
My catastrophically sweet soul summons.

Millions of people were summoned to clear trials of world,but why? it was still a mystery. Along with millions, Ren our mc was also summoned in that hell like world. Join his journey, to get answer of why? to see what he do, to see what his destiny chosen him to be at. What relationships will he make.What he gain what he lose. From weak normal human to advanced super human. Will this journey last long or die in mid.[Warning: Content have many killing scenes] _ Travelling worlds with his.... DISCORD: Omkar_M#2388 https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW _ _ _ [chapter length : 1000+ words] .................................... this work is participating in contest.

Omkar_M_7463 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Ch:8. Grimey zero

Ren's POV:

After exploring the small cave Ren decided to exit the cave.

"I will come here after searching surroundings" he said and left the cave.

He rearranged the tree branches properly hiding the cave and walked up to the hill.

The hill had very less number of trees and the hill was covered in small green grass.

When he looked from top of the hill he mapped every location in his sight into his brain.

As he was getting hungry he decided to find something to eat. He had good source of water but no food.

He left a mark behind by putting stones and stick vertical as he entered forest behind the hill.

If he get lost he could come back here following the mark.

As he walked further he kept on making same marks after moving some distance.

When he moved deep inside the forest he looked in every direction cautiously and walked slowly.

As he was experienced in hiking he knew that unexplored forests could be dangerous.

So he was paying attention on ground and trees and moving forward holding a stick in his hand.

As he was walking through the trees he came across many trees which roots were above ground and each were size of his body.

Almost every tree in the forest were gigantic.

After moving some distance he put up a mark from where grassland were starting.

He decided to avoid going in it as the grass was very tall and if encountered by anything he cant run away in congested area.

'I should maintain some distance from this area, what if something jump on me'he thought.

He put some distance from the tall grass and went in forest again.

He was tired due to hunger so he decided to rest near a tree.

Up until now, no monsters disturbed him.

He looked around in his surrounding and after confirming everything is safe and no one following him he sat down.

"Phew.. "he sighed in relief .

After sitting for sometime he gained some strength to move and decided to move further.

He was getting hungry and sun was going down.

Yes, this arena had a sun. It wasn't real sun but something that made light similar to sun.

It also had sky like real one, but his arena was small and boundaries were visible.

When Ren reached backside of the arena which was close from cave, he found the boundaries of the arena which was coverd by something which looked like a big bubble.

When he peeked from it he saw nothing but empty space.

He decided to return back and while returning he found a tree which had fruits similar to berry apple.

He decided to pick them up. There were atleast 10 apples. So he decided to take all.

He plucked a leaf of nearby tree which was size of banana tree leaf. He put all apples and folded them and went back to the cave.

He was not sure that the apples were safe so he decided to go inside the cave .

He directly went to the fourth section and sat on a rock which was close to pond.

He picked a apple and slowly put it in front of a Demon slime.The slime didn't eat it nor came to close to it.

Ren wasnt sure that slime had senses or not.

He took the apple back and put it in front of green slime.

Thr green slime without waiting ate it.

[You Have fed Grepple to A Green Slime]

[Affection +100]

Ren gave 2 more apples (Grepple) to the same slime.

[Affection +200]

[You have successfully tamed Green Slime Level 5]

As he saw the message,he was surprised because of how easily slime was tamed.

Well,taming was not on his mind while giving the apple to the slime.

'okay... nice, I got a slime pet. 'he thought.

'I don't know if this fruit is safe for humans, but my hunger can't keep me away from eating it. 'he took a fruit washed it in the water and took the first bite.

Suprisingly, It's taste was similar to apple.He quickly finished three of these fruits and packed remaining four apples in the leaf. and made a bag like shape with the help of fibres of the leaf which he collected in his inventory while returning.

He put it on his back and moved out of the cave after resting for some time.

When he went outside the cave it was already dark.He saw light in the village but he didn't stay outside for long,He checked if cave was properly hidden and returned back to the cave.

While returning from the forest during day,he picked up some tree leaves and wood which he stacked inside the first section of the cave.It wasn't dry wood.

He picked up the wood and moved it to second section which was empty.

He didn't touch any slimes there as he was not sure if they were friendly, especially slimes which had "Demon" in their name.

His pet slime just followed him.

When Ren tried to speak with it, he couldn't communicate with it. The slime was sticky green colour but when Ren touched it he didn't feel any sticky substance on the slime.

The slime twisted itself like a snake and crawled up from his hand.

Ren didn't throw it or fear it because, due to taming he could feel that his pet was happy and trying to become close to his master.

"Hmm, magic sure is interesting, taming and all"he spoke appreciating magic.

He pet his slime and took it on his hand. His pet was palm sized and was light weighted.

The slime started acting like a cat but without making any sound.

[Affection +200]

[Please name your tamed Slime]

As the message appeared, Ren starting thinking names for his slime.

It was green slime so he named it "Grimey."

Why? because when he was thinking of names he saw many green slimes in the cave, so he thought of taming all when he had time and if he named them specially then it would be hassle and every slime looked similar.

So he decided to name his first slime as "Grimey zero. "

[Name:Grimey Zero has been registered]

[Affection +500]




Name:Grimey zero (genderless)

Race:Green slime

Level :5

Skill:Poison semi-fluid.

Title: Master's Loyal first pet.

Owner:Ren Snow.



After naming his slime he put it down and picked some rocks close by and put it side of him. He pulled the wooden log and placed it little far away from stones.

Then he put leaves on ground and rested his head on the wooden log.

And without expecting anything from his pet he said"please keep an eye on other slimes and dont let them come close to me"

The pet slime bounced and rubbed itself on Ren's cheeks and moved on the rocks.

Ren gave a small smile and closed his eyes and put the big leaf on his body and went to sleep as he was totally exhausted.