
My celestial god system

After humanity almost faced total annihilation,being saved by a celestial being at it's very last moment,the world changes rapidly and is no longer the familiar earth it once used to be. The danger from other terrifyingly powerful beings is still at hand and the world at large is trying their very best to become stronger and evolve. Will the humans and other allied races survive or this is just another futile attempt. Read and follow the journey of Jaiden Cole as he accidentally becomes one of the factors to help in the survival of the world and eventually becomes one who terrifies the multiverse. ________________________________ Tags ; Magic realism, system, harem, world development, R18, action, adventure, world destroying apocalypse. update;4-6 chapters per week(furthering my education currently,so that's the most you could get) __________________________________ Note; this isn't another regular boring system novel as this is the first series of something bigger and wider,the MC isn't a nice, benevolent,good boy. He slowly develops into a cold hearted character due to challenges he's been through. So it's definitely not your type if you can't cope with character development.

chaosdemon · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The gifts given by HIM; Earth's evolution

Flames of war that were burning so bright were beginning to turn dimmer as time went by. The leader of the Rizors remained still seemingly given up all resistance to whatever was going to happen next,he didn't seem to be able to move the tiniest bit of muscle. The Rizors army that covered the sky like endless plague were now nothing of their past selves only broken pieces of ships and wrecks was scattered all around the once lively battlefield.

Though the celestial did destroy most of the Rizors ship,there were a few who managed to stay in one piece.

The second in command 'RAZE ' was nowhere to be found as it seems he escaped somehow with a few soldiers. The celestial being stretched his hand forth recalling his sword that was still embedded in Zod. After which he turned to the humans that were watching from a safe distance.


He flew into the sky towards the humans. Seeing the approaching 'angel' ,most became nervous but were in total awe of this 'godly' being. General Vanlier stood in front of the disorganized soldiers who were looking up at the celestial being who was still in mid-air and seemed to defy gravity himself as his golden wings were spread outward without flapping or making any sort of movement.

Throughout the whole incidence,the being never revealed his face, covered in his golden armor he asked "[who is the leader of your...race?]" Looking at the human general who looked the most eye-catching within the human ranks.

"I.... I'm the one who's leading this battle.....your..holiness" The general stepped forward,he never had to hesitate in front of powerful politicians or powerful figures of the past,yet he couldn't even look at this divine being,he would only bow before this person with utmost devotion,the one who saved humans from extinction.

"[Very well,....your human race might be safe for now but don't think this is the end. There are other dangerous beings lurking in this solar nexus,I won't save you nor your people a second time]" The words of the angel did carry a soothing tone with it but the message passed across was the total opposite to the general.

'other dangerous beings?,like that monstrous beast over there?,in the solar nexus?' his eyes widened a little. If not for the fact that the person saying this was none other than the one who saved the entire humans from extinction,he would have said this person was talking thrash....but it was coming from this 'angel' of all people and he won't be here to help them at that time?...why... why was the universe bent on giving the humans a hard time. They hardly survived this alien invasion yet another one even more troublesome was likely to target our fragile planet.

This news was a very bad one,one that cannot get out to the other remaining human survivors no matter what. The general was lost in thought at that moment ,there was no hope of them surviving another war,they haven't even recovered from this one yet.

The celestial seeing the despair within his tumultuous heart,he decided to help this race for a final time.

'this planet itself has a very low level of mana energy,if it were to remain the same ,they would definitely be enslaved within a few years. Since I came this far already... I'll give them that..' the being raced both his hands which glowed a bright light,a sort of spiral wormhole opened up in the sky directly over the celestial. The soldiers gasped at the unnatural phenomenon with amazed eyes.

After a few seconds,the wormhole reached it's maximum opening,and from the spatial ring like hole came a crystal that shone a bright light,then another came and then another.

The spatial wormhole kept spitting out crystal after crystal but instead of the crystal to fall to the ground as expected,they flew in different directions like shooting stars. This caused a spectacular scene witnessed by the entire survivors, both the ones at the battlefield or those at a safe hidden spot all over the planet.

It was such a mesmerizing sight to behold. The shooting 'stars' were not just flying around though,each of them reached a particular different spots on the entire planet and embedded themselves into the depth of the planet, penetrating the very core of Earth but instead of causing damage it happened to enhance the surrounding with a magic like glow.

This process repeated itself until the billions of crystals disappeared into the core of the earth and a few minutes later, the very Earth started experiencing a sudden quake, the entire world experienced a mild earthquake that seemed to vibrate the ground all over the planet.

The soldiers who were witnessing all these things and seeing the cause before them were confused,no one could understand what was happening, but they all kept quiet and looked on to the being in the sky believing he wouldn't cause them any harm.

After doing all these and having the entire planet shake for hours without end, the being finally put down his hands and the wormhole portal closed up immediately. Looking towards General Vanlier he said "[I have done what I could to help this planet of yours,now that my business here is over. I'll be taking my leave]" with that the celestial spread his wings even more and before the general could say anything,the being shot into the sky like a flash of lightening and disappeared a second later leaving no traces behind.

The general who seemed to have something to say could only look at the empty space in a daze. "Sir ....sir.." a soldier under him came over after a few minutes and called out to him snapping him off his daze. " What is it?" He answered turning to look at the soldier.

"Sir....th...that" he said pointing in a direction which was where the defeated alien remnants were. The broken ships, the dead bodies,but the one that stood out the most was the 'corpse' of the leader of the Rizors . Even in death,the pressure that was coming off the 'dead' body was nothing that could be ignored,it was as terrifying as a 10 year old facing a gigantic lion. The soldiers didn't dare to go near that body and asked their general for the next best action.

Steeling his resolve, Vanlier walked tentatively towards the body to see if this monster was by any chance alive, and it actually was.....

This terrified the General in multiple ways,'did the celestial not kill this monster?' the gigantic Rizor was just kneeling there with no sign of life but he was indeed still breathing albeit shallow.

The General stood frozen in his spot for a while and the others behind him watched from a safe distance praying that the 'demon' was dead.

The general made a move forward towards the Rizor but there was still no movement or any retaliation from the alien. This made the general calm a little,the alien was in a vegetable state,they could capture it without any problems. ' The celestial being must have purposely left it alive in this camatoes state,those scientist would find a use of it ' Vanlier thought inwardly.

With this, the event that changed the world as we saw it came to an end.

A few years later...

It was later discovered that the 'angel' actions before he left actually not only made the Earth evolve and grow 10 times it's initial size,with new unexplored lands appearing all over the world,even the bodies of water expanded more than the lands itself. The humans discovered new resources and life on these habitable lands such as the discovery of another intelligent lifeform 'the mermerial race' that lived in wide bodies of water, even the air became clearer and held a mysterious energy(mana) that seemed to strengthen the people who breathes it in. The remnants of the aliens(the Rizors) from the last war was able to play a vital role in the breakthrough of science and technology. In addition to the discovery of knowledge about mana energy obtained from the information stored in the warships of the alien. The humans were finally able to evolve from the tragic event to become stronger than anyone would have imagined.

Year [2200]...

Decades after the 'great war' ,the human race were able to recover their population to it's former glory. The development over the years was something that couldn't be achieved even after a thousand years if the war never happened.

At this time, a world event occurred,the humans were able to finally make connections to other intelligent lifeforms outside the solar system. Due to this,Earth was able to form 'friendly' relationships and alliance with multiple other races never seen before and were even able to become one of the most civilized and powerful race within the lines of the inter-solar alliance. With the power and technology that the planet now possessed,it was safe to say the world was relatively secure from any danger whatsoever and no ordinary aliens or 'prosecutors' were going to attack out of the blue, at least for the time being.

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