
My catastrophically sweet soul summons.

Millions of people were summoned to clear trials of world,but why? it was still a mystery. Along with millions, Ren our mc was also summoned in that hell like world. Join his journey, to get answer of why? to see what he do, to see what his destiny chosen him to be at. What relationships will he make.What he gain what he lose. From weak normal human to advanced super human. Will this journey last long or die in mid.[Warning: Content have many killing scenes] _ Travelling worlds with his.... DISCORD: Omkar_M#2388 https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW _ _ _ [chapter length : 1000+ words] .................................... this work is participating in contest.

Omkar_M_7463 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Ch:9. Fantasy killing

Kaguya's POV:

[Would you like to accept it? ]



As she pressed "yes", next moment she was thrown in the arena.

When she opened her eyes what she saw was a disturbing scenery.

It was a place with red dust in the atmosphere and a scene of aftermath of war were many broken body parts were scattered all over the place. Sun was covered in black mist and red clouds as if it was fall of the world.

When Kaguya saw this in front of her she immediately turned her head as she had an urge to puke.

[Welcome to Class quest arena! ]

[Mission 1: End every broken's suffering](compulsory)

[Reward: Healer class]

[Mission 2: Conquer opponent's fortress](compulsory)

[Reward:White mage sub class]

[Mission 3: Survive for 7 days ](compulsory)

[Reward:Anti Heal magic]

[Mission 4: Conquer the arena](optional)


She frowned as she saw missions given by the system.

She thought for a while and asked what does the first mission mean just to confirm her thoughts.

[Kill every fatally injured person! ]

The system replied heartlessly as she suspected.

She had tears in her eyes and a heavy feeling in her heart.

Her heartbeat increased every moment she saw broken people and hearing their cries and call for help.

This scenery was traumatic and she couldn't bring herself to accept this was real.

She tried to calm herself and stood up from the place shaking.

She decided to walk away in an isolated area where she couldn't see these corpses.

She looked in all directions and saw many trees behind her.

She decided to enter the forest. As she started moving further ,even if her condition was worsening she held her stomach and moved forward.

"Please, It shouldn't be real, Please... " She cried.

After walking some distance, the bodies of people weren't in surroundings.

When she looked the place nearby she didn't found any dead person or corpse, due to which she sighed in relief and fell down numb.

She was sobbing with snots in her nose and cursing her fate.

"Why I have to see this? Did I do something wrong in my life?" She questioned as she remembered her life on earth.

She was normal college student with good grades and friendly personality. She never did anything that will hurt others.

She thought for a while and began to separate her thoughts answering every question she had.

Many people have chosen other classes they would have different trials. According to what came in her mind; she thought that some classes to get,you have to risk your life and killing many people. Well, It was indeed true but she didn't know it, but she thought on right track.

She also realised that having a crybaby nature right now was not the right time.

She was slowly getting clarity of the situation and gradually getting her composure back.

She rested in the area for some time and after her heartbeat returned to normal she decided to complete mission, because if not for this trials she will be left behind and will die brutally someday.

[Congratulations! You have managed to regain your composure. ]

[Information unlocked]

[Information : This scenery is of past, people here are memories of past]

"Huh? " She sighed but was surprised that everything here looked real and appreciated magic.

She stood up and decided to move back to the location. When she reached the battlefield she picked up her courage and approached a crying man.

"Please help! " the crying man begged.

"I am sorry" She said and picked up a sword close to her, trembling she decided to end his suffering in one go. Because, how he was broken couldn't even be repaired with modern medicine. It was surprising how he stayed alive for this long.

The man was limb less and lower half was missing and intestines were out of his body.

Kaguya beheaded him in one go and that man died, struggling his body similar to when chiken is beheaded.

"So gruesome I don't understand why system gave me killing mission for getting healing class? "she questioned and continued, " Is healer class really something that will heal people? "

[You will be new healer if you complete quests. As for why this trial is, because even if you get healer class you will start as weak. In your weakest state many people will lose lives and you will lose yourselves when you see losing people and keep blaming yourselves]

[Collect 1000 courage points, if you don't want to experience what other people suffered when you try to heal them, This system will help you for getting out of backlash for getting healer class]

[COURAGE POINTS: (253/1000) ]

She didn't say further and nodded in agreement.

She just have to be courageous as this was not the world she knew, It was hell, real hell where only one rule exist " Kill or be killed. "and to do opposite of it, she should have that guts and power to go against it.

She searched for the fortress and decided to secretly investigate it.

"I have to plan it properly." she said while looking in direction of fortress which looked like deserted place from outside."I have to kill this people while moving towards fortress hiding behind bushes."and net moment she left the place.

[+47 Courage points! ]

[(300/1000) ]

When she started it her mind lost in deep thoughts and started doubting system's words. But she couldn't do anything other than following it, knowing everything that happened, how weak humans were there was no other way to oppose what's happening here.Thus, she decided to go with flow.

After going further she came across many dead bodies and seeing the people she was surprised.

There were different kinds of dead people. Some had pointed ears, some were normal humans, some had cat ears and many different types of people.

"It's really fantasy world, but no slice of life" she sighed when she managed to see there races by system.

[Human Level 18]

[Elf Level 19]

[Human Level 11]

[Beastkin Level 12]

[Dark elf Level 21]

[Congratulations! You have killed 10 people:you are now able to see life energy inside other people's body]

After getting this message Kaguya felt jolt of pain in her eyes and next moment her vision darkened for some time and she gritted her teeth, not to scream loudly.

Some time passed and she opened her eyes. After getting message she looked at the half dead people.

System explained about her healer's authority skill one.

[Healer's authority : skill one : can show life energy in ones body][Healer's eye of life detection]

System showed her how to recognise it.

When there is white flame inside body then the person is fine.

Those people who have nothing they are dead and those who have dark flames are close to their end.

She looked at the people in the surrounding and questioned, "weren't they memories of past why do they have life in this time? " she said as she thought she would became a killer if they were real people.