faster as his heart raced rapidly. His lips thirst for her lips since this morning and he just couldn't resist not to taste them again.... especially when she was willingly presenting it to him.

He swallowed hard.

"W-What is it?" she stuttered, her face getting hot, and her cheeks were scarlet red.

"I want to do an experiment..."

"F-For what?"

"To see if this is the right color for the kiss-proof lipstick."

"Hmmm..." she couldn't answer clearly as she closed her eyes and Robbie angled himself to capture her lips.

Will they kiss or willl they not? Hmmm... wait for the next chapter.

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