
My celestial god system

After humanity almost faced total annihilation,being saved by a celestial being at it's very last moment,the world changes rapidly and is no longer the familiar earth it once used to be. The danger from other terrifyingly powerful beings is still at hand and the world at large is trying their very best to become stronger and evolve. Will the humans and other allied races survive or this is just another futile attempt. Read and follow the journey of Jaiden Cole as he accidentally becomes one of the factors to help in the survival of the world and eventually becomes one who terrifies the multiverse. ________________________________ Tags ; Magic realism, system, harem, world development, R18, action, adventure, world destroying apocalypse. update;4-6 chapters per week(furthering my education currently,so that's the most you could get) __________________________________ Note; this isn't another regular boring system novel as this is the first series of something bigger and wider,the MC isn't a nice, benevolent,good boy. He slowly develops into a cold hearted character due to challenges he's been through. So it's definitely not your type if you can't cope with character development.

chaosdemon · Fantasy
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26 Chs

show of strength and power; absolute dominance

After watching the exchange between the 'angel' and the alien, general Vanlier had only one order to give "RETREAT", it was obvious this 'saviour' of theirs wanted to teach those 'damned' lizard a lesson.'how dare they look down on the angel of God' was what was on his and every other persons mind.. although they did wish this 'angel' brought other angels with him,but since he was confident..then they trusted him whole-heartedly.

Though the order was given and being followed by the military,the Rizors weren't just going to watch them.


The berating sound to attack was given out from the ship without any hesitation. Immediately the Rizors raised their ranged weapons to shoot at those 'puny' humans before they could take cover,but before they could start shooting the celestial being took a simple big step forward once again and before anyone could comprehend his action,he appeared in the middle of the Rizors with two identical swords that just happened to be in his hands,no one knew when or how they appeared.



3... everything went still for that moment,the two races at war trying to understand what the 'angel' just did as he just seemed to teleport into the middle line of the Rizors army,but immediately after, heads started rolling off the shoulders of half the Rizors army as if it were something that was meant to be... natural and quiet.


'Did..did...did he just wipe out half the aliens army.... WITHOUT ANY BLOOD STAIN ON HIM OR HIS BLADE?' 'i couldn't even see his movements'

the humans all had this in mind at this time. No bloodshed,no stain,no sound,like it was just a gentle breeze....


"[C..c.. commander should we t..turn the ship?]" the pilot of the Rizors ship in which the commander was in couldn't help but tremble. They were stronger than those weak humans,yes,but this celestial?. There's no way the pilot could see them win in a million..no billion trial.

"Is that the power of an angel?,so..... terrifying" the general for the humans could not stop mumbling,even the assistant and other military personnel couldn't shut their mouths.

"[Grrrr....RAZE!...take over,I will personally face that shining bastard myself]" the leader of the Rizors said unable to stop himself,he immediately pressed a button beside his seat which opened a shaft in the upper 'roof' of the ship and with a {BANG} he jumped out of the ship which was a few kilometers off the ground.

"Hmm?, what is that coming towards us?" one of the soldiers pointed at the sky where a dot seemed to come crashing into the battlefield. Before anyone could say anything else...


The leader of the aliens landed for the first time before the humans which made them gulp subconsciously.'is that another alien....'. There was no other word for it except 'MASSIVE'. He was a 4 meter tall giant that had the head and face of an alligator reptile,the massive body rippling with muscles on top of muscles,his tail so long as a whip that seemed sharp as it glinted of something metallic even in the dark.

"WHAT...WHAT IS THAT MONSTER" one of the weak minded soldiers could not do anything but despair at the sight of this monstrous 'Demon'. His size even made them momentarily forget about their so called 'angel' ,it was too overbearing by it's mere presence alone.

"[How DARE you kill my men]" with a booming voice,the Rizor said to the golden armored being who now seemed like the size of an ant compared to the reptile monster.

"[Heh...an ant like you dares to let out foul stench before me....good,good.]" The 'angel' who seems to have endless arrogance replied curtly. The humans took a drastic measure of retreat,after witnessing this calamitous monster,they had to go as far away from here as possible. They thought they could win this war but this.....now they realized how naive they were.

Even the general and those under him ran back. This was something beyond them and they finally understood clearly that there was no hope for them to win from the beginning. It was always just a walk in the park for the Rizors to win.

With the final appearance of this final boss,the whole army lost the morale for this final fight and were already trying to abscond individually. General Vanlier can't even reorganize his warriors.

'hmph,weak puny humans' the giant Rizor began sneering in his mind at the weakness and disorder of the 'ants'.

Seeing this,the celestial being was utterly disappointed in these weak minded creatures and decided to end things quickly so he could leave this trash planet. Unfurling the giant golden wings with sharp edges behind him to their full extent, he took to the skies in one flap and started hovering mid-air. Looking down on the Rizor from above he said in a calm monotone voice "[let's end this quickly ant,let me show you your lowly place]"

"[Your arrogance knows no bounds celestial,Let me show you to be humble instead]" with that he stomped his foot on the bloody ground causing mini earthquakes and breaking off a small piece of rock all around. After picking one,he threw it towards the hovering being who seemed to stay still in place.

The ordinary rock was thrown with such force that it went even faster than a bullet could ever reach breaking the sound barrier easily and got to the celestial being in a flash.

Before the rock could hit the celestial though,it seemed to enter a type of barrier surrounding him that stopped it in it's place without any impact what so ever

'tch,those annoying forcefield barrier..' zod gritted his teeth in annoyance. That attack just now was a probe to know how strong the opponents defense was and it was definitely annoying. Those 'stupid advance technology '. The humans having escaped the immediate battlefield were now watching from afar with abated breath.

The celestial being raised one of his sword in the air and slashed down vertically,the energy given off by the sword could not be seen with the eye but the Rizor was able to dodge it with years of experience and instinct. The simple dodged attack left a tiny straight line that ran deep into the ground and went on that you couldn't see the end in sight.

A chill went down the spine of the Rizor, that attack could have killed him if he was a tad bit late in dodging.'as expected of him' . Even though the Rizor was challenging this being,he didn't underestimate him for one second and as a leader and warrior,his instincts were telling him to run.


The celestial appeared in front of the Rizor who was unable to quickly react and slashed his swords. The Rizor sensing imminent death crossed his arms in defense only that it was a bit late. Two clear marks appeared on both his shoulder before his arms fell off a second later. The arm was severed from the shoulders down, chopping his hands off.

The monstrous Rizor took this opportunity to back away from this 'angelic monster '

"[This...how is this possible,how can a person hold this amount of strength]" the Rizor exclaimed,you should know that his scaly skin along with his muscle mass was 'almost' impenetrable due to the years of battle and trials he's faced through out his life, facing Worthy opponents and surviving,yet....he amounted to nothing in front of this figure. He refused to believe this .....

"[That sword....it must be that swords power...that's the only explanation]"


'this lowlife thinks I'm relying on the power of my sword' the celestial shook his head internally.'let me show you how low you are on the food chain ' with that in mind the celestial swords disappeared from his hands and he landed on the ground taking a martial arts stance. By now,ZOD's arms already grew back in place since he had high regeneration. Seeing the being taking this stance,he also assumes a battle pose. The humans from afar were using all sorts of binoculars to watch this showdown from a safe distance

As if both the opponents were in some sort of agreement,they attacked at the same time disappearing from their position with immense speed that the human eyes couldn't follow and then...


The results of the impact between a four meter giant Rizor and a seven foot tall celestial was nothing short of the word 'devastating'. The result of the exchange of blow was the giant Rizor moving back ten foot before stopping,but that didn't seem to deter the monster has he came forth with another exchange




Different thundering sounds kept resounding from the battlefield for a while until..


The Rizor flew out violently unable to balance or stop himself from repeatedly crashing against the ground. The humans and remaining Rizors were stunned. How was it possible for a giant with a mass of muscles to lose to a simple humanoid being not even half his size. This is indeed "David defeating Goliath" as this was just impossible. But... wasn't this the 'angel' of God?. They shouldn't have ever doubted his powers in the first place. The humans couldn't be any more ashamed of themselves,how could they forsake their beliefs when the 'lord' sent down his 'messenger'.

Blinded by their beliefs in miracles and 'angels' the humans couldn't help but kneel and began praying to this celestial being,the amount of devotion could be said to be simply amazing at this point.

"[Urgh...]" From a distance, Zod struggled to get on his feet as he remained in a kneeling position. His monstrous demeanor and oppressive presence were nowhere. The hard scales that covered his entire body were now broken like glass pieces with green blood oozing out en masse. Bloody holes all over his body and one even going through his chest that you could see the other side through it. He looked utterly beaten up and on the verge of death.

"This...is this the same monster a minute ago?" a soldier said to another in disbelief. "Y..you are also seeing the same thing as me right" said another. This was impossible,the aliens they weren't even able to chase away with nuclear bombs...their very leader is right there on the verge of death?,that too after only exchanging a few brief punches with the 'angel' within seconds....

"[Lord Zod.....,this....is this how strong the celestials are?]" Raze,the second in command said to himself.

"[We need to save him and get away from this entire galaxy immediately, quick open fire at the celestial, don't give him a chance to get to our leader]" he ordered the soldiers in the other ships to open their fire at the being, after all, there's no way he could fight against the ship's. If only he knew how wrong he was.

With the order given the Rizors started firing their weapons at the being all at once while one of the ships tried to carry commander ZOD.

"[did you think I would let you leave?,heh,this will be your place of death Rizors]" with a flick of his wings,the being disappeared once again from their view and before they could find his traces..


The ship closest to the commander blew up without the residing Rizors knowing what happened. Then appearing at another place the celestial punched towards another ship. The space between he and the ship was quite a distance yet,all he did was throw a punch at the direction of the ship


Just like fireworks,the ship exploded. This made the assaulting aliens to stop in their tracks once again...

"[....]" RAZE was completely speechless. General Zod raised his head, watching the destruction of his own hand built work (army). Heck!,they were the ones that almost wiped out the entire humans yet,they were the ones on the verge of extinction because of his misjudgements.

"[How... did... it... come to this?...]" The reality of the situation dawning on him now made him want to howl in extreme rage. It was because of that damned celestial's involvement. Why?...why didn't he just let them have this forsaken planet,why?

With rage brewing within him,he stood up with his utmost strength [Roar!!!!] and let out a beastly howl before charging towards the celestial who kept on taking down the ships like someone swatting fly from the sky.

[Bang],with a mighty stomp,he shot himself towards the damned golden armored celestial with no regards to life anymore. He (celestial) already destroyed 80% of his army, what else was left?

Before he could reach the celestial to deliver a blow,he heard a piercing noise from his body

[Shlick] a golden blade could be seen coming out from is torso,when?...

The celestial looked over to him and said "[I didn't even use a full 5% of my strength the entire time,you were never my match ]" he said in a neutral condescending voice that carried no emotions. Looking at the celestial's golden armor that still radiated it's brilliance,there was no speck of dust on him,this was indeed all a waste of time to him. The slit like pupils of the leader of the aliens trembled and started to fade away until he dropped to his knees in absolute serene silence.

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